Ryu clan sick prince

chapter 2 : clan sick prince

Lexi scot (pov)

Lexi Scot slowly opened his eyes as his mind trembled

"Shiryu, my child you are finally awake."

A familiar woman's pleasantly surprised soft voice drifted into my ears.

Lexi Scot was startled at first, then he grew extremely excited as he quickly looked at the source of the voice and found a delicate face full of affection intently staring at me with teary red eyes.

I saw a silver haired breathtakingly beautiful middle age woman with delicate smooth snow skin! with a hint of redness on her beautiful face and perfect body shape, This as been the woman that visited my dream day and night along with his father and sister!, and she was now right in front of me!!.


"mother!" I cried out with a teary eyes as i dashed into her arms and gave her a warm long hug, I felt her warm breathing and the warm touch of her skin and smelt the familiar smell like that of a rose, that long hug made me feel so at peace and all the burden that he didn't even know where there eased up as I cried a river.

I felt like I had never been this happy for as long as he could remember,his days have been filled with loneliness and endless slaughter and all that held together was the thought of getting his family back!


Right at this moment the door leading to the room swung open and a handsome middle aged man clad in a majestic robe and a seven year old looking girl quickly rushed in.

Lexi Scot raised his head to see the new arrivals and was immediately elated as he saw them

The handsome middle-age man was his father Sima Ryu and the little girl with mischievous smile on her face was his younger sister Momo Ryu.

They looked exactly as he remembered them to be, especially Momo she remained stunning as ever, with her big round blue eyes as calm as the moon and overflowing with life, she had extremely long eyelashes, a perfect nose, pink lips perfect jaw and a very long sliver hair that went all the way to her back.

They were truly look the same as before and haven't aged a day!!.

"Father, Momo!!" He dashed out of his mom's embrace as he leaped into father's arm and gave his dad a bear hug then he grabbed his little sister's arms then fondly caressed her hair.

His family was finally together!!.

His father patted his head smiled while his little sister rolled her eyes as she kept giggling

"Shiryu are you okay? don't scare us like that" feeling his overreaction, his mom gently said as she stared into his eye worriedly.

Lexi scot felt a surge of warmth as he heard his mom call out his real name 'Shiryu!!' (which means violet dragon).the name he had forced himself to forget all this years, he changed his name after his family's demise and was happy to be called that again.

"Don't worry mom I'm better now than i have always been" shiryu hastily said as he was wondering how his family was alive and right here with him.

Right at that moment he felt stream of memories flood his mind as he heard a cold voice and saw the familiar notice.

System notification : wish (quest) has been completed! Check system data for more information.

Shiryu didn't even bother about that as he kept enjoying his time with his family.

"Shiryu go back to bed and relax and continue absorbing the bone mending pill and recover quickly" after awhile his father said with a deep voice as he led shiryu's mother and sister out the door.

Shiryu lips curled upwards as he stared at Momo Ryu who kept winking at him and smiling at him until she left.

After they left, shiryu sat down cross-legged on his bed and he gan to sift through the foreign memories in his mind, and numerous memories flashed in his eyes.

Shiryu had indeed reincarnated, apparently his wish was granted at the last minute and his soul was brought into this alternate world and he possessed this body that his name and looked exactly like him when he was twelve years old.

shiryu reincarnated into one continent world known as Avalon continent and was divided by the three dominant races human race who lived at the largest part of the continent, north and were led by sky fall empire.

the Elf race with the smallest population among all races but possess immense strength, lived at the west of the continent and they were ruled by the high elf counsel.

the dwarf race they stayed in the east part of the continent filled with a lot of rare materials they led by the darwin empire.

in between the races is the Abyss forest were most demon beasts lived.

