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When it was around 8:30 am, customers started swarming into the cafe and they got very busy.

Mr.Wilfred noticed that most of his customers today were ladies and it was evident that, it was because of the presence of his two new charming workers.

"I didn't know Mr.Wilfred had such good-looking young men working for him. Gosh, they look so charming. Totally my type." one young lady said to her friend who was sitting at a table on the far right. Her eyes were on the handsome pair.

"I'm pretty sure this will be my next favorite place if those two keep working here," the other girl said and they both laughed softly.

Sylvester walked towards one table at the left which was occupied by three girls who had ordered a mocaccino each.

"Here's your order," he said when he reached the table and placed each glass in front of each of them.

The girls were utterly mesmerized by the allure of the guy serving them, that their focus was not on what they had been served, but he became the spotlight.

"Uh...umm" Sylvester cleared his throat to get their attention on their order when he realized they were gawking at him.

The girls were pulled back to the present with that little action of Sylvester's.

"Um....T..th..thank you." one girl managed to say but her words came out as a stutter.

Sylvester turned his back to leave when he suddenly felt someone's hand wrap around his wrist. He turned to see that one of the girls was holding his wrist.

"Umm... What's your name, pretty boy? she tried to be brave.

Sylvester tilted his head in question and opened his mouth to speak.

"And why do you need my name?" he tried to keep his voice as low as possible so as not to gain others' attention.

"Um..so that...s..so that.." she could not find the right words to say and now looking at the intensity of his azure eyes on her, It seemed as if all the courage she had gathered to speak to this guy, going as far as touching him had vanished into thin air. He looked utterly charming right now but there was a glint of danger lurking behind those eyes. she felt browbeaten and couldn't find her voice anymore. It seemed as though her voice had forsaken her the very moment she needed it the most.

"If you still want to keep those pretty fingers of yours, you better keep them off me," he said in an apathetic tone and the girl quickly retracted her hand from his wrist.

He turned his back and left, unperturbed by the prying eyes of the customers that had witnessed the scene that took place a moment ago and was now aimed at him.

The girl sat there befuddled by what just transpired in that jiffy. she had never felt daunted in such a manner in her entire life. she was mum for a significant amount of time before she recalled something he said,

"Those pretty fingers of yours..." those words kept resonating in her head and that was enough to wipe clean every memory she had of him being extremely rude to her.

she glanced at her fingers and brought her hand to her chest.

"Did you hear that? he called my fingers pretty."

Her friends who heard the words that tumbled out of her mouth were left astounded. They were expecting their friend to be hurt, but there she was excited about the guy saying her hands were pretty.

When Sylvester reached the counter where Emma was, he heard him speak to him.

"That was harsh, man. Remember we're working here. Be kind to customers."

"People should learn to keep their hands to themselves. I don't like people touching me, and just because we're working here doesn't warrant anyone to do things they are not supposed to."

"Sure Bro, but still.."

Sylvester just kept mute and continued with his work.

Some of the ladies came over to the counter where Emmanuel was, with the excuse of procuring something, but in actual fact, they just came to start a conversation with the handsome guy behind the counter. Emmanuel chatted with them politely, flashing his charming smiles in between the chatter every now and then.

One of the girls winked at him before leaving the counter and he could only smile..that mischievous smile.

it was around 3 pm when Sylvester and Emmanuel closed from their part-time job. Mr. Wilfred had congratulated them on a job well done on their first day. They headed towards the car. Robert had come to pick them up.

"I think it is not so bad after all. It was fun."Emma confessed to Sylvester as they made their way home.

"Hmm" Sylvester hummed in approval.

"Looking forward to tomorrow," Emma said enthusiastically and Sylvester just glanced at him before returning his gaze to the road ahead wordless.