WebNovelFREE LOVE33.33%


Their short journey to the mall lasted for about forty minutes and they finally reached their destination. When Diana parked the car in the parking lot, little Wendy was the first to step out of the car, followed by Diana and Mary.

As soon as Mary stepped down from the car, she spread out her arms wide.

"Ahhh.....this is so refreshing! she exclaimed, inhaling that mall scent.

Her hazel eyes shone bright with excitement and bliss. She observed the people around. There were a lot of people at the mall today. Although Mary had been to the mall several times before, she didn't seem to get bored with coming here over and over again. It was one of her favorite places to be, she loved to see so many different people here,...that feeling of happiness she felt was simply unshakable. she was always fascinated by the sight. It was clearly written all over her face that, she was just as euphoric to be here as little Wendy was. Diana just shook her head in amazement.

"C'mon girls, let's go get what we came here for before you girls change your mind and make this place your second home."Diana blurted out smiling.

Little Wendy and Mary chuckled lightly at Diana's sarcastic remark and the trio then started walking, headed for the shops that sold clothes and accessories.

They got into one of the shops and were approached by a beautiful young lady who had her hair tied neatly in a bun, the wide smile she had on her face contributed immensely to her beauty and she looked so friendly and welcoming. It was quite obvious that she was one of the shop assistants looking at her matching clothes with her other colleagues. It wasn't surprising that they had the most customers compared to the other shops, no one would be able to resist such beauties.

She slowly approached the trio, her wide smile still intact.

"What may I help you, ladies, with"

"Umm.. we're trying to find some nice outfits for the lady over here" Diana was the one to speak looking at little Wendy. The shop lady followed Diana's line of sight and her eyes fell on a cute-looking girl.

"It's her birthday tomorrow" Mary chipped in.

"Awwn.... aren't you cute?! the shop lady bent over a little to meet Wendy's height and pinched her cheeks lightly."Happy Birthday in advance cutie" she wished her.

"Th... Thank you" little Wendy giggled.

"Now come let's find you a pretty dress, shall we." and she led them to a section on the right side of the shop which had clothes of little children Wendy's age.

she rummaged through some of the clothes and brought out a stunning-looking dress. It was a pink V-neck gown. The dress shone brightly with all those diamond-looking crystals on them making the dress sparkle under the lights in the shop. There were intricate designs of pink roses and butterflies woven at the bottom of the gown. It was simply breathtaking.

Little Wendy couldn't wait to try it on.

The shop assistant led them to the changing room where Diana went into one of the rooms with little Wendy to try the dress while Mary waited for them in the shop, looking at some of the clothes that would catch her eye. The shop assistant drew closer to Mary.

"what about you? pretty girl, wanna try out some clothes?"

"Sure" Mary replied with enthusiasm and they moved on to another section.

The pretty shop lady went behind a small partition that was made at the end where they were standing, she emerged out in a matter of seconds carrying a box in her hands. When she neared Mary, she opened the box and what met Mary's eyes made her speechless.

Her widened eyes glinted with both surprise and wonderment. she was utterly awestruck by the sight of the dress in the box. The shop lady removed the dress from the box and held it out in front of her.