WebNovelThe FAITH72.00%

Chapter 36: Follow

The Herald's threat wasn't an empty one. The next day, when Luke went out to buy groceries, he felt someone watching him, and saw a man from The Faith surreptitiously following him through the store. On the way up the stairs to his apartment, Luke saw the same man in his peripheral vision lingering on the sidewalk. That night at Eventide, several members of The Faith, poorly shrouded in ball caps, sunglasses, and dark clothing cycled through during his shift.

Luke spent the entirety of his shift internally begging Abel not to come in. Luckily, he didn't.

By the time he was walking home at the end of the night, Luke felt more annoyed with the guys tailing him than he felt nervous about it. He was so tempted to acknowledge one of them, but he didn't want to hear the Herald's reprimands about it.

After the second night of The Faith tailing him, Luke's strong resolve to stay solitary cracked. Lying in bed, his entire body covered by his blanket, he got out his phone to text "Unknown."