
"Security! Drag this woman away!"

After Duan Qun said this, he dusted off his body and turned around to walk into the company.

A few fierce bodyguards came over.

"Miss, please leave. Otherwise, we'll have to get physical."

An Ran gritted her teeth and resisted her impulse. She turned around and left with a cold facial expression. "There's no need. I'll leave on my own."

Ever since the farce at the wedding, the incident between An Ran and Duan Qun had become a hot topic all over the internet. There were even people who uploaded the video of Duan Qun and Tao Ya to the internet.

Even though the video was censored, it still made people blush and their hearts race.

The netizens called Duan Qun a hypocrite and a cheap jerk who could not control himself.

"Duan Qun usually seems like a gentleman, but it turns out he's so despicable behind everyone's back…"

"He even has an affair with a servant. Sure enough, a cheap scumbag only deserves a cheap woman…"

Duan Qun's video had been spread like wildfire by the netizens and had even made it onto the hot searches list.

The netizens' comments were hilarious, and some even drew comics that ridiculed Duan Qun…

What about Tao Ya?

She did not even dare to go out now as she was afraid that people would throw rotten eggs at her if they recognized her.

However, very soon, things took a turn. Someone anonymously posted a photo of An Ran and Huo Qing tugging back and forth outside the villa with the following caption, "Do you guys really think An Ran is an innocent victim? She's been having an affair since a long time ago. She was just good at her disguise!"

Once the photo had been posted, there was a stir on Weibo again.

Everyone was amazed at Huo Qing's good looks and wealth, but they also wondered why Huo Qing would get involved with An Ran.

"An Ran is way too shameless. She had an affair herself?!"

"Huo must have had something to do with this!"

"This woman is the epitome of a cheap woman!"

"Watch your mouth, the netizen above! There's no way An Ran could ever do such a thing!"

"What do you know? An Ran must have had an interest in Huo Qing's power and influence and taken the initiative to seduce him!"


There was a heated argument on Weibo, but the party involved did not know anything about it.

An Ran did not get the betrothal gift back from Duan Qun. She went home dejectedly.

"Ranran, why did you come back so late? Did you see the news today?"

At this moment, An Ran's father was pacing back and forth anxiously in the living room. The problem with the company had not been resolved, and now his daughter was also on the news.

"Dad, did something happen?"

Before An Ran could snap out of her thoughts, she heard her father say, "What's going on with the photo of you and President Huo? It's on a hot search now."


An Ran immediately took out her phone. At that moment, her Weibo was exploding with curses.

"How did this happen?!" An Ran was instantly enraged when she saw those curses.

Duan Qun took the opportunity to pretend to be pitiful on Weibo. He posted on Weibo claiming that An Ran had cheated on him first and that he was the victim.

On Duan Qun's post, he even deliberately attached a large photo of An Ran and Huo Qing and a few photoshopped photos.

The number of people who were scolding An Ran increased in a short time.

"Duan Qun has really gone too far." An Ran's father was trembling with anger when he saw these.

"Dad, don't worry. Leave this to me."

An Ran saw how angry her father was and quickly comforted him.

Her father was slightly assured when he heard what An Ran said, but his brows were still furrowed. He could tell that An Ran's current situation was not optimistic.

He pondered for a long time before asking, "Ranran, is there really nothing between you and President Huo?"

"Dad, don't worry. We only met each other at the car accident last time," An Ran answered.

Hearing his daughter's answer, he did not say anything more. He only reminded her, "Ranran, you must be careful. Don't go out during this period of time."

"Okay. Don't worry, dad. I'll take care of this problem," An Ran replied.

An Ran's parents returned to their room to rest.

An Ran thought to herself, "Even if the sky falls, I'll hold it up. Such minor difficulties can't defeat me."