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That night, Mr.Wilfred got home late from work.

He entered his house and saw that things were scattered liberally about the living room, broken pieces of flower vases laid all over the floor and his furniture was arranged haphazardly around the room as if someone had done it purposely in search of something.

The room was very quiet giving him an ominous feeling. He did not know why but he had a feeling of foreboding that something was wrong.

His face twisted into a deep frown and he called out to his daughter.

"Abi, are you home?... Hello...Abi?"

He turned worried when the only response he got was silence.

He walked steadily toward the kitchen but when he got there, it was empty.

He went into her room but she wasn't there either.

After a short while, he heard muffled noises coming from the backside and he walked hastily toward the back.

When he got there, his eyes widened like saucers at what he saw.

His daughter was tied up in a wooden chair struggling to wiggle her way out, her mouth was gagged and her face was covered in bruises. When Mr. Wilfred noticed his beautiful daughter's bruised face, rage took over him and he shook vehemently.

"Who did this to you Abigail?" he questioned angrily walking over to her, but before he could take off the piece of cloth covering her mouth, four masked men emerged from behind. They were in black attire and they had dangerous weapons in their possession.

He was shocked to see them and he staggered back a little.

"Look who is here to save their daughter from danger." One of the men who looked like the leader spoke in a sardonic tone.

"Wh...Who...a..are you? Mr. Wilfred stuttered. "And what do you want from my daughter??"

"Let us not discuss who we are right now, but instead what we want from you. I believe you have two handsome gentlemen working for you." the same man stated.

"Yes, what about them?" Mr. Wilfred replied, realizing the people he was talking about.

"Ok, so it's simple. I want you to fire them tomorrow morning and ask them never to step foot in your cafe again. Is that clear?" he said straightforwardly.

"And why should I do that?" Mr.Wilfred questioned with caution.

The man who was talking to Mr.Wilfred came to stand behind his daughter, tilted her head up, and placed a sharp dagger at her neck.

"So that I don't do this." he threatened.

Mr.Wilfred panicked when he saw the knife that was raised to his daughter's neck. He raised his hand toward the man and yelled,

"NO!..please...please don't kill her, I'll do whatever you say. I'll fire them...I'll do anything..please don't harm her." he pleaded with trembling lips.

Great fear for the life of his daughter had dominated the earlier feeling of rage he felt when he saw his daughter in that helpless position.

"That's more like it old man." the man said and removed the dagger from the girl's neck.

Mr.Wilfred's beating heart calmed down a little, but he was still feeling anxious.

"Keep in mind that if you fail to do what has been asked, I won't just put a knife to your daughter's throat, I'll make sure to slice it." the man threatened, a contemptuous smile coming to settle on his face.

Mr.Wilfred nodded his head vigorously and promised he would.

He loved his daughter so much that he couldn't bear to see any harm befall her. She was the only one he had in his life after his wife had passed away.

"And don't even bother informing the police or anyone about this, not even the two gentlemen who work for you, or else you know what's going to happen." the man said strictly and they went away from the house without a single trace as if no one was ever there in the first place.

When Mr.Wilfred saw that they were gone, he run to his daughter and removed the gag from her mouth.

He untied her from the chair and pulled her into a tight hug.

" Oh Abigail my dear, I'm very sorry this happened to you... it's all my fault." he said and broke down in tears." I'm sorry for not coming earlier." he continued apologizing to his daughter.

"Don't blame yourself, dad,... it is not your fault this happened to me."Abigail said to comfort her troubled father.

She knew her father loved her so much and he wouldn't be able to forgive himself if something bad had happened to her.

"Nothing happened to me dad, stop crying...you will make me cry too" she whispered and her eyes misted with unshed tears and she hugged her dad tighter.

"What if those thugs had done something to you while I was away...what would I have done without you...I couldn't possibly forgive myself for it. I would have failed as a father to you." he continued.

"It's alright dad, nothing happened, I promise I'm fine."

Mr.Wilfred released his daughter from his embrace and cupped her face. His heart squeezed at the sight of his daughter's bruised face.

"I'll make sure to protect you with my life...I won't let any harm befall you, okay, my dear," he vowed.

"I know dad" Abi replied and both of them stood up and went into the house.