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"Maryyyy..." someone's loud voice was heard outside her room.

Mary was startled, but she quickly stood up from her desk, knowing to whom that voice belonged and she ran out of her room excitedly to meet the person.

She descended the stairs hastily and slumped into the person's embrace when she neared the person.

Both girls engaged in a tight hug as if it had been ages since they last saw each other with wide smiles plastered on their faces.

"Rylee, I've missed you so much," Mary said when both of them released each other from the bear hug.

"I was gone for only four days and you missed me that much already? I didn't know I was so loved and cherished." Rylee said teasingly, and Mary chuckled lightly.

Rylee Blake and Mary were best friends since childhood. They were very close, almost like siblings, and anyone who didn't know them would immediately think without a doubt that they were actually sisters when they saw them.

They attended the same high school and their parents were good friends too.

Rylee had gone on a four-day trip with her family to Frost-cedel and she was back in town.

She handed a small parcel to Little Wendy who was also present in the living room and said to her,

"I'm sorry I couldn't make it to your birthday party, this is your late birthday present."

Little Wendy took the parcel from Rylee's hand and thanked her.

Both of the girls moved into Mary's room and informed each other about what had happened in their lives for the last four days.

"I had a fabulous time in Frost-cedel, it was so amazing, from the sandy beaches to the waterfall hikes and their mouthwatering foods and amazing culture. It was so overwhelming. I wished you were there with me....we would have had a good time together." Rylee narrated her incredible experience.

Mary was happy for her best friend and she flashed her a wide smile.

"Stop smiling to yourself and tell me about you...what went on in my absence? And remember every single detail." she urged Mary.

A small sigh passed through Mary's lips and she parted her lips to speak.

She told Rylee about everything, from the gorgeous dress to the handsome guy she had bumped into, to the party, down to her dance with Dexter, but she left out the part where she had the scary nightmare.

"Oh my God!, I've surely missed a lot. I can't wait to meet this handsome guy you are talking about. What is his name?"Rylee questioned.

"Unfortunately, I couldn't get his name...and honestly speaking, I don't know where I will meet him again," Mary replied.

Rylee pursed her lips and said,

"Don't worry, I'm sure you guys are going to cross paths again," she assured confidently and Mary just nodded.

The two girls spent the rest of their time chatting with each other and catching up on all they had missed when Rylee was away.

In one big cafe in the middle of the town, two handsome gentlemen stood wondering why their boss had not reported to work yet.

"I'm sure he's caught up with something, that is why he is not yet in, "Emmanuel spoke.

" But Mr.Wilfred is never late to work." one of the shop assistants they had been working with stated causing Sylvester to crease his brow and he spoke,

"The customers are swarming in, we cannot keep them waiting."

And with that, they started attending to their customers one after the other.

Not so long, a grim-looking middle aged man entered the shop, his glasses were held in place on his face as usual except for the worried look that marred his features.

He looked as though something huge was bothering his mind.

Sly noticed the slight change in his all so calm expression and he figured that there was a troubled mind behind that calm mood.

The two female assistants, Jael and Olivia were relieved to see Mr.Wilfred.

Jael approached him and spoke to him,

"We were worried something happened, Mr.Wilfred.You are late to work today and that's very unusual."

"It's nothing, Jael," Mr.Wilfred said wearily and walked past her.

Mr.Wilfred reached Sylvester and Emmanuel who were standing by the counter and spoke to them.

"I need to talk to both of you."

Sylvester simply nodded and both of them went inside with Mr.Wilfred to a small room at the backside.

"Is something the matter?" Emma was the first to speak when they had settled in the room. Mr.Wilfred remained quiet for a short while before he opened his mouth to talk.

"I'm very sorry, but I don't think I can continue working with you gentlemen anymore," he said without beating around the bush.

A look of shock and surprise registered on Emma's face and his mouth formed an 'O'shape.

"Did we perhaps do anything wrong? or is it because of what happened yesterday?" he questioned.

"No, you didn't do anything wrong and it's not about what happened yesterday, I just can't keep working with you."Mr.Wilfred stated.

"But why?" Emma was getting upset.

" I'm really sorry Emmanuel, but I can't tell you why for now."Mr.Wilfred said with difficulty.

Emmanuel couldn't understand why Mr.Wilfred was firing them suddenly without reason and he glanced at Sylvester who sat there calmly.

Sly's facial expression did not change, it was as though he anticipated what Mr.Wilfred was about to say to them and he sat there with a blank expression on his handsome face.

Both Emmanuel and Mr.Wilfred's eyes were on Sly, waiting for him to say something but he just sat there unmoving.


A/N:Hello guys, Check out my newest book 'Finding My Lost Daughter'.If you a fan of mysteries and unexpectedly surprising revelations, this book is the one for you. It's an amazing book that will keep you intrigued and on your toes the whole time. I assure you that you are going to have a fun read. Join the exciting journey and enjoy while you😃 read.

