An Ran Woke Up


An Ran suddenly woke up from her dream.

She saw the familiar layout of her room at home and gradually regained her consciousness.

She had already been reborn for three days.

In her previous life, she had been deceived by a scumbag, Duan Qun, and had genuinely helped him expand his business empire. However, he had been betraying her and fooling around with her domestic helper…

An Ran's eyes became red, and she dug her fingernails into her palms till traces of blood seeped out from her palms.

Since she had the chance to live a new life, she would make Duan Qun and Tao Ya pay her back twice what they had owed her!

As for the man who had saved her at the fire scene…

Who was he? Why did he save her?

Wave after wave of warmth rushed through An Ran's heart, and questions came to her mind. She closed her palms and muttered softly, "I will find you and repay your kindness."

Some movements suddenly came from downstairs.

An Ran remembered that today was the day Duan Qun came to her house to discuss their marriage with her parents.

She quickly washed up and went downstairs. Her parents had already prepared breakfast for her. "Ranran, come over quickly. These are all your favorite food."

An Ran sniffled and gave each of them a hug.

"Thank you, Mom and Dad."

She had been reborn at a time before everything had happened. She had not married Duan Qun, and her parents had not died. How great.

An Ran's father and mother glanced at each other.

In the past two years, An Ran had had a strained relationship with them for a long time since they had not supported her relationship with Duan Qun. However, ever since An Ran had had a nightmare three days ago, she had become extremely clingy.

They had no idea what she had dreamed.

An Ran grabbed two bites of food and asked casually, "Is Duan Qun still not here?"

Her father replied, "He already came. He said he wanted to make breakfast for you, so he went to the kitchen."

An Ran sneered as she thought to herself, "Making breakfast for me? He probably went inside to see Tao Ya instead. Tao Ya was on duty in the kitchen today."

An Ran put down her chopsticks. "I'll go check on him."

Her father looked at her back and sighed. "Our daughter really can't leave Duan Qun for even a minute."

An Ran walked to the kitchen door, and flirty voices came from inside. There were people kissing while speaking in low voices inside.

"Qun, are you really going to marry An Ran?"

"Of course. But don't worry, I'm only after her family estates. I'll always love you the most."

Although she had already found out the truth, An Ran's heart still ached for a moment. The pain was soon replaced with hatred.

She kicked the kitchen door open forcefully, causing the two of them, who were all over each other, to break away in a panic.

An Ran raised her eyebrow. "What are you two doing?"

Before Duan Qun could say anything, Tao Ya had already gotten down on her knees. "Miss, please don't get the wrong idea. Mr. Duan loves you dearly and came over to make breakfast for you. I saw he didn't know what to do, so I was teaching him!"

She sounded as if she had often been abused by An Ran. Duan Qun's eyes flashed with a trace of pity.

An Ran curled her lip.

Why had she not realized in her previous life that her domestic helper was an angelic b*tch?

"Oh," An Ran pretended like she had seen nothing. She tugged at Tao Ya's tulle dress and said with concern, "Tao Ya, why are you wearing so little? Don't you feel cold?"

Tao Ya shook her head and lowered her eyes with reluctance. She replied, "Miss, I'm not cold."

Snow was falling on the window. Frost formed on the glass window as it was exposed to cold air.

An Ran revealed a bright smile as she gazed at Tao Ya. "Perfect. I'm craving the wonton soup from the restaurant two streets away. Duan Qun cannot make it. Why don't you buy it for me?"

"Since you said you didn't feel cold, why don't you go out in this dress?"

Tao Ya was stunned. She looked at Duan Qun subconsciously.

She asked her to go out in such a thin outfit in such cold weather. Would it not be almost the same as taking her life?!

Duan Qun understood and immediately coaxed An Ran. "Baby, there are a few bags of dumplings in the kitchen fridge. How about I make them for you?"

An Ran playfully whined, "Are you not letting me eat the food I like when we're not even married? If my parents find out, they'll oppose our marriage again."

She had Duan Qun by the balls in a second.

He had no choice but to compromise. He urged Tao Ya, "Since An Ran has a craving, go buy it and come back quickly!"

Tao Ya stared at him with a stunned expression. Her eyes were full of resentment as she pushed the door open and walked out.

It was terribly cold outside. Tao Ya looked back at An Ran through the glass window as resentment and indignance rose in her heart.

An Ran returned a bright smile, and Tao Ya hurriedly averted her gaze as she did not dare to make eye contact with her.

This was just the beginning…

An Ran ignored Tao Ya and smiled as she took Duan Qun's arm. "Come on, let's go see mom and dad."