Female Archers with a Friendship Degree of +100

[Gathering herbs...]


[Successful collection, obtain herb X1, experience X20. ]


Came near Xinshou Village.

In less than ten minutes, Ye Yang had already collected eight herbs.

Just two, you can complete the task.

I have to say that the collection task is indeed much easier than killing monsters.

Although the mage may have a relatively shallow experience, especially the melee profession, compared to the monster's dealings, he is definitely willing to do collection tasks.

Not only does it cost no blood, but also gains the same experience as monsters of the same level.

It's just that... the herbs and other items are still far fewer than monsters, and when you find them, they are not as focused as monsters.

[Gathering herbs...]


Ye Yang still collected the ninth herbal medicine with no distraction.

But when he was about to finish, from behind him, he suddenly heard a nice female voice.

"Um... great, hello God..."

Standing behind Ye Yang, a female archer wearing an initial tight leather armor said with some twist.

"What happened?"

When the ninth herb was collected successfully, Ye Yang stood up and asked.

However, seeing this female archer, Ye Yang inadvertently looked at her.

Her long black hair is waist-long, like a waterfall draped behind her, fluttering in the wind, a tight leather armor is wrapped around her body, highlighting her perfect figure.

It may be in this era of brushing the face, this looks feminine, with a hint of dexterous female archer with a +100 aura of goodwill.

The character image of "World Domination" is almost 100% close to reality. Regarding this, Ye Yang had experienced it firsthand when he first established the character. However, you can also modify it deliberately.

Hmm... Generally, if you are a girl, you might modify the unsatisfactory part of your figure?

Ye Yang thought this way.

"Um... can I ask you a favor and kill a wild boar for me!"

Just after speaking, the female archer bent down shyly, like a request.

"Wild boar?"

Ye Yang's eyes couldn't help but turn to the cropland not far away.

Some of the level 1 wild boars that ravaged the crops have turned into white light, and some are still doing what they want.

With a light smile, Ye Yang didn't hesitate too much.

It's just a matter of hand, being able to help such a beautiful girl is also the responsibility of a man.

Besides... it's just a wild boar, to Ye Yang, it's just a matter of waving a staff.

As for the consumption of magic, it is not even consumption.

As long as the mana is out of the attack state, it can recover 5 points per minute.

That is to say, after fighting these wild boars, he will collect herbs and then turn in the task to restore all the lost mana.

In addition, Ye Yang actually had a little selfishness of his own.

"World Domination" is different from other general large-scale online games. It is a super-real online game that spreads all over the world.

Not only in the Huaxia region, but in the entire world, from the nobles and the common people, there are huge numbers of people coming into it.

The 100 million game pods prepared for "World Domination" were sold out in less than half a month, which is the best explanation!

If you can pretend to be compared in this game, that's the real pretend to be!

So... Ye Yang came here to test the effect of Burst Fireball's newly upgraded skill. For more reasons, he still wanted to silently pretend to be compared and satisfy his vanity.

Man, why are you working so hard for? Isn't it just to pretend? !

What's more, being able to pretend to be in front of a beautiful girl, he will not give up this great opportunity for nothing.

But having said that, this female archer was able to find Ye Yang for no reason.

Because, except for Ye Yang, everyone around her is busy killing monsters, or grouping groups to strangle wild boars, or gathering a dozen people to form a team to attack the mad dog.

Only Ye Yang is alone, gathering herbs here quietly...

Intuitively, no matter that girl, she will inexplicably give birth to a good feeling for this kind of man.

What's more, the other people are still wearing initial clothes and weapons similar to hers, but Ye Yang is the only one who wears different equipment from the others.

Strong people always have extraordinary attractiveness, this is the eternal truth.

After thinking about it for a long time, and also in order to complete this wild boar mission, the female archer decided to step forward and talk to Ye Yang.

[Burst Fireball]


-88, -87, -90, -89, -88

After forming the team, Ye Yang directly slammed a burst of fireball, bombing the cropland.

Suddenly, at least a dozen wild boars lay on the ground at the same time, turning into the experience points of Ye Yang and the female archer.

However, I don't know why, the dozen or so wild boars that Ye Yang shot in this time didn't even burst out a piece of equipment?

Is it because of the team?

Ye Yang didn't think too much, because the damage caused by his bursting fireball almost frightened the other players who were still fighting monsters in the cropland.

"Fuck me, scared me to death, who is this Nima, hurt so much?"

"MMP, fortunately I have nearly 200 blood, or I would almost die."

"Oh my god, I have just been rubbed by a wild boar to 80 points of blood, and I died before I got it."


The players complained, Ye Yang smiled awkwardly, then turned his head and said to the female archer: "Well, I remember the novice mission has only 10 wild boars, right? This is all done."

"Huh? What do you think?"

Ye Yang found that this female archer was still looking at the cropland that he had bombed just now, helplessly, he could only scream again.

"Uh...huh? Thanks, thank you God!"

The female archer bowed repeatedly, blinking apologetically, and apologized to Ye Yang.

"These are my only ten gold coins... I don't know if they are enough, God, please accept them."

While talking, she took out the 10 initial gold coins that Chuanghao brought from her backpack and gave them to Ye Yang.

After taking a look, Ye Yang refused, "I don't need it anymore. You can keep buying some potions for yourself. I will continue to do the task."

After all, Ye Yang did not continue to care for her, but continued to search for the next herb.

"Great God, then you must add me as a friend. If there is a need for me next time, I will try my best to help you!"

The female archer's small face was tight, and she could see that she was very determined. She helped him with this novice task, as if she owed Ye Yang a favor.

Moreover, she also sent a friend application to Ye Yang.

"Okay." Ye Yang shrugged and joked, "I will definitely find you if I need it next time."


The female archer nodded vigorously, and her long black hair swayed with her little head.

[Ding, you agree to the friend application of "Half Day Early Summer". ]

Seeing the name of the female archer, Ye Yang smiled lightly.

The name is pretty girly.

Without thinking about her name too much, Ye Yang found the last herb.

[Gathering herbs...]


[Successful collection, obtain herb X1, experience X20. ]