Too Illogical!

Gene Rank Detection Center.

"Hello, P115 at your service."

Mo Chu and his group had just stepped through the door when the robot beside them that had received the infrared signal hopped over. The calm electronic voice rang out as well.

Mo Chu lowered her head to take a look. The young girl's heart instantly exploded!

Damn... so cute!

Most of the robots Mo Chu had seen before were practical types, and their appearance could not be described as 'good-looking', but the one in front of her now was different!

It was a chubby ball with snow-white fur, and on its round head, a pair of small but lively eyes were particularly eye-catching. It looked like a complete replica of a penguin... The only difference was that it also had two pointy ears, like an elf, which was cute but also a little playful.