Accepting His Investment

"I… I'll think about it." An Ran was still hesitant.

Huo Qing said in a low voice, "I'm only offering this as an investor. You don't have to worry too much. You can't get any other investments anyway, so you might as well consider me."

An Ran stayed silent.

"The Huo Corporate Group can invest in the An Corporate Group with an 80:20 split of the profit. How about that?" Huo Qing continued.

An Ran pondered for a while and realized that Huo Qing's analysis made sense. She could not get any investments at this stage, and she did not want to look for strangers to invest in her family company for the time being after what had happened last night.

Moreover, Huo Qing was not simply helping her. It would be a win-win situation for both of their companies.

Plus, after spending some time together lately, An Ran realized that Huo Qing was not a bad person. At the very least, he had not done anything to hurt her so far. Accepting Huo Qing's investment was the best option at the moment.

An Ran finally made a decision. "Okay, I agree."

"I have one more condition," Huo Qing suddenly said to An Ran.


An Ran stared at Huo Qing and feared that he would ask her to sell her body. At the thought of this, she distanced herself away from him.

"I'll invest 500 million yuan in the An Corporate Group provided that you'll be the company representative who will discuss the cooperation with me."

"Oh… Then let me make this clear first. I refuse to sell my body, so don't try to take advantage of me!" An Ran calmly adjusted her clothes.

"Heh," Huo Qing could not help but chuckle.

"Don't worry. I'm not filthy enough to get a woman with my investment, or do you want me to do that?" Huo Qing said as he patted An Ran on her head.

"I-I don't. President Huo, I hope you'll keep your promise, and we'll maintain a normal relationship."

An Ran brushed Huo Qing's hand away with resistance. She thought, "Why did you pat my head when I'm not a dog?!"

They talked for a little longer at Huo Qing's villa. He asked her where she would go later, and she said she planned to visit her mother at the hospital.

Huo Qing said that it was convenient so he could send An Ran to the hospital. Then they packed up and left the villa together.

An Ran bought some daily necessities and fruits. When she arrived outside her mother's ward, she took out her phone to check her makeup.

In fact, An Ran was not appreciating her looks. She was only doing that as too many things had happened in her family lately. She knew that her mother was worried about her, so she wanted to show up in front of her mother with the best image possible.

An Ran gently opened the door and saw her mother resting with her eyes closed.

Her mother's body had previously not been in good shape. After the surgery this time, she had lost a lot of weight. Her face was sallow, her eyes were black and blue, and she did not have enough fat on her body.

Cancer made her unable to sleep well all day. She was also worried about her family and the company. It made An Ran's heart ache just by looking at her.


Seeing her mother look haggard, An Ran could not stop her tears from falling.

An Ran walked forward and hugged her mother. Her mother felt that there was someone beside her and opened her eyes.

"Ranran… My dear daughter, it's all my fault for being so weak." An Ran's mother felt sorry that her daughter had to bear such heavy pressure and could not help but blame herself.

"Mom, what nonsense are you talking about? Just focus on your recovery, and you'll get better. Our family will still be as happy as before," An Ran hurriedly said.

"Silly child, my illness must have cost a lot of money, right? Now that the company lacks working capital, I can't be a burden. I don't want to stay in the hospital anymore. Take me home. I can rest at home too…"

An Ran's mother knew that the company needed money now, so she wanted to get discharged from the hospital. That way, they would at least spend less money.

"Mom, just focus on treating your illness in the hospital. I've already found investment for the company. The investor is willing to invest 500 million yuan in our company," An Ran happily told her mother the good news.

"Really? Ranran, you aren't lying to me, are you? Who's willing to invest so much money in the An Corporate Group? We have to thank him properly." An Ran's mother was shocked, but there was joy in her tone.

"I know, Mom. Just focus on your treatment and listen to the doctor," An Ran said as she peeled an apple for her mother.

Now that the problem with the company's capital had been settled, An Ran and her mother happily chatted about their daily life in the ward.

At the door of the ward, Tao Ya eavesdropped that An Ran had obtained an investment of 500 million yuan, and her eyes revealed a vicious look.

As she was afraid that An Ran would report her to the police station, Tao Ya had been staying in this hospital since her miscarriage. Since she had had nothing to do, she had been wandering around the hospital.

She had not expected to see An Ran carrying things and entering the ward, so she had followed An Ran and hid outside An Ran's mother's ward to eavesdrop.

Since she knew that An Ran had money now, she immediately called her family and relatives and asked them to blackmail An Ran for money.