She Admitted That She Liked Him

Huo Qing had come to the hospital with An Ran. He was worried that An Ran's mother would feel awkward if she saw him, so he waited at the door of her ward.

However, he had not expected An Ran's mother to call him an "old man." Huo Qing's face darkened when he heard that.

Then he thought that since he would still have to visit An Ran's parents in the future, he might as well establish a good image in front of her mother as soon as possible.

Soon, Huo Qing called his assistant to send over a bunch of expensive tonics and health care products.

"Knock, knock, knock…"

An Ran heard someone knocking on the door, so she got up to open it.


"Why are you here?" An Ran lowered her voice and said. When she saw Huo Qing carrying a bunch of stuff, she was so shocked that she almost dropped her jaw.

"I'm here to visit Auntie." Huo Qing raised his eyebrows.

Huo Qing walked past An Ran and went straight to her mother's side.

"Hello, Auntie. I'm Huo Qing. These are some gifts for you. I wish you a speedy recovery."

Huo Qing behaved like a well-mannered man now. His tone was gentle, and he appeared humble and polite, totally unlike his usual self, who was always stern.

An Ran stood there and looked at Huo Qing unbelievably. She pinched her own arm, wondering if she was dreaming.

An Ran's mother was also shocked when she saw Huo Qing. However, she had seen a lot, after all. So, she responded politely.

"… An Ran, why are you still standing there? Hurry and offer a seat for President Huo."

"Oh, I'm coming." An Ran's thoughts finally came back to reality.

Huo Qing and An Ran's mother got along very well. They chatted for a long time as if they were very familiar.

"Auntie, it's almost time for lunch. I'll go and order some food. You should rest first." Huo Qing got up and left the hospital.

The smile of An Ran's mother had not disappeared from her face till now since Huo Qing had shown up.

"Ranran, Huo Qing is really not bad. He's completely different from what the outside world says about him. He's much better than that scumbag, Duan Qun. What do you think?" An Ran's mother turned around and said to An Ran.


An Ran was speechless. She "wondered" who was the one who had called Huo Qing an "old man" earlier…

After lunch, An Ran waited for her mother to fall asleep before she went to Tao Ya and Duan Qun.

Since An Ran had found out from her mother that Duan Qun had caused her to fall, she wanted to throw Duan Qun into the sea and feed him to the sharks.

At this time, Tao Ya and Duan Qun were still acting lovey-dovey in the ward.

An Ran walked to Tao Ya's ward and kicked the door open.


Tao Ya and Duan Qun were hugging and kissing. Both of them were also not properly dressed. Hearing the loud bang, they were both shocked.

Seeing that it was An Ran, Tao Ya hurriedly started getting dressed.

"You two scumbags, you even do this in a hospital. Are you two that thirsty?" An Ran had not expected to see them making out and said with a look of disdain.

"It's none of your business! You b*tch, you hooked up with Huo Qing, so how could you have the cheek to meddle with our affairs?"

Seeing that it was An Ran, Duan Qun immediately scolded her loudly.

"Hmph, Duan Qun, don't blame me for not warning you. If you dare to harass my family again, I'll send you to jail right after!"

"And you, Tao Ya, if you ask your relatives to blackmail me again, I'll hand over the evidence of your theft to the police and send you to jail for over ten years."

An Ran was not afraid of them. After all, she had something on them.

"What should I do, Qun? She threatened me… I'm scared…" Tao Ya immediately pretended to be pitiful and snuggled into Duan Qun's arms.

Duan Qun comforted Tao Ya while he said fiercely to An Ran, "H-How dare you!"

"An Ran, you think you're so powerful now because you're hooking up with Huo Qing, huh? Do you seriously think he'll like you? He's just fooling around with you. When he's done with you, he'll get rid of you immediately."

Hearing that Duan Qun kept bringing up Huo Qing, An Ran could not help but get angry.

"Heh, aren't you just jealous of Huo Qing because he's taller, richer, more handsome, and more gentlemanly than you? All in all, he's better than you in terms of everything!"

An Ran deliberately praised Huo Qing in front of Duan Qun to infuriate him.

When Duan Qun heard An Ran's words, he got so angry that his face turned red.

Duan Qun questioned An Ran, "Do you really like Huo Qing?"

"Yes, I do like Huo Qing. I really like him. He's so outstanding, so of course I love him to death. Anyway, I won't like a scumbag like you!"

In order to anger Duan Qun to death, An Ran said that she liked Huo Qing.

Duan Qun was furious. Although he had already broken off the engagement with An Ran, An Ran admitting that she liked someone else so quickly made Duan Qun feel as if he had been cuckolded.