Betrothal Gifts

Duan Qun tried his best to curry favor with An Ran's parents at the dining table.

An Ran smiled with sarcasm when she saw this.

An Ran narrowed her eyes. She really had to try very hard to control herself in order to suppress the anger in her heart.

Suddenly, An Ran came up with a plan.

Since Duan Qun enjoyed pretending to be nice so much, she wanted to teach him a lesson.

An Ran looked at Duan Qun and recalled that she had been so gullible that she had given a lot of money to this scumbag in her previous life. She secretly swore that she would definitely get her money back.

"Qun, you hold me dear to your heart, don't you?"

An Ran pretended to be shy as she said this, but in fact, the thought of Duan Qun made her want to throw up.

Duan Qun was taken by surprise, but before he could react, he said, "O-Of course."

An Ran continued, "Qun, before we get married, shouldn't we discuss the betrothal gifts according to tradition? You wouldn't be unfair to me, would you?"

When she said this, even her parents were shocked. "We thought Ranran couldn't wait to give all our family's money to Duan Qun? Why would she ask him for betrothal gifts?"

Duan Qun was already in a daze and could not quickly understand what An Ran was up to.

Since An Ran's parents were still here, he could only bite the bullet and say, "Of course I'll give all the best things to you, Ranran. You can have whatever you want, and we'll do it the most glorious way possible."

"Really? You're so good to me, Qun."

An Ran pretended and rested her head on Duan Qun's shoulder. Her face was filled with a happy smile as she silently calculated how much money the scumbag owed her.

"Since you said so, a 200 million betrothal gift shouldn't be a big deal to you, right? What do you think, Qun?"

When Duan Qun heard this, a corner of his lip twitched twice.

"O-Okay… Of course… Sure."

Duan Qun's was already bleeding inside.

Just when Duan Qun thought it was the end of the matter, he heard An Ran speak again, "Qun, I trust you very much that you won't mess around, but we'd better sign a contract to put my mind at ease."

"A contract?"

"Yeah. It's an agreement that you can't get back your 200 million betrothal gifts if you cheat before or after our marriage."

As An Ran said this, she took out an agreement from somewhere.

"Qun, you don't mind signing this agreement, do you? Since you love me so much, this shouldn't be a problem for you, right?"

"O-Of course not…" Duan Qun started sweating on his forehead.

"Qun, sign it then."

Duan Qun picked up the pen and signed it with his shaky hand.

"Qun, I remember that you have a black card. Since you've already signed the contract before my parents and our wedding day is approaching, shouldn't you give me your black card first?"

At this moment, Duan Qun could no longer control his facial expression, and sweat ran down his forehead.

Duan Qun had no choice but to take out the black card from the pocket of his suit jacket and give it to An Ran.

Duan Qun was reluctant to give her his black card, so he planned to discuss it with An Ran outside later.

Little had he expected that An Ran said she was not feeling well right after breakfast and asked Duan Qun to go home earlier. Duan Qun could only wait for the next opportunity to talk about it.

After Duan Qun left, An Ran's father asked, "Ranran, your attitude toward Duan Qun seems to have changed. Did something happen? You can tell us if something happened."

An Ran's eyes suddenly turned red, but she thought it would not be too late to explain to her parents after she had finished her business with the scum and the b*tch. So she smiled and said, "I'm fine, Dad. I've just thought things through lately. Don't worry."

"That's good, Ranran. Remember that you can talk to us if there's anything."

"I know, Dad." An Ran hugged her mom and dad once again.

Since breakfast was over, An Ran's parents had already gone to do their things, and Duan Qun had left. An Ran was sitting alone.

Just as An Ran was about to return to her room, Tao Ya walked in with the wonton soup.

"Miss, I bought the wontons you wanted to eat."

It was snowing heavily outside, and Tao Ya wore a tulle dress today. She was shivering from the cold, and her face and hands were red.

An Ran saw her dress and her eyes turned cold. "Leave it. I don't want to eat it anymore."

Tao Ya pouted and mumbled softly, "You made me go out to buy it in the cold, but now you don't want to eat it. Something must be wrong with you."

Although Tao Ya spoke very softly, An Ran still heard it.

"What? Do you have a problem with me?"

Tao Ya was stunned and forced herself to answer with a smile, "Miss, why would I have a problem with you?"

"Hmph. Tao Ya, you'd better not have any problem."

"As a servant, you should observe your duties and not cross your master's boundaries. Whether I want to eat it or not, who are you to say anything about it?"

Tao Ya felt angry and puzzled at the same time. Why did she have a feeling that An Ran had changed a lot?

She raised her head and glanced at An Ran.

Her eyes met An Ran's penetrating gaze, and since Tao Ya was already feeling guilty, she quickly lowered her head.

"Tao Ya, didn't you say that you didn't feel cold wearing so little? Then go outside and clean the yard now. Come back when you're done."

After saying that, An Ran called the housekeeper over to supervise Tao Ya cleaning the yard.