The Truth About the Loan

The atmosphere instantly turned serious.

An Ran's father wondered why An Ran knew about his loan from a loan shark. He had obviously not told anyone in the family about this.

"Ranran, how did you know that I borrowed money from a loan shark?"

"Dad, I received a call this morning asking you to go to the casino. I was worried, so I went to the casino by myself. Dad, is your thinking muddled? Loan sharks are a no-go. Has our family encountered some difficulties? Is our financial situation so bad that we have to borrow money from a loan shark?"

An Ran did not want to blame her father, so she tried to speak as gently as possible.

"Sigh, Ranran, I had no choice. Your mom… She has cancer, and the surgery requires a lot of money. We didn't have to borrow money from the loan shark in the first place, but Duan Qun borrowed a lot of money from me without a loan acknowledgment and took a lot of projects from the An Corporate Group."

"At that time, you still had a close relationship with him, so I thought… Now that the company's liquidity is insufficient, I can only borrow money from the loan shark…" the voice of An Ran's father became softer and softer, and he choked up at the end of his sentence.

"What? How… How did mom get cancer? She clearly looks fine…"

An Ran could not stop her tears from falling.

"Dad, this is all my fault. It's only happening because I trusted the wrong guy, and I was insensible. I'm the cause of the company's insufficient liquidity and your debt to the loan shark…"

"Dad, I'm so sorry… It's all my fault… Boohoo… If it wasn't for me insisting on being together with Duan Qun—"

When An Ran's father saw An Ran crying so sadly, he quickly comforted her, "Ranran, it's not your fault. Don't blame yourself too much. Things will get better. I'm still here."


An Ran felt she had made a costly mistake. Also, her mother had cancer. What should she do?

Oh, right. She still had Duan Qun's black card. There was still the betrothal gift of 200 million yuan in it.

An Ran thought she could use the money in the black card to fill the gap first.

Early in the next morning, An Ran wanted to use the money in the black card to fill the gap in the company and use a portion of the money to treat her mother's illness.

"I'm sorry, Miss An. This black card has been terminated. I'm very sorry."

An Ran could not believe that Duan Qun had terminated this black card!

No way. She must go to Duan Qun to get the money back. She had to get the money back no matter what.

There was no other way.

Thus, An Ran drove to Duan Qun's company to find him.

When she arrived at the company entrance, she was blocked by the security guards.

"Sir, could you do me a favor here? I have to talk to Duan Qun about something."

"I'm sorry, Miss. President Duan said you can't go in."

An Ran was very anxious. Her mother was still in need of the money to save her life.

An Ran had no choice but to wait at the entrance of Duan Qun's company.

After a long time, An Ran saw Duan Qun come out. She immediately ran over and stopped him. "Duan Qun, why did you do it? How could you terminate your black card when you've cheated on me?"

Duan Qun did not expect An Ran to come to the company to find him. However, since An Ran came to him, he would not treat her politely either.

"You want my money? Dream on."

Ever since the farce at the wedding, Duan Qun's attitude toward An Ran had changed drastically. He no longer treated her as gently as he had used to.

An Ran was not surprised by his attitude. After all, she had long known that Duan Qun was a two-faced liar.

However, An Ran had no choice but to tolerate his attitude first. She really needed the money now.

"Duan Qun, I'll sue you if you don't give me the 200 million betrothal gift!"

An Ran felt like she was about to explode from anger. She wanted nothing more than to beat this scumbag to death.

Duan Qun looked at An Ran contemptuously, "Sue me if you can. I'll never give you the money, b*tch!"

He even pushed An Ran after he said this.