mercilessly ripping off LAN feibai

chapter 7: mercilessly ripping off LAN feibai

"Does your poor family have up to that amount! I'll accept your bet with a condition, if I lose I'll give you a 100 thousand gold coins but if you lose you'll take your life right here and now!" lan feibai said arrogantly with a smug smile on his face

When the high class citizens and nobles that were still in the league of alchemist building heard this they gasped in shock, then grew exited and quickly gathered around them ready to for a good show, some of them even went as far as using recording talismans to record the confrontation, some even used long distant communication talismans to tell more people

Although this bet was just a contest between juniors, behind them were two major clans, The royal Ryu clan and the LAN clan! of Akinlore kingdom!.

This alchemy contest would be a prelude to the upcoming battle for the Throne!.

Shiryu sneered in his heart when he heard LAN feibai's condition, this LAN feibai and his clan always felt suppressed ever since his Ryu clan came to Akin lore city and took over the throne ; they've always wanted to Return to power and now that LAN clan head suddenly broke through, they've gotten bolder even daring to ask for the life of the only prince as a wager for a meager bet.

But Shiryu wasn't displeased, if anything he was excited about this fat cow that fell on his lap, one had to know that he was in dire need of coins as he needed to get more heavenly medicines for his pill refinement practice.

"If you want to play, then go all out hehehehe"

Shiryu thought as he smiled at LAN feibai then said" Lan feibai don't go too far!, how dare you wager my exalted self life with a mere hundred thousand coins?".

LAN feibai didn't was keen on hiding his evil as he gave shiryu a cold glare and said, "what do you think you, a mere 3rd layer essence gathering realm martial artist is worth?, are you going to back out of a bet you arrogantly proposed, does the Ryu clan only have a bunch of spineless cowards!"

Shiryu curled his lips and said, "don't try to goad me, I do not intend to back off but don't you think the stakes are unfair?, I mean I am still the heir of the Ryu clan and prince of Akinlore, I'm pretty sure my head is worth at least five hundred thousand gold coins but since I was the one who proposed the bet I'm willing to cut it down to four hundred and fifty thousand gold coins, you can also pay in heaven pills or low-tier essence stones".

Hearing this, the people gathered were confused but couldn't help but burst into laughter, the Prince was too strange, if it had been someone else with their life on the line they would have immediately found a way to withdraw, but this young manor lord was here haggling the stakes for a bet he didn't stand a chance at winning.

LAN feibai was taken aback and he didn't reply immediately, he felt that Shiryu was different today he radiated a calm aura, as if everything was under his control, even yesterday when shiryu confronted him, shiryu had been shaking from top to bottom before he was beaten up, Lan feibai even looked at little Momo who was standing and smiling cutely by shiryu's side, she didn't even have a hint of worry in her eyes. "what's with this sudden change, where does he get his confidence from! " LAN feibai softly said under his breath.


"Accept his terms make sure you end his life!, don't bring shame to the LAN family and your master!"

While he was hesitating, a long distance talisman message came and sounded in his ears, it was his grandfather, the clan patriarch! Apparently he was also paying attention to the commotion here.

Lan feibai took a deep breath a coldly said "I accept!, I will not bully you too much, so we will compete in refining the simplest and most popular heavenly pill : the rank G essence recovery pill! "

Shiryu smiled "okay, shall we proceed?"

although he hadn't refined this pill before, he had memories of saint God alchemists and many notes on refining different ranks of the essence recovery heavenly pill up to divine rank level, (this pill is used by martial artists to quickly restore depleted essence and can be consumed continually) and he also had experienced refining on his own when he recently refined the essence exploding pill.

LAN feibai still felt uneasy in his heart, but he was already ridding the tiger's back and couldn't withdraw at this point! He shrugged it off and proudly walked forward and said with a dignified voice loudly "Let us go to the pill battle hall, we'll both refine the rank G essence gathering pill, and we'll use the heaven's eye scale to judge the quality of pills and choose the winner (this scale was created by the league of alchemist millenniums ago to judge the quality if refined heavenly pills).

Shiryu smiled a weird smile that freaked out everyone watching and said, " why rush? you might not necessarily be able to pay up after I am done with you hehehehhe" he quickly followed hand in hand Momo, he needed to get on with this bet before his parent heard and came to ruin his fun out of fear for his life.

LAN feibai face twitched hearing this but didn't reply.

he coldly snorted and kept on walking.

