Meeting Huo Qing Again

Duan Qun saw An Ran would not give up on getting back the money he had borrowed, so he could only return a portion of the loan to dismiss her. He also lied to her that his company was having some cash flow difficulties, so she would have to wait.

An Ran knew that Huo Qing was unwilling to return the loan, but she did not have a loan acknowledgment from him, so she could only accept this for now.

After leaving Duan Qun's company, An Ran was full of worries. If she could not get back the loan, the An Corporate Group would most likely face bankruptcy, and her family would not have the money to hospitalize her mother.

An Ran did not drive today. She walked slowly by the roadside.

"Look, President Huo, isn't that Miss An?"

Huo Qing was sitting in the back seat of a black Bugatti. When he heard the driver, he looked up and saw An Ran walking by the roadside alone.

"Stop the car."

The car stopped beside An Ran. Huo Qing got out of the car and walked toward her with his long legs.

"An Ran." Huo Qing's voice was deep and clear.

An Ran was pulled back from her thoughts by the voice beside her.

She looked up and saw Huo Qing.


An Ran was surprised. Why was she running into him again?

"President Huo, we bumped into each other again. Thank you for what happened at the casino last time."

"It was nothing."

Huo Qing continued, "I saw you walking alone on the road. If you don't mind, I can send you home."

An Ran thought to herself, "I do. I do mind a lot!"

She just wanted to be alone right now.

For some reason, An Ran could not turn him down in the end as she saw his passionate gaze, so she could only smile at him and say this, "I'll have to trouble you then, President Huo."

They got into the car and sat together in the back.

It was very quiet in the car, and none of them said anything.

An Ran leaned against the window. She was not in high spirits.

Huo Qing had not taken his eyes off An Ran ever since he had seen her earlier.

Knowing that An Ran was worried about the An Corporate Group, Huo Qing asked, "Miss An, are you worried about the crisis that the An Corporate Group has been facing lately?"

"Yeah, it's embarrassing." An Ran did not want to discuss her family matters with an outsider, so she only replied like a robot.

"If you don't mind, perhaps I could help the An Corporate Group get through this crisis. Would you like that, Miss An?"

An Ran recalled the number of times she had met Huo Qing recently, and she felt that something was not right.

She did not think that her relationship with Huo Qing was close enough for him to offer to help her family's company.

After thinking about it, An Ran decided to ask him directly.

"President Huo, the An Corporate Group doesn't seem to have any financial relationship with the Huo Corporate Group, yet you suddenly offered to help my family company. Do you have any condition?"

An Ran looked at Huo Qing as if she was trying to get some answer from his facial expression.

Unexpectedly, Huo Qing said calmly, "Miss An, you're overthinking it. I just feel guilty for ruining your wedding that day, and I want to make it up to you."

"Don't worry, Miss An. I absolutely won't do anything to hurt you. Helping the An Corporate Group is no big deal. It won't take me too much effort."

An Ran was speechless when she heard what Huo Qing said.

"Being rich and powerful is indeed something. You're a big shot, indeed…"

An Ran still could not believe that Huo Qing would help her for no reason, so she rejected his offer politely.

Huo Qing saw An Ran had a reluctant attitude, so he said nothing more. He took out a business card from his jacket and handed it to An Ran.

"Miss An, this is my business card. If you need anything in the future, you can call me anytime."

An Ran took the business card and looked at it carefully.

Although it was only a card, the gold-plated business card flashed An Ran's eye. His name "Huo Qing" was written on it.

He was indeed a capitalist. Even his business card was so extravagant.