Who Had She Offended?

Qin Entertainment.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Sister Liu sat on the chair and gulped down a few cups of water. Only then did she suppress the anger in her heart. In the end, she could not hold it in and turned her head to glare at Cheng Chuchu.

"Sister Liu, what are you talking about? I don't understand..."

Cheng Chuchu furrowed her brows innocently. Unfortunately, before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by Sister Liu, "Keep pretending, keep pretending! I want to see how you will turn out in the future!"

As she spoke, Sister Liu took out the reports from the past two days from the terminal and slammed them on the table with a loud thud. She sighed in disappointment and said, "Forget it, take a look for yourself. Look at how your image has been ruined!"

Cheng Chuchu could not help but be stunned when she saw Sister Liu's exceptionally grave expression.

Only then did she reach out to pick up the report on the table.