Clean Up Groceries, Earn Over 10,000 In Half An Hour!

Bai Yuyue bit her lower lip tangledly.

A weapon costs more than 50 gold coins, and more than 20 pieces are worth more than 1,000 gold coins.

But there is no way, who makes Ye Yang more goods...

Moreover, she did not buy it for herself, but for the people of the guild.

[Bai Yuhe] The guild is where she is.

The president gave her 100,000 gold coins and asked her to collect as many novice weapons and equipment as possible.

But she shouted in Xinshou Village for almost half an hour,

There were 23 weapons left on Ye Yang's stall.

If you buy them all and arm your own guild as soon as possible, you will be able to improve your own strength faster and suppress other guilds!

Angrily stomped her feet, and she couldn't help it.

Time... is experience and level!

"Well, 350 gold coins are 350 gold coins. I want all the 23 weapons left in your stall."

"Oh, thank you. I didn't expect you to give out 700 gold coins. Thank you so much!" Ye Yang said with a smile. He did not agree to sell directly, but said such inexplicable words.

"700 gold coins?! What are you kidding?"

Bai Yuyue was also in a hurry. When did he say that he would release 700 gold coins as a weapon?

"I didn't joking with you, you said it yourself." Ye Yang smiled slightly, "What you just said, 350 gold coins are 350 gold coins, right?"

"Hmm...Yes, what's the matter?" Bai Yuyue thought slightly, nodding.

"Isn't that right, these 350 gold coins are just 350 gold coins, isn't it 700 gold coins?" Ye Yang smirked.

"Puff! How can you do this!" Bai Yu began to stomping again angrily.

Ye Yang also started to be a little strange.

Why is Bai Yuyue such a mother? Is it a woman?

However, she was wearing a rookie armor, and the initial rookie suit did not distinguish between men and women, so she could not tell from her size.

But her game name and the two big eyes that came out of her helmet are quite spiritual...

"Forget it!" Bai Yuyue bit her silver teeth, "700 gold coins...!"

Just when she wanted to say the following, she stopped her mouth directly.

Damn, I almost missed the word and it became 1,400 gold coins.

"Okay, I promise you 700 gold coins, but I have one condition." Bai Yuyue said.

"Let's talk." Ye Yang shrugged indifferently.

"Where did you get these equipment? You have to tell me." Bai Yuyue asked.

"Come on?" Ye Yang was a little surprised, "All of me burst out, I'm not like you, I don't want to be a businessman."

"It burst out?!"

Bai Yuyue was a little shocked.

What's a joke? You broke out more than 30 pieces of equipment after half an hour after opening the service.

Moreover, in this half an hour, he still chatted with himself for ten minutes!

"Just don't believe it, I have to hand in the task, goodbye." Ye Yang didn't bother to pay attention to her, and walked straight to the task NPC.


Bai Yuyue hurriedly chased up, "Okay, I believe you once, just as if you are explosive, then can you promise me, and the equipment that bursts out in the future will sell me? If you agree, I will give you 700 gold coins. I bought the rest of the equipment."

Ye Yang thought slightly, "Okay, I sell it to anyone."

Indeed... he sells it to anyone, and Bai Yuyue can still have a high price, why not do it?


After speaking, Bai Yuyue sent a transaction application to Ye Yang.

Ye Yang put all of her equipment on, Bai Yuyue did not break her promise, 24 weapons, one 700, a total of 16,800 gold coins, she directly put 17,000 on it.

[Ding, you have successfully traded with player Bai Yuyue! ]

[You lost Iron Sword X8. ]

[You lost the dagger X3. ]

[You lost the wooden bow X6. ]


[You have obtained gold coins X17000. ]

"Thank you."

Seeing his account information, Ye Yang was happy.

Bai Yuyue also took more than twenty weapons and went to find his president, Bai Yufu.

"President, look."

After opening the private chat window with Bai Yufu, Bai Yuyue directly took over 20 weapons that he had just collected.

"Wow, is this true?" Bai Yufu was a little bit disbelieved, staring at the weapon attributes in the private chat window with two big eyes.

Undoubtedly, these more than twenty weapons are all real!

It's amazing, she can actually receive so much equipment in such a short time, and all of them are the most important weapons!

"Of course it is true." Bai Yuyue's small face fluttered with pride, but the fire was extinguished in an instant, "But... it just cost a little more money and was blacked out by a black-hearted businessman, asking me to get 700 gold coins. arms."

"It's okay, it's okay." Bai Yufu shook his head repeatedly.

At this stage, being able to receive weapons is already great news. Bai Yuyue can receive so many weapons, it is simply a miracle.

Not to mention 700 gold coins, even if it is 1000 gold coins, she is willing!

Now the sisters of your own guild can upgrade their level faster!

"By the way, that businessman, have you added his friend?" Bai Yufu asked suddenly.

"Hehe, Sister President, I know what you think. I have already agreed with him that he will sell his equipment to us in the future... Well, if he still has such a good character."

Bai Yuyue secretly smiled.

"Just you naughty." Bai Yufu cursed with a smile, but he didn't mean to blame.

The members of Bai Yuge's guild are all girls.

Compared with the men who are naturally talented in online games, their girls' strategy process is naturally slower than other guilds.

For example, on the guild rankings, the seventh-ranked [Juxianzhuang] guild crushed them.

They are only ranked eighth, so only by desperately spending money can they quickly improve their strength and protect the sisters from being suppressed by high-ranking guilds such as [Juxianzhuang].

If there is such a large and stable supplier, even if she really spends 1,000 gold coins on a weapon, she is willing!