Auctioning off the Jewelry

The auction started, and An Ran took out her jewelry to auction them off.

"Why is the daughter of the An family auctioning off her jewelry?"

"The An Corporate Group is dying. I heard they are facing a financial crisis lately…"

The guests started discussing it.

Zhao Min, who was sitting not far away from An Ran, saw that An Ran had become so desperate that she needed to auction off her own jewelry, and she could not help but snort.

"To think that you would end up like this one day, An Ran! I'm going to bid for your jewelry and embarrass you today."

"Eight million."

"Nine million."

"Nine and a half million."

"Congratulations to Miss Zhao for obtaining an emerald necklace."

Zhao Min won the bid for An Ran's first set of jewelry.

An Ran did not overthink it. As long as someone bought her jewelry, it was fine. All she wanted now was to raise money to save the An Corporate Group.

However, Zhao Min did not think so. Her motive was to trample An Ran underfoot and humiliate her in front of everyone.

"Minmin, you're really generous. You even bought this emerald necklace at nine and a half million yuan."

The person beside Zhao Min said fawningly.

When Zhao Min heard this, she was even more pleased. "What's the big deal? I bought it for my servant. Only a servant would wear the things that An Ran had worn."

"Wow, your servants are so fortunate to have you as their master."

When An Ran heard that Zhao Min would give An Ran's jewelry to her servant, embarrassment flashed across her face. However, she calmed down in an instant.

How could she afford to be angry now? She should be glad as long as she could raise some money to save her family company.

Many people thought the An Corporate Group would definitely be doomed, and their gazes became cold when they looked at An Ran. Who would care about a down-and-out lady who no longer had any power or influence?

Huo Qing had been paying attention to An Ran the whole time. When he saw that Zhao Min took the opportunity to humiliate An Ran again, his facial expression instantly turned cold.

The auction continued, and a diamond necklace named "Kingdom Hearts" was now auctioned. A famous French designer, Leviev, had designed this necklace. It was inlaid with 155 pear-shaped and round white diamonds. These gemstones surrounded a 40.63-carat heart-shaped Burmese ruby. The pigeon's blood color made the ruby look even more attractive.

Once the necklace was taken out, it attracted all the socialites' eyes, especially Zhao Min, whose eyes were almost glued to it.

Even An Ran, who had been lowering her head, stared at the necklace a few times.

Huo Qing saw the unusual behavior of the young lady beside him and raised his eyebrows.

"The starting bid for the 'Kingdom Hearts' is 46 million," The host announced the opening bid for the necklace.

"47 million."

"48 million."

"51 million."

Zhao Min kept increasing the bid. Not only did she want to humiliate An Ran today, but she also wanted to take this opportunity to raise her worth.

"70 million."

Huo Qing, who had stayed silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

Even An Ran was shocked. She wondered if Huo Qing had a hobby of collecting jewelry.

Zhao Min's palms were sweating. She had only brought 70 million today, and she had just spent nearly 10 million to humiliate An Ran.

Huo Qing had raised the bid to 70 million in an instant. If she won the bid for this necklace, she would probably have a hard time explaining it to her family when she got home.

Zhao Min looked at An Ran and gritted her teeth, "71 million!"

Huo Qing said without even lifting his eyelids, "80 million."

Everyone looked at him when he said this. Although this necklace was very luxurious, it was not worth such a high price.

"80 million going once. 80 million going twice. 80 million going three times. Sold. Congratulations to Mr. Huo."

"Mr. Huo, this is the necklace you won the bid for."

Huo Qing gave his black card to the staff at the auction to pay for the necklace and received it.

"An Ran, this is for you." Huo Qing placed the necklace in front of An Ran.

"An Ran auctioned off her jewelry just to get rid of her old jewelry… She'll have new jewelry." He obviously meant it for others to hear this.

At this moment, Zhao Min was pinching her hand with jealousy so hard that it was about to bleed.

"An Ran… Just you wait!" Zhao Min said in a low voice.

Everyone saw Huo Qing spend 80 million on the necklace and give it to An Ran, and they were all flattering Huo Qing.

"President Huo is really generous."

"Miss An is one lucky lady."