An Ran Was Drunk

"F*ck you, b*tch! How dare you threaten me! I'll kill you when I get out of here!" Duan Qun stood up angrily and scolded An Ran.

An Ran seemed to have expected this and sat there with no panic.

"Oh? Then you'd better come out first."

"Duan Qun, do you think you'll be on the front page of the news tomorrow if the media finds out that you were sent to prison for attempted rape?" An Ran said to him with a determined look in her eyes.

"How dare you!"

"Why not? You, on the other hand, dare to think that you can stop me from telling other people what you did when you're the one who caused harm to me. I'll give you two minutes to consider. If you don't agree to it, I'll make you appear on the news, and you'll stay in prison for eight to ten years."

"You…" Duan Qun's attitude instantly became weak once he heard that he would have to stay in prison for eight to ten years.

"Alright… I'll take the deal." Duan Qun finally yielded.

"Tomorrow, I'll take the Project Transfer Certificate here for you to sign. I'll withdraw the lawsuit after you sign it." An Ran left without wasting any more time on Duan Qun.

An Ran left in a good mood. She rushed home to tell her father about the good news.

When her father heard this, he instantly became much happier. Too many things had happened in the An family lately, and it had been a long time since he had been so happy.

"But… Ranran, even if we get back the projects, we don't have any working capital or investments. I'm afraid that it will be very difficult for us to launch the projects."

His words immediately pulled An Ran back to the reality from her joy.

An Ran pondered for a moment. "Dad, don't worry about this. I'll make sure we get some investment."

An Ran asked the compensation manager for a list of tycoons.

She called them one by one and asked them to come out for dinner tonight.

Although many of them turned her down, there were still five or six people willing to invest in the end.

An Ran dressed herself up and went to the restaurant early to wait for them.

An Ran put on a smiling face throughout the dinner, but the big bosses refused to budge.

All those men were chubby old birds with big bellies who had not aged gracefully.

They saw that An Ran came out to socialize alone without anyone backing her up, so they teased An Ran with their words from time to time.

"Miss An, you're so beautiful. Why do you have to work so hard? If you're willing to sell your looks, I might actually consider it…"

"Hahaha… You're funny, Mr. Li."

Although An Ran wished she could flip the table, she could only swallow her feelings when she thought of the current situation of the An Corporate Group.

"I'll have to trouble you to take care of the An Corporate Group," An Ran said as she poured the wine.

When she was pouring the wine for Mr. Qian, he touched her hand. The only thing An Ran could do about it was to break free.

"Miss An, don't just pour the wine for us. Have a drink too."

Those old men made a fuss and insisted on pushing An Ran to drink.

An Ran had no choice but to frown and drink one cup after another.

"Here, everyone. Let me toast to you then…"

"Miss An, you're a brave girl. I'll toast to you alone then!" Mr. Li said slyly after looking at An Ran's figure and swallowing his saliva.

"… Sure."

Those bosses began to toast An Ran one by one. However, they did not mention anything about the investment.

An Ran lost count of how many glasses of wine she had drunk. She felt dizzy and had double vision when she looked at people.

"Ugh… I feel so dizzy."

An Ran was so drunk that she rested her head and arms on the table, and yet she was still muttering, "About the investment…"

Seeing that An Ran was already very drunk, Mr. Li pretended to go up and ask if she was okay, but he tried to touch her with his hands.

An Ran was so drunk that she was in a daze. Her eyes were half-closed when she felt someone approaching her.

Mr. Li pretended to hold her waist, but in fact, he was taking the opportunity to touch her.

"Don't touch me…"

An Ran subconsciously moved Mr. Li's hand away.

Seeing that An Ran was completely drunk, he exchanged glances with the other bosses.

The other bosses looked at An Ran and swallowed their saliva.

An Ran was a rare beauty with a good figure. Now that she was drunk, these men could not hold themselves back anymore…

Mr. Li and another man wanted to get An Ran up and tie her up.

An Ran felt that something was wrong even though she was in a daze. She opened her eyes and saw the two men approaching her with lustful looks.

"What are you trying to do?"

Although An Ran was drunk she knew that she was in danger.

"Don't tell me that you don't know what we want to do with you. Do you seriously think you can make us invest simply by treating us to a meal and some drinks, Miss An? Sleep with me, and I'll invest in your family company right after." Mr. Li no longer hid his desire and directly proposed the conditions for his investment to An Ran.

"You really are animals. Don't even think about touching me!"