Chapter 12: High School

The first day of school came all too soon for Parker. She had spent every day of the remainder of her summer with Damien, and she felt like they were getting much closer. He was still always so gentlemanly and sweet, but he had made every summer day worthwhile for her.

Damien even showed up on her front porch with his Camaro to take her to school. She was nervous, and it was obvious to Damien.

“Something wrong?” he asked. Parker shrugged, sliding into the passenger seat. The soft leather was smooth against her bare legs. It was still warm enough that she could get away with wearing shorts.

“High school has been hard for me,” Parker admitted.

“Well, it won’t be so lonely for you this year,” Damien said, pulling away from the curb. Parker nodded.

“I know,” she said. “I’m really happy that I’ll have you and Lucien there.” Damien’s features shifted for just a moment when Parker mentioned Lucien’s name, but then he was smiling at her again.