Rejecting His Good Intentions

An Ran felt very awkward as she heard the people around her talking about Huo Qing and her.

She did not want others to think that she was trying to curry favor with Huo Qing. She only wanted to save her family company with her own efforts.

"Huo Qing, I'm sorry. This necklace is too valuable. You should keep it."

After saying that, An Ran hurriedly left the auction venue and stood at the door waiting for Huo Qing.

"Why is An Ran so tactless? She even dared to reject Huo Qing's gift."

"Yeah, who does she think she is? She's acting all high and mighty."

"I think she did it on purpose. She just wanted to attract President Huo's attention."

After An Ran left, everyone secretly mocked her for not being ungrateful.

Huo Qing's eyes darkened as he watched An Ran leave.

An Ran had waited at the venue entrance for a while before Huo Qing came out.

"Mr. Huo, this is for the medical fees you paid for me last time." An Ran paid him back with the money she had gotten with the jewelry she had auctioned off earlier.

Huo Qing stared at An Ran and said nothing.

"An Ran, why did you reject the necklace I gave you just now?"

An Ran was a little surprised. Only then had she understood that Huo Qing did not look happy, probably because she had rejected his good intentions in public earlier.

"Mr. Huo, we aren't very close to each other, after all. I'm very grateful that you helped me last time, but the necklace is too expensive. I can't and I don't want to accept it," An Ran replied sincerely.

She continued, "My family is indeed not doing well now, but I don't want others to look down on me and say that I gain advantages by selling my body."

Huo Qing's expression softened when he heard what she said.

Huo Qing did not know how scary he had looked. He had pulled such a long face that he seemed as if he could eat someone alive as he had thought that An Ran had been deliberately distancing herself from him.

"An Ran, you don't have to return the money to me. I'm more than willing to help you. Use this money to fill the deficit in your family company first. If it's not enough, you can contact me again," Huo Qing said gently to An Ran.


Huo Qing's words made An Ran's heart race.

What did he mean by "more than willing"? It sounded really strange.

An Ran saw that Huo Qing was insistent, so she said nothing else.

Huo Qing suddenly said, "It's impossible for you to bring the An Corporate Group back to life only by auctioning off your jewelry. You have to solve the problems with the company itself."

An Ran suddenly understood something. She looked up at Huo Qing and said, "Thank you. I understand."

Huo Qing was in a good mood at the moment. He said to her, "Don't keep thanking me. You don't have to be so polite to me. There will be plenty of opportunities for us to meet in the future."


An Ran thought to herself, "Why is this man saying so many strange things to me? I don't think we're that close…"

The next day, An Ran woke up early. After breakfast, she visited Duan Qun in prison.

An Ran had thought about it for a long time last night. It would only make the company lose more and more money if she only tried to fill the deficit in the company without making the company profitable.

An Ran remembered that Duan Qun had taken many projects from the company. If her family company ran those projects smoothly, not only could it fill the deficit in the company, but it could also bring in a considerable income.

In the prison, An Ran and Duan Qun talked on the phone with a glass wall between them.

"Duan Qun, return the projects you previously took from the An Corporate Group, and I'll withdraw the lawsuit and let you out."

Duan Qun's facial expression immediately changed when he heard An Ran. He narrowed his eyes and looked at her, and one of his hands clenching into a fist. He had already been harboring a grudge against her for reporting to the police and making him end up in prison, and now she even asked him to return the projects.

"An Ran, do you know what you're saying?"

"Duan Qun, I'll drop the lawsuit if you return the projects to us. Think about it carefully!" An Ran's attitude was very strong, and she was not afraid of Duan Qun at all.