This Burst Rate Is..... Too Cool!

10 points of magic power, according to the 1.5 times the damage result of the mage, Ye Yang can now directly deal 15 points of damage.

The wild boar only has 10 health points and can be killed directly!



The fire flashed, and another wild boar fell to the ground.

[Ding, you gain experience X5. ]

[Ding, you got pork X1. ]

[Ding, you got Iron Sword X1. ]

Ye Yang's luck this time wasn't too good, it was an iron sword, not a staff.

But it doesn't matter, he now has the weapon he needs.

Selling this whiteboard weapon to others is also an income.

At this stage, "World Domination " has just launched. With a very low burst rate of 1 in 10,000, a novice weapon, even if it does not cost thousands, will cost at least three to four hundred gold coins.

Three or four hundred gold coins, if you change into RMB, that would be three or four hundred yuan.

Swinging a fireball at random, within a few seconds, there will be three or four hundred quick incomes. If other people see it, wouldn't they be envious?




Without hesitation, Ye Yang stood in place, unleashing this fireball technique infinitely to those wild boars raging on the crops!

The wild boar fell to the ground one after another, dozens of novice weapons floated in the air, shining with the light of the 1-hour prop protection mechanism.

[Ding, you got Iron Sword X1. ]

[Ding, you got the staff X1. ]

[Ding, you got the dagger X1. ]

[Ding, you got...]

After eagerly picking up the novice equipment on the ground, Ye Yang realized that he had overfulfilled the first novice task.

[Task progress: kill the wild boar 31/10]

[Task Status: Completed. ]

The 100% burst rate is really cool!

After a long time, Ye Yang realized that he had killed more than 30 wild boars.

If it weren't for the 50-square backpack that was almost full, Ye Yang might have been able to kill 50 wild boars without feeling...

"It's time to hand in the task. By the way, clean up these weapons. I'm afraid it will cost tens of thousands of gold coins?"

31 wild boars, 31 weapons were exploded by Ye Yang.

There are other scattered pork materials.

More than that, a wild boar's 5 points of experience has already made Ye Yang rise from level 0 to level 2.




[Free attribute]10



Another fireball was thrown out, and Ye Yang gained 5 points of experience again.

But the wild boar has made Ye Yang feel boring, and now he can try the advanced monster.

However, you still have to use the 10 free attributes you have now, and then you will have to deal with your backpack, which is useless to you.

Not much to say, Ye Yang directly added all the magic power.

At this time, Ye Yang's attributes had changed drastically.




[Status]- Life 120, Mana 250

[Attribute]- Strength 7, Magic 22, Constitution 7, Agility 7

[Weapon]-Wooden staff


[Talent] -Absolute chance


A little physique adds 10 points of life, and a little magic adds 10 points of mana. Every time you upgrade, each attribute will increase a little.

10 points of free attributes are all added to the [magic] attribute, and the novice weapon also has a 5 point increase in [magic] attribute, so that his [magic] attribute directly reaches 22 points.

The high amount of [Magic ] made Ye Yang's mana value far exceed twice his life value.

But in this way, as a spellcaster, he doesn't have to worry about lack of blue.

On the contrary, it is an archer. If you do not add magic , the mana will be extremely low. With magic added, the spell damage is useless for the archer, so it becomes extremely tasteless...


"Does anyone know where to take the novice mission? Why didn't I find it on the official website?"

"I have many years of experience in online games, specializing in fighters, able to resist and fight, and I want a professional team!"

"Begging a great little brother to take me, chat and post photos in private."

"300 gold for novice weapons, 200 gold for novice equipment, as much as you want!!"

"Will anyone give me..."


As soon as he returned to Xinshou Village, Ye Yang saw the excitement of Map Channel again.

But he did find a useful information.

The businessman who bought novice weapons and equipment just now is still talking!

The level is still level 1, which shows that he did not go out to fight monsters at all.

But these have nothing to do with Ye Yang, he now has 31 useless weapons.

Just before handing in the novice mission, all these things in the backpack can be sold.

and many more!

Ye Yang suddenly thought of something.

Now when novice weapons and equipment are in hot demand, if you buy them directly, wouldn't it be a loss?

Moreover, now not only those merchants are collecting, but scattered players also need weapons to arm themselves, and even those big guilds will collect them at a high price!

Thinking of this, Ye Yang ticked the corner of his mouth and set up a booth directly on the ground.

"A lot of novice weapons for all classes, 350 gold coins,..."

Ye Yang only shouted once on the map channel.

"A lot of weapons? What's a joke?"

"The burst rate of "Masters of the World" is so low that it only takes a few minutes to start serving.

"It doesn't matter, go and see first."


Sure enough, the phrase "a large number of weapons" did attract many people to visit Ye Yang's booth.

"Fuck, more than 30 weapons, and there are soldiers!"

"Damn, I still carry the 1-point strength dagger given by default. 350 gold coins are not expensive. I bought it."

"Too envious, this stall is almost 10,000 yuan?"

"Yeah...Envy +1."

"Friend, 350 gold coins are a bit expensive? How about 300 gold coins?"


There were so many people around Ye Yang, among them, there were many merchants who wanted to talk about prices.

"350 gold coins are not expensive, right? I have sold several weapons. If the price is changed now, don't you make me look down upon by others?"

Ye Yang shrugged.

Just kidding, although novice weapons do not last long, 350 gold coins are really not expensive, okay?

Besides, how could Ye Yang not know how much he would have to sell after receiving 300 gold coins and turning his head.

The price was 300, and the game nickname was Bai Yuyue, businessman gritted his teeth.

Ye Yang was right. After only a minute or two of setting up the stall, there were already six or seven weapons missing.