Question of An Ran’s Mother

After Duan Qun had agreed to return the projects he had taken from the An Corporate Group, An Ran had withdrawn the lawsuit the next day after Duan Qun had signed the transfer contract.

Duan Qun had finally gotten out of prison.

Tao Ya had found out that Duan Qun had gotten out of prison, so she kept calling him, asking him to come to the hospital to see her. She told him that she had been pregnant with Duan Qun's child, and their child would have been over four months old now if it had not been for An Ran.

Duan Qun had initially wanted to rest at home for a few days, but he could not stand Tao Ya's constant calls, so he went to the hospital to see her.

"Qun… you're finally here."

The moment Tao Ya saw Duan Qun, she pretended to be pitiful.

"Qun, it's all An Ran's fault. If she didn't push me down the stairs, our child wouldn't have…" Tao Ra even squeezed out a few drops of tears after she finished speaking, looking very pitiful.

Duan Qun had hated An Ran for sending him to prison in the first place. Now that he heard what Tao Ya said, he became even angrier.

"Qun, I need some water. Go and get me some hot water. I'm still weak." Duan Qun felt sorry for Tao Ya and got up to get some water.

He had only taken a few steps when he heard a nurse say, "Mrs. An, it's time for the injection…"

"Mrs. An?"

Duan Qun was curious. He wondered if An Ran's mother was here as well. He walked over and found that An Ran's mother was also hospitalized.

Duan Qun hated everyone in the An family. When he saw that An Ran's mother was in the hospital, he wanted to show up in front of her to anger her.

Duan Qun pushed the door open and walked to An Ran's mother's side. Seeing that she looked haggard, he felt much better.

"Eh, isn't this my ex-mother-in-law? Why are you hospitalized? Is it serious?" Duan Qun said sarcastically.

An Ran's mother looked up and saw him. Her eyes flashed with displeasure. "What are you doing here? Don't you think you've done enough harm to our family?"

"You can't say that. Although what happened at the wedding was my bad, An Ran isn't faithful either! Your daughter has been seen with Huo Qing from time to time. She must've slept with him a long time ago."

"You… Get lost. My daughter isn't that kind of person!" An Ran's mother was so angry that she felt dizzy.

"I can leave, but I have to finish my words before I leave. Do you think it's so easy to do business? If it wasn't for your daughter selling her body, why would Huo Qing invest 500 million yuan in the An Corporate Group? Considering your current status, you can only pull that off in your dreams! An Ran is very cheap, indeed. She actually managed to sell her body and beg others to invest in the An Corporate Group—"


Before Duan Qun could finish his sentence, An Ran's mother threw a kettle at him.

"Get lost, and stop slandering Ranran!" An Ran's mother shouted loudly.

"How dare you hit me, you old woman!" Duan Qun started to tug at An Ran's mother.


While tugging at Duan Qun, An Ran's mother accidentally fell to the ground and could not get up.

"Hmph! You all are still too weak to fight me!"

Seeing that An Ran's mother was injured, Duan Qun stopped getting physical with her and turned around to leave.

At this time, An Ran was still in the company signing the investment contract with Huo Qing.

"Ring, ring, ring…"

The phone suddenly rang. An Ran picked up the call, "What?"

"What's wrong?" Huo Qing asked as he saw that An Ran looked anxious.

"The hospital staff said that my mother fell over when arguing with someone. They asked me to rush over," An Ran said as she packed her things. She was going to rush to the hospital once she got up.

"I'll go with you."


Huo Qing drove An Ran to the hospital speedily.

"Mom, are you alright? Are you hurt?" An Ran rushed into her ward and checked her mother up and down.

"Ranran, I'm fine. I just had an argument with Duan Qun and fell."

An Ran's mother comforted her anxious daughter and then changed the topic, "Ranran, I need to ask you about something. You have to answer me honestly. Don't hide anything from me."

Her tone suddenly became serious, and even An Ran was shocked.

"Mom, what's wrong? Did something happen?" An Ran asked carefully.

"What's your relationship with Huo Qing? Did you do anything for him to get his investment…?" An Ran's mother put it mildly.

An Ran instantly understood that Duan Qun must have slandered Huo Qing and her in front of her mother.

"Mom, believe me. I'll never do something like that. Huo Qing only invested in our company, and we even signed a contract with a 70:30 split of the profit." An Ran then took out the contract for her mother to see.

Her mother only felt relieved after she took the contract and read it.

"Ranran, the most important thing for a girl is self-love, so don't sacrifice yourself for benefits…" Her mother began to educate her.

"I know, Mom. Don't worry," An Ran replied obediently.

"Also, President Huo isn't young anymore. He's kind of much older than you. Don't get involved with him, okay? A little girl like you doesn't understand the thoughts of an old man," An Ran's mother said earnestly to An Ran.

"… Mom, what are you talking about?" An Ran felt a bit shy now.

After all, Huo Qing had helped her family a lot, but her mother only thought of him as an "old man".

However, to dispel her mother's concern, An Ran assured her mother that she would not get close to the "old man", Huo Qing.