An Ran Was Injured

"Did Duan Qun send you to do this?" An Ran questioned the man.

Seeing that the man stayed silent, An Ran continued, "The company name on this contract is Duan Qun's company. This is his scheme for getting my family's shares in his hands!"

"Miss An, right? Since your family can't pay back the money you owe us, it's reasonable for us to ask you to make your shares the collateral. Cut the crap. Your family owes us money, and it's up to us to decide how you should pay us back!" The man said fiercely in the casino.

An Ran held back her anger and said, "Who said we don't have the money to pay you back? I'll pay back the money my family owes you, but there's no way I'm going to mortgage our shares to that despicable man, Duan Qun!"

After saying this, An Ran tore up the contract, picked up her bag, and walked toward the door.

"Guys, surround this b*tch. How dare she show no respect on my turf!"

An Ran heard the voice behind her and knew that she could not walk out smoothly. She panicked inside.

Around seven or eight men surrounded An Ran, trying to tie her up.

An Ran resisted getting tied up by them, so she struggled against them.

"Let go of me!"

An Ran's foot was accidentally injured, and a large part of her foot swelled up.

"Stop it!"

Huo Qing pushed away the men surrounding An Ran, pulled her up from the ground, and held her.

"Teach them a lesson," Huo Qing said to the bodyguards behind him.

The scene immediately became chaotic.

The people in the casino gathered in a crowd without interfering as if they were watching a show.

"Enough," Huo Qing ordered.

Huo Qing's bodyguards stopped. Those men who had bullied An Ran all lay on the ground and wailed.

Someone in the casino recognized Huo Qing and caused quite a stir.

At this time, the person in charge of the casino came over. Seeing that it was Huo Qing, he immediately said obsequiously, "President Huo, what brings you here at the casino today? Please forgive us for being such a bad host."

Huo Qing did not answer. He left the bodyguards to deal with the situation at the casino, picked up An Ran, and walked out.

An Ran did not say anything. After all, Huo Qing was here to help her.


Why was Huo Qing carrying her in his arms? She had legs and could walk on her own, okay?

Huo Qing carried An Ran to his car and got into the car himself.

"Go to the hospital."

Apparently, he was talking to the driver.

When An Ran heard they were going to the hospital, she said to Huo Qing, "There's no need to go to the hospital. I'm not injured."

"Your foot is so swollen. Are you sure?"

An Ran looked down at her ankle. It seemed to be very swollen.

"It's fine. I'll just go home and apply some ointments. Please send me home." An Ran insisted.

"Do you not want your foot anymore? Don't worry. I'll send you home after we go to the hospital."

An Ran saw that Huo Qing insisted on taking her to the hospital, so she said nothing more.

Soon, they arrived at the hospital. There were even people who came to welcome Huo Qing.

An Ran looked at the scene and sighed, "It's so good to be rich. Rich people even get special treatment when they come to the hospital."

After getting out of the car, An Ran limped into the hospital.

Huo Qing suddenly picked her up, giving her a fright.

"Ah… Put me down. I don't need you to carry me."

What was wrong with this man? Why did he keep carrying her…?

"You're walking too slowly. It's faster if I carry you."


So be it. She was not the one who would get tired anyway.

So An Ran did not refuse to be carried out of courtesy anymore.

After a series of examinations, it was found that An Ran's ankle was only sprained, and it was nothing serious. She just needed to apply some ointment, walk less, and get more rest.

An Ran and Huo Qing waited in the dressing room for the doctor to come and apply the ointment.

Soon, a male doctor came. As he was holding a bottle of ointment and was about to apply it on An Ran's ankle, he said to her, "Roll up your pants."

"Uh, why am I suddenly feeling a chill…" The male doctor said in a low voice and saw Huo Qing looking at him with a sharp gaze when he turned around. He was so frightened that he even trembled and dropped the cotton swab.

"Let me do it."

Huo Qing did not like others touching An Ran, so he took the ointment and cotton swab from the doctor's hand and got down on one knee to apply it on An Ran's ankle.

An Ran's face instantly turned red again.

Why did he have to get down on one knee just to apply the ointment…

An Ran was wearing a black suit with long pants and high heels. Since one of her feet was swollen, it was uncomfortable for her to wear high heels.

Huo Qing slowly took off the high heels and rolled up An Ran's pants.

An Ran's foot was so fair that it seemed to be glowing. Her pink toenails were all round and good-looking.

No man had ever taken off An Ran's shoes and applied ointment on her, so she was shy. Her face was so red that it looked like it was about to bleed.

"Can you… Can you apply it faster? Do you know how to apply ointment?" An Ran just wanted to end this awkward situation as soon as possible.

It was also the first time Huo Qing had seen An Ran's foot, and his face was a little red.

When she was young, her mother often told her that a girl's feet were very private parts, and only those close to her would see them.

As An Ran urged him, Huo Qing hurried up to apply the ointment on her.

After applying the ointment, Huo Qing carried An Ran again, and they came out of the hospital. Although An Ran was very shy, her foot was too painful to walk, so she could only let Huo Qing carry her.

Huo Qing wanted to send her home, but An Ran thanked him and took a taxi home by herself as she was thinking about the loan shark.

When she got home, An Ran found her father and asked angrily, "Dad, why did you go to the loan shark?"