The audience stared at shiryu's back as he walked away as they shook their heads.

"What a moron, what is he acting all mysterious for when he knows he's going to end up dead!?" a man wearing golden ropes said as he looked at Shiryu in disdain

"This is probably one of those occurrence where one gains courage in the face of death" another man said.

Few minutes later

They arrived at an elegant hall that was fifty by thirty meters long, there stood a stage with over 20 cauldron's on it, around the stage were thousands of audience seats.

shiryu walked up to the stage and selected a middle rank G artifact cauldron, LAN feibai walked to his side and brought his cauldron from his spatial ring, a red cauldron with golden embroidery it radiated a blue radiance showing its rank, a high rank F artifact cauldron, he received it as a greeting gift from his master.

Over two hundred high-class citizens were currently gathered to watch the alchemy battle.

An old man with a dignified face stepped on stage and said "my name is Ouyang Ming a peak rank F alchemist and I'll be preciding over this alchemy contest, the results will judged by the quality of the pills, if both pills quality is the same, then it will be further judged by the speed of refinement and the number of pills produced with the set of ingredients for a single heavenly pill refinement".

As he said, that, a pill boy brought two sets of essence recovery people and handed it out to shiryu and LAN feibai.

Ouyang Ming looked at both of them then said in a hoarse voice "commence!"

LAN feibai and shiryu then closed their eyes to clear their minds and bring their mental capacity to the optimal state.

Shiryu was the first to open his eyes after looking through the memories and notes of alchemy Gods, he began to sort out the heavenly medicines: red hearth apple, ten-year-old lingzhi, ten-year-old ginseng...

Then he gathered them together then he used his God hand techniqueto condense them into a pill embryo!

Shiryu actions immediately attracted admiring looks from the crowd

"Such exquisite hand control"

"Look at how pure the embryo looks, I'm afraid it's at least sixty-five percent pure"

"His mastery of his technique is too high, this old man can't see though it, I've never seen anyone condense a pill this fast and end up with such high quality embryo" said a high rank F alchemist

Even ouyang Ming stood up in shock! "How is this possible, the purity of the embryo was way higher than he had seen, even the hall master of the league of alchemist branch in Akin lore city hall master ouyang Kai! Couldn't condense an embryo this pure, one had to know that he was a Highly respected rank mid rank E alchemist!

Shiryu didn't hear any of their comment, and he wouldn't care if he did, he put the condensed embryo into the furnace.

Then with a flick of his arm a egg sized violet fire appeared in his hand although it was small the heat it was emitting was as intensely powerful as a low rank F alchemist sacred flame, his martial spirit the green-eyed violet Dragon, phantom slowly emerged behind him, normally alchemist will have to seek out flame essence and fire treasures to create their own alchemist sacred flame and slowly build it has they grew stronger using their essence and flame based treasures(the rank of sacred flame an alchemist possessed determined their alchemist in addition to the ability to refine the corresponding pills), shiryu didn't need to do any of that as he discovered one of the perks he received from his evolved martial spirit was his own sacred flame and it was far stronger than any of the same rank.

the audience felt something was not right with Shiryu's martial spirit as they remembered it to be the trashy green eyed serpentine, but they didn't dwell on it too much, they were currently intoxicated with his performance and continued to enjoy the Art like refinement.

shiryu slowly controlled his essence flame that his Martial spirit provided him into the cauldron, controlled the temperature and slowly refined the ingredients with his soul force

" such high level of fire control!"

" turns out essence recovery pills can be refined like this, after this I have to enter closed door cultivation and mediate on all I saw today maybe ill be able to break through., indeed the young will surpass us" said a peak rank F alchemist as he sighed.

"Pill condense!"

A while later Shiryu said softly as he finally finished refining, he then opened the furnace and took the pills under the solemn gaze of the audience

Although his actions were quick and people barely saw it, pills sparkled dazzling light while emitting rich fragrance. many of the audience had high cultivation base and able to discern that every one of the pills were at least top high-grade essence recovery pills or the legendary peak essence recovery pills

Everyone present apart from Momo were completely shocked, one had to know that it was difficult for even a rank E alchemist to refine high rank pills

The audience then threw pitying glances at LAN feibai who was arduously refining his set of pills, everyone knew that his best will at most barely reach high-grade pills.

At this moment, the audience remembered when shiryu said LAN feibai was in for a massive loss this time!, he might not even have cloths on his back after he settled the wager.