
I took a deep breath then I brought out the Book of Babel, and then opened it and sent my martial soul into it, immediately I felt countless memories and experiences of ancient warriors, inscription masters , alchemists, forgers , beast tamers flooded my mind.

I adjusted my breath and calmed my mind, the informations were too much and i couldn't access a large part of it at once because of my weak realm and martial soul power so I focused on what I felt extraordinary and useful to the current me,

for instance the [Babel Alchemy compendium], it was like a complete Avalon Alchemy encyclopedia present since ancient times.

Shiryu skimmed through the numerous informations fron alchemy compendium in his mind and he was left in awe, although he had never practiced alchemy before and all the potions when he used when he super prime was gotten from the tower of Babel he could see that the great Alchemy God Alan had reach a terrific level as an alchemist.

he happily skimmed through the numerous manuals of pill refinement techniques and notes from the divine alchemist, he got fascinated and studied different alchemy and the full lists herbal medicine and heavenly fruits used for refining intensely for hours until he got a better understanding of alchemy in the Avalon world

Alchemist were divided into several ranks before crossing to God level

[Rank G- Alchemy apprentice

Rand f- Advance alchemist,Rank E- Proficient alchemist,Rank D- Master alchemist ,Rank C- Grand master alchemist,Rank B- Alchemy emperor, Rank A- Saint alchemist, Rank S- Saint king alchemist]

Then :

[Divine rank Alchemist grade from the lowest grade nine to highest grade one]

Above all stood God rank alchemist that hasn't existed in Avalon since the great war!.

Pills made by Avalon alchemist are known as heavenly pills, these pills are further divided into low grade, middle grade, high grade, extreme grade and imperial grades and finally the tribulation heavenly pill, of course the tribulation pill hasn't appeared in year's and even alchemy God's dream is to create such live changing pill.

*Knock knock*

While I was busy absorbing the alchemy daos I heard a knock on my door, I opened my eyes, turning to look and said "come in"


My door opened wide and a silver haired girl head peeped in, then walked in with big strides and hugged shiryu

Shiryu smiled as he hugged her back, he stared out the window and saw that it was already noon, he had been meditating for hours nonstop and now needed to test his alchemy skills

"Big brother can we take a walk around town, mummy, and dad have been ignoring me all day and I have been extremely bored and tired of cultivating all day long humph" she pursed her lips as she said with soft tender voice

"You mischievous girl only know how to jump around and play, I intend to go get some herbal medicines from league of alchemists in any case, let's go" I said happily as I grabbed momo and put her on my back then we headed out the Ryu castle.

We explored the capital city of Akinlore, visiting different stores and places enjoying the scenery and making memories until finally we arrived at the branch of the league of Alchemists in the city of Akin lore, it was a grand looking building 5 stories high the exterior was engraved with many expensive rare metals, wealthy merchants, alchemists, and high-ranking people in the city regularly came to buy pills and request for pill refinement.

On the lower 2 floors herbal medicines, the middle floor had numerous pill refining rooms available for rent for none members and the final 2 floors were used by members of the league of alchemist.

All citizens of sky fall empire recognize that the league of alchemist as one of the strongest factions, and they had a branch located in every part of Avalon. Even the small Akin lore kingdom had a branch.

Shiryu mission here today was to buy as many herbal medicines as possible and to practice alchemy to the rank G apprentice level, so he could make pills that will aid his and momo's cultivation at the same time prove his alchemy skills to his mom, so he could pass her refining techniques and recipe to aid her and his father's growth.

Shiryu pulled momo hands, and he quickly found the herbal shop, when he walked in he saw to his surprise the childhood sweetheart of the former shiryu Xiao wanru behind the counter, he sighed as he said under his breath "enemies ,indeed walk in narrow paths".

Suddenly I felt killing intent coming from beside me, I turned to look and saw my pure sister cute face was seething with rage, momo quickly tried to pull me to leave, had it been before I broke through she might have succeeded in dragging me out with her stronger strength.

I stood there firmly, my lips curled up as I cracked a wicked smile as I came up with a wicked scheme, then I looked at my cute baby sister trying to pull me away to protect me from here to not get my heart broken all over again, I turned slightly and smiled an assuring smile at her, then pulled her to walk towards Xiao wanru's counter in big strides.

Xiao wanru was playing with her nails with a cheerful smile on her face, things have been going well for her recently, she thought of how she used her beauty to get engaged to the LAN clan young master!. who was also an early-stage rank F alchemist and was regarded as a once in a century alchemist genius in the league of alchemists and numerous resources was expended on him by his clan and the league,

Even the kingdom of Akin lore branch master of the league of alchemist, a middle-class Rank E alchemist took a liking of LAN feibai and took him as his only disciple, and with his support, the LAN clan family status and strength soared. LAN feibai dotted on Xiao wanru a lot,, so he found a way to make her the sales person of the herbal store in the league of alchemist building.

she then thought of shiryu and her face turned hideous as she said coldly "how dare he covet a beauty like me, with your good for nothing trashing martial spirit, I can't wait for patriarch to kill your good for nothing father ill make you become my slave and pay for all the times I was forced to play with you, ...,that loser silk pants will still be licking his wounds now hehehehe"

While she was gloating at Shiryu's presumed condition she heard footsteps fast approaching her, she quickly raised her head to attend to customers and her face reflected deep shock as she saw a smiling fully healed Shiryu walking up to her.