Chapter 35: The Battle.

Everyone onboard the base was stunned by the announcement. But the ones most stunned were those in the Admiral's cabin. They never expected Taron to use the Challenge Card on Race nor did they expect Race to accept the challenge.

" What was his deal? and what is this challenge about." Race was curious.

" Why did you go and accept if you had no idea what it was." Mavis was livid.

" This is something that Master set up to calm Taron down when he lost to me. Race, when I was chosen by Master as a disciple, it was done through an internal contest." Magnus sighed and continued " We both reached the final. Me against him, and I won."

" So he is jealous", Race said.

" Kind of, I won the contest by a small margin." Magnus said humbling himself.

" No Race, He won with quite a huge lead. But Taron was not not ready accept it. So he complained to Master that if they both had the same circumstance of growth he would have been the one to win. Taking his family into consideration, Master gave him the opportunity to challenge any disciple for their spot. And that is what he used." Mavis said.

" If his loss was by such a large margin then why would Master give him a challenge card?".

" It has to do with his parents. his father was an admiral under master while his mother was his assistant. They were excellent at their duties helping Master overcome a lot of troubles due to their help. They even laid down their life in service. So we all have a soft spot for him. That is the reason why Master gave him a challenge card." Melina spoke the truth.

" And he says you won because of nepotism." Race was stunned by the other parties shamelessness. " Yeah guys can you tell me about the combat challenge. What kind of battle would we face-off in." Race started to prepare for the Battle that is about start in an hour.

" This is the first time a challenge card is used so we are not sure as to how it goes. But judging by the way usual way Master does things, I believe you will get to chose the type of battle. But Don't Bet on it as this is just my guess." Melina said as she stroked her chin in deep thought.

" How good is Taron. How much of a fighter is he?."

" He is a little worse than Magnus, Especially since he was Training day and night. He might be able to match Magnus now." Mavis said completely serious.

That was when Race and Magnus looked at each other, Barely containing their laughter. Mavis and Melina were confused when she saw this.

Seeing the startled look on his mother and sister Magnus said to them. " If he is only as strong as me then there is nothing to worry about. I am not proud to say this but Race can beat with one hand tied behind his back. He was praised as combat genius by Master."

" If that is the case then I would like to be guided to the cafeteria. I would really like a drink." Race was completely calm as he walked through the door.

An hour quickly passed and a lot of soldiers gathered in the largest arena were the combat challenge was supposed to take place.

The Arena was larger, and more advanced version of the training ground on the Minotaur. Race, Magnus and Mavis walked up to their assigned side to find Taron waiting for them at the other side.

" Lets get this over with, I don't want to waste time talking to you, I have two other challenges to win as well", Taron began to trash talk on seeing Race. " I will show you the difference between a spoon fed baby like you and a person who had to fight for everything they need." Taron was completely convinced that he would be the one to win. He also believed that Race was someone who got the discipleship with a recommendation.

" You are right about one thing Taron. You will learn the difference". Race said.

As soon as both of them entered the Arena they were scanned and after confirming their identities, A robotic voice was heard, " The Combat challenge is about to begin. The one who is challenged can chose the type of battle that is to be fought."

A holographic panel appeared before Race which showed the various types of battle he could choose. Race without a bit of hesitation chose hand to hand combat and the venue he set it to random.

The voice was heard as soon as Race made his choice. " Hand to Hand combat has been chosen. The simulated Venue is an ancient ruin."

Taron was beaming when he heard the announcement. He was quite sure that he was way stronger than that little disciple. All the spectators except for Magnus and his family everyone felt sorry for the Race.

" I must thank you, Race Myth, my victory is now assured. You know what since it has come to this you can just give up so we can prepare for the next two challenges." Tarin said as the arena around the both of them started to morph into an ancient ruin.

" No need to worry about that Taron, There wont be a need for the next challenge", Race spoke as he entered the stance. The Arena had completed its transformation.

" The Battle Begins in 3...

