martial spirit Evolution

chapter 3: martial spirit evolution

huh sigh, at least I have the tower of Babel it should have a way to make me stronger" shiryu said as he summoned his Babel data began to skim through it.

shiryu : human ( evolvable ).


martial spirit : low-tier green eyed serpent (evolvable).


realm : essence gathering realm 2nd layer (13.04%).


inventory : Book of Babel , Babel life water.


system announcement : Babel life water available for body spirit evolution, do you choose to evolve {yes or no}


The Babel life water in shiryus hand was so beautiful, it glowed a shimmering violet radiance and inside the water seemed to be a violet dragon lifeforms swimming happily leaving colorfull magnificent patterns behind it.

shiryu stared at the data and was elated when he found the use of the Babel life water as he quickly pressed yes.

system announcement : martial spirit evolution commencing

at that moment a wave of intense pain spread throughout his body, shiryu felt his body began to change ,his three hundred and sixty meridians, his bone, viscera and skin began to quake and boil as his body shone violet, shiryu mind went fuzzy he felt his brain were stabbed by thousand of tiny needles his body had inflated and felt like would explode, his eyelids grew heavy as his consciousness began to fade, however he forcefully held on and stayed awake gritting his teeth

his martial soul were going through metamorphosis! And the same time improving his sick frail weak body.

system announcement : martial spirit has evolved to mid-tier spirit


system announcement : martial spirit has evolved to high-tier spirit


system announcement : martial spirit has evolved to peak-tier spirit


system announcement : martial spirit high-tier green eyed serpent is completing it's evolution....


system announcement : martial spirit high-tier green eyed serpent has transformed to Divine spirit green eyed violet Dragon.

evolution completed


A loud dragon roar reverberated from within the shiryus body.

the series of announcement ended and the pain of evolution subsided, shiryu look outside and it had already turned dark , he had spent several hours evolving.

Shiryu examined his inner body to see the eary shattering change that just occurred, inside his sea of soul was a violet dragon floating magnificently exuding domineering aura

Shiryu felt his bones and his three hundred and sixty meridians had gone through a tremendous change and his affinity to heaven and Earth essence elevated wildly

shiryu then tried absorbing essence qi from the bone mending pill as he revolved his cultivation method, to his surprise it was more than a ten times faster than before and the essence qi flowed smoothly through his now tougher meridians into his round shaped essence whirlpool and essence sea in his chest.

The violet Dragon inside him was like an endless abyss sucking the essence energy at a terrifying pace

he meditated for a while as he absorbed heaven and Earth with his essence whirlpool spinning wildly in his chest and sending pure essence energy to the essence sea in his abdomen, after awhile his essence sea trembled and then became five times bigger than before and became ten inches long.

he had achieved a breakthrough!!!.

in merely five hours of cultivation and his essence qi became purer and more abundant than normal cultivators.

"Having a Divine martial spirit sure feels better!" shiryu opened his eyes with a bright smile on his face as he summoned his Babel data.

shiryu : violet phoenix physique


martial spirit : Divine tier green eyed violet Dragon


realm : essence gathering realm 3rd layer (0.00).


inventory : Book of Babel.

inventory : Book of Babel.

"I think it's time to see what the book of Babel contains, I really hope it has a way to help dad defeat beat that LAN punk" I said with a solemn look on my face as I took out the Book of Babel from his inventory.

Then my body shook as I felt the weight of the book to be about 20 pounds (ca. 9 kg) Looking at the book cover three words were written in ancient inscriptions Book of babel


strange noise sounded out as he opened the book and his mind was suddenly invaded with a terrifying aura of slaughter and death as if there was an explosion, his eyes turn red for a moment as he appeared in a strange space, it seemed to be the location of a grand battle with countless dead bodies and the smell of blood lingered in the air.

A great war must have occurred here!

[system notification : you have arrived at the ASURA BATTLEFIELD!!]

A system message appeared in his mind as he looked around and all he saw was a pile of dead bodies of different lifeforms humans, elf's, dwarves some demon beasts and some scary looking creatures amidst them.

These creatures looked like humans only their features were different, their hands had long red claws, and they had 2 red horns on their heads and their average height seem to be 7ft (2.13 meters), they also had black majestic wings, they looked like fallen devils as they laid there

Shiryu kept looking around as he was wondering why the book of babel brought him here, then his eyes landed on a particular area that was emitting the most terrifying energies in this battlefield.

It appeared to be the core where the tide of the battle was decided and many powerhouses fell.

A human warrior exuding imposing aura clad in complete purple armor was there amidst it all , his hands firmly gripped a golden trident, and he sat there domineeringly on a massive Golden throne that was on a mountain of corpses made of a thousand devil like creatures.

But this devil like creatures were different from the others, he saw. that they look the same but were leagues stronger than the rest, and their aura of slaughter was higher, it felt like by just standing close to their corpse to turn one into a mindless killing machine.

Most peculiar was that there were about 50 devils on top of the mountain of corpse around purple clad human and his golden trident, they each had red tattoos on their foreheads and golden chains wrapped around their bodies, looking closely shiryu saw that they were in a prison like suppression formation and the man in purple armor trident seemed to be the core.

"Each of these devils feel super strong, and I'm sure they only need to breathe to blow me into nothingness even when I was at peak as prime! , yet this guy seems to be doing pretty well suppressing them!!! How strong is this person exactly" I thought as I looked on

"Shiryu!! My chosen one, you are finally here" as i was observing, a familiar voice drifted into my ears.
