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Mary was completely marveled by the sight of this elegant evening wear sparkling from the clear crystals that covered it. The crystals looked like little stars that shone brightly. It was a sleek off-shoulder silver evening dress. The most beautiful dress Mary had ever seen in her entire life.

The shop lady brought out a pair of glass heels that matched the dress.

Mary just couldn't believe her own eyes, it was as if her mind was playing tricks on her. Was this real?? The thoughts were just running in her mind like a broken dam.

It was quite clear that such clothes were only kept for the elite, people who could afford it."Why was this lady giving her such a gorgeous dress."Mary could only ask in her head. She didn't look like a rich girl right now with just her casual jeans and lemon green top going with her sneakers. Her Sisters didn't look that elegant either, so what gave them away??

When the shop lady realized that they were drawing attention to themselves, she quickly folded the dress and placed it back in the box. she pushed it into Mary's hands and asked her to go try it out.

But before Mary could enter one of changing rooms, Diana and little Wendy came out. Mary was left speechless for the second time since they entered this shop. It looked as if, the dresses were perfectly made for them.

"Gosh! little Wendy was looking stunning." she thought in her mind.

She looked like a little angel with her bright eyes and smooth skin.

The shop assistant was quite pleased with what she saw, she ushered Mary into the changing room to try hers too.

After a few minutes, Mary came out of the room.

Diana, Wendy, and the shop assistant could only gasp at what they saw,- their jaws dropped.

Diana's lips parted but no words came out. She was dumbfounded along with the others.

Mary looked extremely breathtaking, they couldn't take their eyes off her.

The shop assistant knew this was a very beautiful dress but what she saw right now exceeded her expectations.

As the trio stood admiring Mary in that beautiful dress, other people's attention was drawn to the young lady in the elegant dress.

"People are watching"Mary's voice jolted them back to the present. The shop assistant noticing some of the women ogling Mary pushed her into the changing room and asked her to change quickly.

Diana also went into one of the rooms and helped little Wendy out of her dress.

They all came out after changing back into the regular clothes they came here with.

The shop assistant helped Diana choose some nice clothes for herself too.

They were all content with the clothes they had got today and it was all possible thanks to the shop assistant.

"The dresses are simply amazing...Thank you, Miss....??Diana trailed off.

"Vivian," the shop assistant told them her name.

"We're so impressed by you, Miss Vivian, without your assistance, we wouldn't have got these pretty outfits. Thanks so much"Diana stated feeling very grateful.

"My pleasure," Vivian said with a smile. she waved at them and went to attend to other customers.

Mary wondered why she treated them so special, maybe that's how she treated all her customers...but she still had this feeling that it was just them because she was quite sure that other ladies might have come to buy outfits here but it was as though she knew they would be coming here today and she saved those outfits for them.

she shrugged off that feeling and she was back to admiring the dress in the box. Diana and little Wendy got some matching shoes for their dresses and the three moved to the counter to make payments.

Mary excused herself and headed to the restroom outside the shop.

On her way to the restroom, she was still thinking about that awesome-looking dress that she didn't realize when she bumped into someone.