
Just as netizens were having intense discussions about Huo Qing, An Ran, and Duan Qun on Weibo, An Ran released evidence of her making a statement at the police station that night and a Weibo post that clarified her relationship with Huo Qing.

Apart from that, she also found a professional to prove that the photos on Duan Qun's Weibo post had clear traces of photoshop.

Once this Weibo post was posted, it immediately led to a heated discussion again.

"Huo Qing actually went to the police station with An Ran to make a statement?"

"I find it strange too. Why would they suddenly go to the police station if they didn't have any relationship"

"Is this for real?"

"What exactly is the relationship between An Ran and Huo Qing?"

"I guess Duan Qun falsely accused An Ran. How could Huo Qing possibly have a relationship with An Ran?"

Public opinion slowly shifted in An Ran's favor.

Duan Qun saw that the people on Weibo were scolding him again. He was so angry that he threw his phone on the ground.

"What a b*tch!"

"Knock, knock, knock!"

His assistant ran in hurriedly. "President Duan, something bad has happened. The people on the internet are accusing you of cheating. The situation is very unfavorable for the company. The stock price has already started to drop…"

When Duan Qun heard that the company stock price had dropped, he immediately panicked.

"No matter how much it costs, take down the trending topic right now!"

Duan Qun smashed all the things on his desk onto the floor. "Just you wait, An Ran. I'm holding this grudge!"

"Alright, President Duan."

The assistant hurriedly left.

After the assistant left, Duan Qun looked out the window. His eyes were full of viciousness.

He would not allow anyone to ruin his plan. Never!

An Ran saw that the scandal had almost been resolved, so she went to ask Duan Qun to pay back his loan from her father.

"Duan Qun, since you borrowed money from my father, you should return it to us now."

Previously when An Ran had asked Duan Qun to give her back the betrothal gift, he had refused. However, An Ran thought she must get back the money her father had lent to Duan Qun.


Duan Qun was still surprised that An Ran knew about his loan from the An family when he heard her speak again.

"Duan Qun, you cheated on me first, and you're not willing to give me the betrothal gift. Our engagement has been canceled, but you can't not to return the money you borrowed from my family."

Duan Qun obviously did not want to return the money. Not only that, but he also planned to acquire the An family's company.

"Ranran, it wasn't my intention to cause such a farse at the wedding, and I don't have that much money to return to uncle now," Duan Qun's attitude softened as he spoke.

An Ran's facial expression instantly changed when she heard Duan Qun say this.

"Ranran, why don't we complete the wedding so that both parties can benefit from it? What do you think?"

Duan Qun said as he walked toward An Ran and placed his hand on her shoulder.

An Ran quickly avoided him as if he were a virus.

Duan Qun could not help but frown when he saw this.

This trick did not seem to be working. Duan Qun got closer to An Ran again and was going to hug her.

An Ran sneered. Did Duan Qun still think that she was as gullible as before?

"Do you think I'll believe your nonsense?"

An Ran took out her phone and pretended to call the police. "Duan Qun, if you don't pay me back, I'll report it to the police!"

When Duan Qun saw this, he quickly went forward to snatch her phone.

He was afraid of trouble, so he did not want to go to the police station for this issue.

An Ran ignored him, dialed the number on the keypad, and placed her finger on the dial button.

"Alright, stop acting crazy! I can give you 500,000 RMB!"

Duan Qun finally compromised.

An Ran said, "Only 500,000 RMB?"

Duan Qun was furious. "What else do you want? An Ran, don't go overboard! Even if you call the police, how do you prove I borrowed money from you before? Have I ever written a loan acknowledgment?! I just don't want to waste time in the police station!"