Tao Ya Blackmailed Her Again

Very soon, Tao Ya's relatives found out that An Ran had money. A group of them aggressively blocked An Ran.

"An Ran, the incident of you pushing Tao Ya and causing her miscarriage hasn't been settled yet!"

"Haven't you gotten an investment for the An family lately? You should pay a sum of money to Tao Ya."

"That's right. Tao Ya is still in the hospital now. If it wasn't for you, Tao Ya wouldn't have had a miscarriage!"

Tao Ya's difficult relatives immediately asked An Ran for money once they saw her.

Just as An Ran was wondering how they came to know that she had gotten an investment, one of Tao Ya's relatives said, "Don't even think about leaving if you don't pay us now!"

An Ran looked at them and almost burst out laughing out of anger. A bunch of people who only cared about money was really stupid.

"Who are you to come here and ask me for money? How is Tao Ya related to you? She's in the hospital now, but have any of you gone to visit her? Besides, she fell down the stairs herself on purpose. It had nothing to do with me!"

"Do you have any evidence to prove that I pushed her? You want to blackmail me? In your dreams!" An Ran said angrily.

Tao Ya's relatives saw that An Ran had no intention of paying them at all, so they said, "An Ran, don't get too ahead of yourself. If you don't pay us, we will sue you and make you go to jail!"

"Hahaha… You're going to sue me? You don't even know who has the right to sue here!"

An Ran took out the evidence of Tao Ya's theft of the An family's items for sale and threw them in front of Tao Ya's difficult relatives.

"Take a look at these yourself. All these years, Tao Ya has been stealing things from the An family to sell. I wonder who's the one who only cares about money!" An Ran said sarcastically.

After catching Tao Ya's accomplice in the villa last time, An Ran had had him organize the evidence. He had gathered a very complete set of evidence, which was enough to send Tao Ya to jail for a few years.

An Ran had always carried the evidence of Tao Ya's theft with her lately because she had known that her family's relatives were a bunch of difficult and unreasonable people and they might come to her to ask for money anytime.

Tao Ya's relatives looked at the evidence and instantly quieted down.

"Tao Ya stole so many things from the An family, which are worth tens to millions. According to the criminal law, if the amount is particularly large, the criminal is punishable with more than ten years of imprisonment and a fine." An Ran solemnly educated Tao Ya's relatives on the law.

"Tao Ya must've given you some money that she got from selling the An family's properties all these years, I suppose? Now, would what you did be considered as receiving stolen properties?"

An Ran's words made their legs go weak.

Tao Ya's group of relatives had not received much education. They simply rushed to An Ran without thinking once Tao Ya called them up and told them that they could go and ask An Ran for a large sum of money.

Seeing that they all went silent, An Ran continued, "Didn't you all want to sue me earlier? Then I'll sue you too. At most, I'll lose some money, but you will all be going to jail."

"Y-You…" Tao Ya's relatives were so scared that they stuttered.

"You what? How dare you try to blackmail me when you're just a bunch of local hooligans? You'd better go back and study more!" Seeing their guilty looks, An Ran left without looking back.

"What do we do now?"

"What else can we do? We can only go back first. Do we really want to be accused of stealing and then sent to jail?"

Tao Ya's relatives stood where they were and discussed.

"An Ran, you b*tch!"

When Tao Ya found out that her relatives had not been able to demand any compensation and had been threatened instead, she was so angry that she started to curse.

"An Ran, just you wait. I'll definitely make you regret it, b*tch! Duan Qun is mine, and the An Corporate Group will be mine too in the future! Everything you have now will be mine in the future!" Tao Ya seemed to have gone mad. She muttered to herself and cursed An Ran nonstop.