Huo Qing Took Care of An Ran When She Was Drunk

An Ran looked at the lewd men who were approaching her. She grabbed a wine bottle on the table and threw it at them.


"You b*tch, how dare you hit me!"

An Ran hurt Mr. Li's head with the wine bottles she smashed at him. There were many glass splinters on the ground.

An Ran kept on throwing things at them.

Those bosses did not dare to get closer to An Ran anymore when they saw that she had such a fierce temper that she even hurt Mr. Li's head.

"You hurt my head! I'm going to sue you and send you to jail!" Mr. Li said to An Ran angrily.

An Ran got scared. She had come here to attract investment. How would she end up going to jail now…?


Mr. Li suddenly fell to the ground, and someone else stepped on his face.

"I'll see who dares to call the police!"

"Huo Qing?"

An Ran looked up. It was Huo Qing, indeed. Why was he here?

Huo Qing had just finished his dinner. His company had been dealing with a big project, and he had happened to treat the other party to dinner in this hotel.

When he had finished the dinner and come out, he had passed by the private room where An Ran and the bosses had been in and heard An Ran's voice, so he walked in.

At this time, Huo Qing's bodyguard was still stepping on Mr. Li's face.

When the bosses saw that it was Huo Qing, they were so scared that their legs went weak. They did not know why Huo Qing would show up and why he protected An Ran.

"President Huo… I've heard so much about you. This is all Mr. Li's fault. He wanted to take advantage of Miss An when she was drunk. It has nothing to do with us…"

"Yeah, yeah…"

They immediately backed down and quickly pushed all the blame on Mr. Li.

"Really?" Huo Qing had a very cold facial expression now. One look from him could scare them half to death.

"Do it."

Once the bodyguard received Huo Qing's instructions, he began to teach Mr. Li a lesson.

The other bosses stood at the side, shivering.

Huo Qing said, "No one will tell anyone else about what happened today. Otherwise, your company will disappear in City A tomorrow."

"O-Of course. Don't worry, we'll keep it to ourselves."

Huo Qing picked up An Ran, who was sitting on the ground, and strode out.

They got into a car. An Ran kept moving around in Huo Qing's arms.

"An Ran, sit still and don't move. I'm sending you home now," Huo Qing said gently while trying hard to control himself as An Ran kept moving around in his arms and occasionally touched the top of his thigh.

"I'm not going home. I'm not going home until I get their investment…"

Hearing An Ran say she did not want to go home, Huo Qing guessed that she probably did not want her family to worry about her, so he asked the driver to turn around and head to his villa instead.

"An Ran, behave yourself. Stop moving around."

An Ran still kept moving around on Huo Qing's body throughout the entire journey.

Huo Qing looked at An Ran, clenched his fists, and tried his best to hold it in.

When they arrived at the Huo family's villa, Huo Qing carried An Ran back to his room.

"Ugh, I feel awful…"

An Ran felt a burning sensation in her stomach, and she felt like vomiting.

"Blaargh…" An Ran couldn't hold it in anymore. She puked everywhere, and her clothes were dirty.

Huo Qing felt sorry and resigned when he saw her like this.

Huo Qing asked a domestic helper to change An Ran's clothes, and he went to the next room to wash up.

An Ran felt much better after she vomited. Then she sprawled on Huo Qing's bed.

After washing up, Huo Qing returned to his room. When he saw An Ran's sleeping posture, a corner of his mouth went up subconsciously.

"Get me more wine… I can drink more…" An Ran was still muttering nonstop.

"Looks like you're pretty wasted." Huo Qing walked to the side of the bed and brushed away the stray strands of hair on An Ran's forehead.

An Ran felt something warm and hugged Huo Qing as soon as she touched him.


All Huo Qing could feel now was his whole body burning up, and the veins on his hands became more visible than usual.

"Mm… It's so warm."

An Ran hugged Huo Qing tightly and kept rubbing against his chest.

"An Ran… let go." Huo Qing's crotch started to bulge, and his forehead started sweating nonstop.

Not only did An Ran not let go of Huo Qing, but she also raised her head and started kissing Huo Qing's face with her eyes half-closed.

Huo Qing did not want to take advantage of An Ran while she was asleep, but An Ran kept kissing him, and he could not help but deepen the kiss.

Huo Qing only let go of An Ran when she was out of breath.

Whereas, An Ran was still muttering, "I'm dreaming of a handsome man… How nice… Let me kiss him…"


So, she had done that because she had been dreaming.

"Ha." Huo Qing smiled resignedly. He suppressed his desire and turned to take a cold shower in the bathroom.