Shiryu is currently 12 years old was the sickly prince of Ryu clan, his father, King Sima Ryu, an early layer martial lord, who is currently the king of a small kingdom called "Akinlore kingdom" with over a hundred thousand citizens half of which are martial artists!! and his mother is one of the city's respected high rank Rank E alchemist! master!. Akinlore city had 3 great clans that were always having dispute in the dark, shiryu's Ryu clan, was currently the ruling royal clan, Is a former military clan that once served the late crown prince of imperial capital of Talios nation!, a powerful empire that ruled over a hundred small kingdoms and towns in the extreme south west of sky-fall empire close to the abyss forest including Akinlore kingdom, they had been expelled from the capital to rule this little kingdom that the Ryu clan ancestors originated from after most of their powerhouses died and many of their assets were lost under thee the cruel politics of the battle of for the imperial throne years ago when shiryu's grandfather, a powerful martial artist was forced to take his life after the late crown prince was assassinated under his watch.

the second clan was the previous ruling royal clan, the mighty Lan clan was a clan rich in abundant resources and power from years of accumulation and they were wildly ambitious , and always fought to have their clan head return as the Royals ever since he was defeated and usurped be Sima Ryu decades ago and they had ties with the branch of the league of alchemists in Akinlore city

and finally the xiao clan was the military clan, they had numerous generals, warriors serving in the army and they had control of over half of the ten thousand strong Akinlore city army. they even had complete control of the most second most powerful force in the Akinlore army : The crimson iron army! with over five hundred seed condensing realm and above martial warriors!

In the process of merging with this part of his foreign memories he found the reason why the previous owner of his body injured and bedridden and ultimately died

turns out that earlier this morning he found out that his betrothed wife and childhood sweatheart Xiao wanru of the Xiao clan got engaged to the young master of the lan clan lan feibai ,in a fit of rage he confronted them and attacked lan feibai thereafter.

but how could shiryu who was merely at the second layer of the essence gathering realm be a match for lan feibai who was already cultivated up to the third layer of the seed condensing realm,he was immediately severely beaten and sent to the verge of death and he later died and shiryu(Lexi Scot) took over his body.

later on shiryu father sima Ryu found out about his son who he dotted alot injury and he grew angry, and with his early layer martial lord realm he domineeringly led his army to the lan clan to get an explanation and capture lan feibai!.

who knew that the lan clan patriarch refused to give him face and called his son shiryu a good for nothing trash that was lusting after swan's flesh .

sima Ryu grew mad and attacked after hearing that only to find out for some reason the lan patriarch cultivation realm had grown and was now at the middle layer of the martial lord realm, after exchanging just 10 moves he was utterly defeated and he had to retreat in shame.

The lan clan later officially announced that he was going challenged sima Ryu to a one on one battle to the death to reclaim his throne, or he was going to lead his clan army and start a civil war. King Sima Ryu had no choice but to accept the challenge!.

The date was decided and the battle was going to take place at the royal arena a week later.

later on the Xiao clan head publicly announced the dissolution of the marriage agreement between shiryu and Xiao wanru and her new engagement to the lan clan young master lan feibai.

shiryu sighed heavily after recalling this memories, things were not looking good for his family, if his father can't find a way to get stronger and loses his throne then his whole family might be assassinated by the lan clan to avoid future troubles.

shiryu was so annoyed at his powerlessness, his new body was a total failure at cultivating, ever since he awakened his martial spirit at the age of 5 a low-tier beast type martial spirit the green eyed serpentine, in this world, martial spirit determines innate talent, it can be said that the martial spirit determines the future achievement of a cultivator.

Many ancient clans passed down martial spirits from generation to generation including the Ryu clan whose martial spirit was a high tier blood drake, a descendant of of the mythical Divine Dragon. But unfortunately shiryu didn't inherit the drake only this sickly low tier green eyed serpentine martial spirit

Over 7 years has passed since shiryu's martial spirit awakened but he barely could be considered a cultivator for only had an increase in power only managing to increase by 2 layers because his rate of absorbing essence qi was just too slow due to his martial spirit and poor innate talent even his younger sister who stated cultivating a year ago had caught up and surpassed him and was now at the 5th layer of the essence gathering realm, she could totally whoop his ass now!.