A Misunderstanding

The next morning, An Ran opened her eyes half-asleep.

She looked up at the ceiling. Since when had her house been renovated?

An Ran sat up from the bed and realized that she was naked.


An Ran had a painful expression on her face, thinking that she might have been…

Just as she was trying to recall what had happened last night, Huo Qing walked into the room in his pajamas.


An Ran saw Huo Qing and thought he had raped her while she was sleeping.

"You bast*rd! You took advantage of me while I was asleep! I'm going to sue you!" An Ran instinctively slapped Huo Qing and quickly retreated to a corner.

"… Put on your clothes first. I'll explain it to you later." After saying that, Huo Qing asked a domestic helper to give An Ran a set of clothes.

After An Ran was fully dressed, Huo Qing asked the domestic helper to bring her some hangover soup and breakfast.

"… I won't eat anything that comes from that bast*rd!" An Ran spilled all the things the domestic helper had brought her on the ground.

Huo Qing saw that An Ran had misunderstood him, but he still let her throw a tantrum.

"Those men took advantage of you when you were drunk last night, but I saved you. A female helper changed your clothes, but later on, you said that you felt too warm in your sleep and took off your clothes. I did not take advantage of you. On the contrary, you kept hugging me and refused to let me go yesterday…" The more Huo Qing talked about it, the more wrong it sounded.

At this moment, An Ran just wanted to find a hole for herself to hide. She had been drunk and had acted crazy and even slapped him.

"Oh. Uh… I'm sorry… for my misunderstanding of you just now."

"Thank you for saving me last night, or else…" An Ran lowered her head and did not dare to look at Huo Qing.

She had just hit Huo Qing. He was a big shot in City A who could kill her with a single finger. What had she just done?

Seeing that An Ran kept her head down, not only did he not blame her, but he also felt sorry that he had scared her.

"Let's have breakfast first. You have to drink the hangover soup too since you drank too much last night." Huo Qing did not continue the topic and went downstairs with her to have breakfast together.

Neither of them said anything at the dining table.

An Ran did not dare to say anything. After all, she had just hit him without knowing the whole story.

Meanwhile, Huo Qing was still reminiscing the scene from last night.

After they finished breakfast, An Ran saw the red mark on Huo Qing's face and said in a soft voice, "Uh… I didn't mean to hit you earlier. I'm sorry…"

"If you're sorry, why don't you make yourself mine as compensation?" Huo Qing saw An Ran's guilty look and teased her on purpose. He could feel that An Ran had a better attitude toward him now.

An Ran blushed and her heart pounded. She changed the topic, "Let me help you apply the medicine. The marks on your face are too obvious."

"… Sure." Huo Qing did not let go of this opportunity to get close to her.

They sat on the sofa. Huo Qing was nearly 1.9 meters, while An Ran was only 1.65 meters.

"Lower your head. You're too tall for me to apply the medicine on your face."

Huo Qing lowered his head, and his lips accidentally touched An Ran's forehead.


An Ran's face instantly turned red.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to do that."

"I-It's fine." An Ran continued to apply the medicine, pretending that nothing had happened.

They were so close to each other that they could hear each other breathing.

"Alright, it's done," An Ran said as she was about to stand up.

Unexpectedly, as she had maintained the position for too long that her legs had gone numb, so she lost her balance and fell backward.

Huo Qing reacted quickly. He held her waist and pulled her into his arms. They fell on the sofa and kissed!


Wham. An Ran felt like fireworks were going off in her head.

However, her thoughts quickly came back to reality. She pushed Huo Qing away, and they sat next to each other awkwardly.

"Why did you drink with them last night?"

Huo Qing broke the awkward silence. If it were not for An Ran being drunk and unconscious last night, he would have asked her this question.

An Ran had no idea how badly Huo Qing had wished to shoot those old men when he had seen them bullying her last night.

"I was there to get some investment. The An Corporate Group had some projects lately, but we didn't have the funds to launch them, so I invited them to try and persuade them to invest in the An Corporate Group. Who knew that…" An Ran lowered her head and sighed.

"You drank with them alone just to attract their investments. Did you know how dangerous it was? If it weren't for me showing up in time, you would've probably been…"


An Ran somehow sensed that Huo Qing was a little jealous. Why did he care so much about her drinking with other men?

"If you want some investments, the Huo Corporate Group can also invest in your family company. What do you think?" Huo Qing had wanted to invest in the An Corporate Group for a long time, but he had never had the chance.