Reporting to the Police

An Ran felt heat all over her body. She could not help but rub against Huo Qing's chest. "It's so hot…"

Huo Qing's body stiffened.

He carried her into the car and touched her burning face. "Don't be afraid. I'll take you to the hospital. You'll be fine soon."

An Ran grabbed Huo Qing's hand and gave him a silly smile. "Handsome, who are you?"

"…" Huo Qing did not know how to react to it.

At the hospital, Huo Qing called the doctor on duty to give An Ran an injection and put her on a drip. Her body temperature finally dropped, and she regained her consciousness.

She remembered what kind of danger she had just experienced.

An Ran was furious at Duan Qun and Tao Ya for setting her up. Although it had caused no actual harm, it would have ruined her life if Huo Qing had not saved her.

An Ran did not want to let this wicked couple off the hook, so she took out her phone and called the police.

The police arrived soon, and Huo Qing was beside An Ran.

An Ran told the police about what happened in detail.

Attempted rape was a serious crime. Duan Qun was taken to the police station, but Tao Ya ran away.

An Ran had just dodged a bullet, so she was exhausted and she wanted to go home.

Huo Qing offered to send her home, An Ran could not bother to think about other things now, so they went home together in the same car.

On the way home, Huo Qing made a phone call.

"Take 'good' care of Duan Qun." Huo Qing had a very serious facial expression and a cold air.

When An Ran reached home, she found Tao Ya packing her things.

"Tao Ya, what are you doing? Are you getting ready to run away as you failed to set me up?" An Ran looked at Tao Ya and said angrily.

Tao Ya felt awkward and hurriedly hid her bag. However, a lot of jewelry fell out of her bag.

An Ran saw her own jewelry. "How dare you steal my things, Yao Ya?"

"No, Miss, I thought this jewelry looks older, so I'm putting them away…"

Tao Ya was still trying to cover up what she had been trying to do.

"Tao Ya, I haven't even talked to you about how you conspired against me with Duan Qun, and now you're trying to steal my jewelry and run away? I won't let you get away with it so easily."

Once she said this, An Ran picked up her phone and called the police.

Tao Ya saw she could no longer cover up the truth, so she had no choice but to kneel on the ground. "Miss, I'm begging you. I know what I did was wrong. Please don't call the police… Duan Qun started all this. It has nothing to do with me…"

She knelt beside An Ran as she reached out to snatch her phone.

An Ran still called the police, anyway.

Tao Ya saw An Ran was determined to send her to the police station. She thought that since she was pregnant with Duan Qun's child, if she was admitted to a hospital, she would not have to go to the police station and could even frame An Ran.

She deliberately started tugging at An Ran and led her to the stairs. Then she pretended to slip and fall down the stairs while they were tugging at each other.



As An Ran looked at Tao Ya, who had fallen down the stairs, suddenly she could find no words.

Great. How dare you scheme against me again, Tao Ya.

At the same time, Tao Ya was clutching her stomach as she cried out loudly on the ground, "My child… My child…"

"Her child?! Is Tao Ya pregnant?! Is she pregnant with Duan Qun's child?" An Ran thought to herself as she hurriedly walked to Tao Ya. She saw that Tao Ya was bleeding profusely, and the floor was stained red with blood coming out of her thigh…

An Ran quickly took out her phone and dialed 120.

The ambulance and the police car arrived at the An residence almost at the same time.

Tao Ya had fallen and was bleeding profusely, so she could only go to the hospital for treatment.

An Ran went to the hospital in the ambulance too. On the way, she prayed that nothing bad would happen to Tao Yan, especially since her family had already been having enough trouble.

An Ran had waited at the entrance of the operation room for three hours before the doctor finally came out.

"Doctor, how's the situation?" An Ran asked anxiously.

"Miss, please don't worry. The patient only fell and had a miscarriage. Her life is not in danger."

An Ran was finally relieved.

Not long after, Tao Ya was pushed out of the operation room and transferred to the normal ward.

Outside the ward, An Ran heard Tao Ya calling Duan Qun.

"Qun… Boohoo… I had a miscarriage. An Ran pushed me. She knew I was pregnant with your child and deliberately pushed me down the stairs. Qun, you must redress my grievance on my behalf… Boohoo…"

An Ran sneered. Tao Ya was really good at making complaints first when she's the one who's at fault.

Duan Qun had just been brought to the police station and taken "good" care by the police. His entire body was covered in injuries.

At this moment, he received Tao Ya's call and wished he could throw acid in An Ran's face.

Duan Qun called An Ran, "Why did you push Tao Ya? Was it just because she was pregnant with my child? You're really a vicious woman!"

"Duan Qun, get it straight. You cheated on me first, and now you're questioning me? First of all, I didn't push Tao Ya. She fell on purpose. Second, the two of you hooked up and had a child together. Aren't you shameless?"

"You two are a match made in heaven, indeed. Neither of you is a good person! All you do is scheme against others behind their backs!"

An Ran's rebuke made Duan Qun speechless.