Asking For Huo Qing’s Help

An Ran was worried that there would be something wrong with Tao Ya again, so she stayed in the hospital for a little longer. Unexpectedly, a group of people came to An Ran's family and asked for compensation.

"An Ran, you murderer! What did Tao Ya do to offend you, anyway? How could you be so ruthless…"

The people who spoke were Tao Ya's relatives, who had always liked to take advantage of others. As soon as they heard that Tao Ya had had a miscarriage after her argument with An Ran, they immediately came to An Ran's house to demand compensation.

An Ran's mother was resting in her room when she heard people shouting in her house. She quickly came out to check the situation.

"Where's An Ran? Where's your vicious daughter? Ask her to come out and explain!"

As soon as Tao Ya's relatives saw An Ran's mother come out, they tugged at her and questioned her.

An Ran's mother became angry when she saw the snobbish looks on their faces. "Who are you people to make a scene in our house?! My Ranran did nothing wrong! Tao Ya fell down the stairs herself!"


"I think she clearly has a guilty conscience and doesn't dare to admit what she did wrong. An Ran, you'd better come out!"

Seeing that An Ran still did not show up, Tao Ya's relatives started to go at it with higher spirits. "Your daughter attempted to commit murder, and now you're still trying to protect her, but none of us are afraid of her!"

"You…" As An Ran's mother realized these people were unreasonable, she could not find any words to speak and could only point her trembling finger at them.

"Thud, thud, thud…"

Tao Ya's relatives saw An Ran was still not coming out, and they began to smash things in her house.

"Stop it, you all…" An Ran's mother could not stop them, and she fainted from anger.


An Ran had just returned from the hospital when she saw her mother faint on the ground. She rushed over to hold her mother.

"You scumbags, how dare you come to my house to kick up a fuss and even bully my mother!"

Tao Ya's relatives were still smashing things in the house. They did not listen to An Ran at all.

An Ran flew into a rage and ran back to the kitchen to get a knife.

"All of you, get lost!"

An Ran pointed the kitchen knife at them. "If you touch anything in my house again, I'll send all of you to the hospital just like Tao Ya!"

Tao Ya's relatives saw that An Ran was holding a knife, and they were instantly frightened. They hurriedly ran away.

When An Ran saw that they had left, she hurriedly called an ambulance to send her mother to the hospital.

"Mom… This is all my fault…"

An Ran's mother had been in a bad condition in the first place. Now that she had cancer and such a fright, her situation became even worse.

"Miss An, your mother is in a poor condition. The cancer cells have spread in her body. She needs an operation immediately. It can't wait any longer."

An Ran staggered when she heard this. She only did not collapse because the doctor held her.

"Miss An, go and pay the surgery fees first."

"Doctor, how much are the surgery fees?"

"It's 800,000 yuan. Miss An, hurry and pay first." The doctor went to prepare for the surgery once he said this.

800,000 yuan…

An Ran squatted on the ground, not knowing what to do. Duan Qun only gave her 500,000 yuan. She did not have that much money at all…

Just as An Ran took out her phone and was about to call to borrow money, Huo Qing's business card fell out of her bag.

"Miss An, feel free to call me if you need any help in the future…"

Huo Qing's words appeared in An Ran's mind.

An Ran gritted her teeth and called Huo Qing.

"Buzz, buzz, buzz…"

Huo Qing was having a meeting in the conference room at the moment. He heard his phone vibrating. He picked up the phone and saw that it was an unfamiliar number.

He quickly picked it up as he had only given this number to An Ran.

"Hello, is this Mr. Huo?"

A familiar voice entered Huo Qing's ears. Huo Qing, who had just looked stern during the meeting, instantly softened.

"Yes," Huo Qing replied softly.

"Uh, I'm An Ran…"

"I know." Huo Qing's eyes were smiling, and everyone in the conference room was surprised.

President Huo had never been so gentle before…

"I… I'm very sorry to bother you, but could you lend me some money…? My mother is undergoing surgery at the hospital, and I don't have the money to pay for the medical fees…" An Ran's voice became softer and softer.

In fact, An Ran was not sure if Huo Qing would help her. After all, they were not that close. However, Huo Qing had said that she could go to him whenever she needed help, so An Ran wanted to give it a try.

"Which hospital are you in? I'll come over now." Huo Qing immediately got up and walked out when he heard An Ran was in the hospital.

"Today's meeting is canceled," Huo Qing said to the people behind him without turning his head.

"Okay, President Huo."

Huo Qing was gone, leaving the people in the meeting room looking at each other and wondering what was going on.