Chapter 26: The Surprises Keep Coming

The complex Nick turned into had seen better days. Old brick buildings looked a few good hits from crumbling to pieces, and the bushes and gardens around them were overgrown and neglected.

Nick had waved to a man in a guard house when they entered, and drove slowly down narrow, unmarked roads.

“You come here a lot?” Sean asked.

“Yeah, once a week at least,” Nick said. “Like I said, I’m Tyler’s main outside support.”

Sean nodded. “And where are we, exactly?”

“You didn’t see the—oh, right, the sign blew away in the last big storm. We’re at the Bennett Psychiatric Hospital.”

Sean’s jaw dropped. “Has Tyler been here this whole time?” Tyler’s big breakdown had been sixteen years ago. He couldn’t imagine being locked up in a psych ward for so long.

“Yep. He probably could have been released years ago, but Dad pays off the doctors so he can keep Tyler out of sight.”