Invitation with a monthly salary of 200,000 yuan

After collecting 10 herbs, his task was completely completed.

Ye Yang quickly forgot the episode of the female archer.

At this time, his experience has reached 1600 points, which is only 400 points away from the upper limit of 2000 experience.

With the props needed for the task, Ye Yang found the man sitting on the wooden stake in Novice Village.

"Oh, my friend!"

The man sitting on the stake was holding the dog skin and medicinal herbs sent by Ye Yang, his face was excited.

"You actually brought these things back. Thank you so much. This is a reward for you. Please accept it!"

[Ding! You have gained X800 experience points. ]

[Ding, you got X100 gold coins. ]


The moment after receiving the task reward, a golden light shone and Ye Yang rose to level 5!

As before, he instilled 5 points of attribute value into [Magic] again.

Moreover, there is also a green pine rod that can be equipped, and the flame art can also be learned.

The increase in level this time brings to Ye Yang is not just an increase in upgrade!


[Status] Life 280, Magic 560

[Attribute] Strength 10, Magic Power 53 (+20%), Constitution 13, Agility 10

The green pine wand has 13 points of magic power, which is 8 points higher than the previous wooden rod. The upgrade automatically gives 1 point of inherent magic power and 5 points of free attributes, so that Ye Yang originally only had 39 points of magic attribute, directly climbed to 53 points!

Although the 20% magic power increased by the Flame Art will not directly calculate the panel attributes, if it is calculated, Ye Yang's magic power can even directly hit 64 points!

In other words, if the current Ye Yang uses the bursting fireball again to hit an undefended wild boar, his damage can directly break 100 points, floating between 140 points!

Compared with the previous damage of less than 100 points, it is directly increased by half!

Because of this, his mana value has reached 560 points exaggeratedly.

Next, it is natural to deal with the many equipment and skill books in his hand.

The player's initial backpack is only 50 squares. If Ye Yang's current equipment and skill books are counted together, there are more than 60 pieces.

The more than a dozen pieces are in the player's "temporary backpack".

Once it is not processed, all the things in the temporary backpack will disappear after being offline and online again.

"Eldest sister, even if I beg you, just tell me where the beacon **** is, OK?"

"I've told you it several times, I really don't know. He just told me that the equipment will be sold to me in the future. Besides, why should I tell you where he is?"

"If I don't inquire about something, the president of our Juxianzhuang Guild will kick me out of the guild."

"Hmph, what's the matter with me? You Juxianzhuang always fight against our Baiyu Pavilion. I just know it and I won't tell you."


Just when Ye Yang was going to find Bai Yuyue to sell his equipment skills, some quarrels occurred not far from him.

Ye Yang didn't want to manage it originally.

The game has just started, and some big guilds will fight for some leveling areas and cause friction.


Ye Yang heard his name, and the reason for the argument seemed to be because someone wanted to find him?

With a little doubt, Ye Yang walked towards them.

"Huh? Bai Yuyue, it was you?" Walking to the female player's side, Ye Yang found that she was the person he was looking for.

It saves trouble now.

"The Great God of Flames?!"

Seeing Ye Yang, Bai Yuyue's eyes lit up suddenly, as if a group of pirates saw the treasure, with golden light in their eyes.

"This time... are you here to sell my equipment?" Bai Yuyue asked intimately.

"Of course." Ye Yang nodded, "But what were you arguing just now? I sounded like looking for me?"

"Don't pay attention to him." Bai Yuyue pursed her mouth, a little unhappy, "He is from Juxianzhuang, we Bai Yuge can't get along with them."

"Besides, he must also know that you have a good character and can often explode equipment, so he came to you." Bai Yuyue gave the man angrily again, "Don't even think about it, he must be with us Bai Yuge grabs the equipment."

"Oh." Ye Yang smiled faintly, "Since I promised you, I will definitely not break my promise."

"Thank you God of Fire!" Bai Yuyue smiled sweetly, "You really are a credible person."

"of course."

As soon as Ye Yang finished speaking, he felt a stunned look.

"Fenghuo, Fenghuo? You are the God of the beacon?!" The warrior player named "North Sea King" of the Juxianzhuang Guild had his eyes wide open, and he looked up and down at the mage who had just appeared in front of him.

"Why, doesn't it look like it?" Ye Yang said calmly.

Although Bai Yuge and Juxianzhuang had an antagonism, Ye Yang was not a member of Bai Yuge, so his feeling towards the North Sea King was just average.

At level 3, he holds a level 1 novice weapon in his hand and wears an initial armor.

It can be seen that he is slightly stronger than ordinary players.

After all, ordinary people now generally still carry their original weapons and equipment, while the North Sea King already carries novice weapons.

"It's really easy!" North Sea King sighed, " God of the beacon, I heard that you have a good character and can explode a lot of equipment. Our chairman of Juxianzhuang said, as long as you can join Our guild will give you at least 200,000 salary every month."

The monthly salary is 200,000, which is at least more than 2 million a year.

This indeed sounds like an attractive post.

But Ye Yang wasn't very interested, he hadn't joined the guild yet, or had any idea of ​​creating a guild.

What's more, 200,000 a month? Ye Yang has already made 17,000 after playing games for less than two hours. If he adds the goods he currently holds, if he sells it, it will add up to at least 60,000 to 70,000.

This is less than two hours.

If this day comes down, I'm afraid it will exceed the standard of 200,000 yuan of monthly salary offered by Juxianzhuang, right?

On the side, Bai Yuyue almost got angry when he heard Beihaiwang want to dig people so directly!

"North Sea King, what do you mean? You think we can't afford this 20 in Bai Yu Pavilion, right?" Before Ye Yang started, Bai Yuyue stood in front of him, angrily.

"It doesn't matter to you, right?"

"Okay, okay, don't talk about it anymore." Ye Yang pushed away Bai Yuyue who was in front of him, "Sorry, friend. I really don't have the idea of ​​joining the guild now, because I prefer to play by myself."