Pushed Against the Wall at a Casino

When An Ran heard her father sigh, she was a little worried. "Dad, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, Ranran."

An Ran thought that her father was just too tired, so she stopped asking him.

It was already very late when they reached home. After saying goodnight to her parents, An Ran returned to her room.

After washing up, An Ran lay on her bed and recalled what had happened during the day. Once she thought of her broken engagement, she felt uncontrollably happy. She would never have to be with the scumbag again in this lifetime.

As she was thinking, for some reason, the image of her and Huo Qing being locked up in the same room and her sleeping on his lap suddenly appeared in her mind.

"An Ran, what are you thinking? Go to sleep. Go to sleep…"

The next day, An Ran woke up early. After eating breakfast, she lay on the sofa and played on her phone.

"Ring, ring, ring…"

An Ran picked up the landline phone at home. Before she could speak, the caller said, "An, remember what we talked about? Meet me at the underground casino in City A at 7 pm. If you have the nerve to make me wait for too long, I'll burn down your house!"

After saying that, the caller hung up.

"Casino? Dad wouldn't have offended someone, would he…?"

An Ran was very worried about her father. After thinking about it for a while, she decided to go to the casino by herself.

In the evening, An Ran changed into a black suit and fully covered herself. She raised her hand to look at the time and drove to the casino.

An Ran parked her car and headed to the casino.

There was a long and narrow corridor leading to the casino. The lights were dim, so An Ran took out her phone to turn on the flashlight.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed An Ran's shoulder.


An Ran panicked and thought, "I'm doomed. Did I encounter a pervert?"

Realizing that she was carrying a bag, An Ran subconsciously picked up her bag and threw it at the man.

"It's me."

An Ran heard a familiar voice. Wasn't that Huo Qing? Why was he here?


The two of them were in an intimate posture. The corridor was narrow to begin with, and to avoid getting hit by An Ran's bag, Huo Qing had hugged An Ran and pushed her against the wall.

Plus, An Ran's hand was on Huo Qing's shoulder. Their faces were so close to each other that they could even feel each other's breath…

An Ran's heart was racing, and her face turned red. She turned her head to face Huo Qing.

However, right when she turned her head, Huo Qing turned toward her, and it just so happened that he kissed An Ran's face.

An Ran's scalp went numb, her breathing stopped, and she became much slower.

Huo Qing's ears also turned completely red, but it was too dim for An Ran to notice them.


"You… Let go of me!" An Ran's scalp tingled.

The two of them returned to their normal posture, but there was chemistry between them.

Huo Qing asked An Ran, "What's a young lady like you doing alone at a casino?"

An Ran was really angry. Why was this man everywhere?

Also, why could she not come to a casino, and what did it have to do with him anyway?

"Mr. Huo, I'm free to decide where I go and what I do. You don't have a say in this! Why do I keep running into you wherever I go?" Without waiting for Huo Qing's reply, An Ran walked forward as soon as she said that to him.

"Ha, she had quite a temper." As Huo Qing looked at the woman's back, he faintly smiled with his eyes and shook his head.

It was a mess in the casino. Some people were smoking, and some were even fighting.

It was An Ran's first visit to a casino. She seemed calm on the outside, but she was still terrified on the inside.

An Ran walked around the casino before she found the man who called the landline phone at her home in the morning. After a conversation, she found out that her father had made an appointment with a loan shark.

Although she did not know why her father approached a loan shark, the most important thing at the moment was to resolve this matter.

That man took out the contract and said, "Your family has no money to pay the loan now, so mortgage your shares."

An Ran took the contract and read it carefully for a while. When she flipped to the last page, she found that the other party was a company.

The name of this company seemed somewhat familiar…

An Ran recalled it was a small company that Duan Qun had secretly started!

She had only found out about this company very late in her previous life. Duan Qun must have thought that she did not know about it, so he was trying to use this to deceive her.

An Ran's expression immediately turned cold, and she instantly understood that it was Duan Qun's doing again.