A Set-Up

Duan Qun had recently realized that An Ran had become very different from who she had used to be. She was no longer as gullible as before.

Hence, Duan Qun asked Tao Ya to come out to discuss their countermeasures. They had to think of a way to obtain the An family estates in their hands.

The two of them agreed to meet at the hotel.


The moment they met, they hugged and kissed. Tao Ya acted as if she had not seen a man for centuries. Once she saw Duan Qun, she pressed herself against him.

They were all over each other for a while. Then, Duan Qun said, "An Ran had changed a lot lately. She's not as gullible as she used to be. We have to think of a way to make her listen to me."

Tao Ya said with a sweet voice while hugging Duan Qun, "Qun, you can ask her out and talk about the loan payment. Then, you can spike her drink and sleep with her…"

"If she loses her virginity to you, she'll naturally listen to you."

When Duan Qun heard that, he found it a good idea.

"Alright. That's the plan, then."

Tao Ya spoke again, "Qun, will you not like me anymore after sleeping with her…?"

After saying that, she pretended to cry with her back turned, looking very sad.

"No, An Ran is just a stupid woman. Why would I like her?"

After Duan Qun said that, they started to fool around on the bed again.

Then, Duan Qun asked An Ran if they could meet in a high-class club to discuss the loan payment.

Of course An Ran knew that Duan Qun was definitely up to no good, but she still agreed to meet him even though she knew it was dangerous as she needed the money urgently.

Seeing that An Ran agreed to his request, a vicious glint appeared in Duan Qun's eyes.

He would definitely teach her a lesson this time! He thought to himself, "Hmph, you wanted to break off the engagement with me, huh? I'll never give you what you want!"

He would absolutely not let her go so easily before he got the An family estates in his hands.

He thought that since the hard way did not work, he'll then use the harder. He believed An Ran would know how terribly wrong she was when she became submissive beneath his crotch in the clubhouse.

The thought of how he had not even slept with An Ran even though they had been together for so long really bothered him.

An Ran was beautiful, to begin with, and her figure was also very curvy. Duan Qun could even imagine the scene of her lying and panting under his body now… Just the thought of it made Duan Qun extremely hard.

Duan Qun asked An Ran to meet him alone in a private room. The lights in the private room were dim, so An Ran could not see who was sitting opposite her clearly, but she could vaguely tell that it was Duan Qun.

She sat down immediately and said, "Let's talk. How are you going to pay me back?"

Duan Qun looked at her beautiful figure and had an evil smile.

"You actually dare to come here. Are you not afraid that I might do something to you?"

"Hmph, why should I be afraid?"

Actually, when she said this, her hand was already holding the pepper spray in her bag.

Duan Qun ordered a glass of wine and poured a glass for An Ran, "Don't be so impatient. Have a drink first."

An Ran glanced at the blood-like red wine and pressed her red lips.

"There's no need. Cut the nonsense. Hurry and tell me what your deal is."

However, Duan Qun said nothing. His crystal-like eyes stared at An Ran as if he was staring at prey.

An Ran suddenly felt dizzy. Duan Qun also became a little blurry in her eyes. Her body became a little weak too. At that instant, a red flag alert went off in her mind.

Not good. She had been drugged!

An Ran looked at the candle lamp at the corner of the table, which was still emitting a wisp of green smoke… Her eyes widened. She had not expected that this bast*rd, Duan Qun, had actually put the drugs in the lamp and not the wine!

At the same time, Huo Qing was discussing business with his partner in another private room. As he had slightly too many drinks, Huo Qing came out to get some fresh air.

Huo Qing suddenly heard a cry for help coming out of the next room. He felt that something was wrong, so he walked toward there to check it out.

It was An Ran?!

At this moment, An Ran was hitting Duan Qun hard, trying to break free.


Huo Qing kicked Duan Qun away and picked up An Ran. He walked out of the room while asking An Ran, "Are you okay?"