Ryu clan Hidden strength

chapter 9:

Ryu clan's hidden strength

"Young man, I deeply appreciate your talent as an alchemist, would you be willing to be my disciple!?" Ouyang Kai said with an arrogant look on his face.

Shiryu was taken aback when he heard those words, his gaze grew intent as he stared deeply into Ouyang Kai's eyes, who was standing in front of him with a proud smile on his face, "this old fogey is shrewd enough! He must have noticed how magnificent my God hand technique is and covets it and was probably trying to probe the origins of shiryu's techniques, haha, haha, imagine how he'll feel if he knew that the remaining 2 evolving pills he refined and kept were 100%peak grade!, How can he, a mere old rank D alchemist dare ask me to acknowledge him as my master, someone as amazing as me with divine bloodline and memories from numerous saint God's and Divine rank alchemy God's, people of Avalon really don't know the immensity of heaven and Earth! If I acknowledged someone as shitty as this as my master, I really should just go die the most pathetic death of all".

Shiryu forced a smile and humbly replied, "I appreciate this opportunity, but sadly, it's not one I can accept because I already have another master who has been good to me, and it will be a huge dishonesty on my part to acknowledge another master while he is still alive"

Ouyang Kai furrowed his eyebrows upon hearing shiryu publicly reject him, he felt a little discontent about it and even wanted to discipline this junior for not knowing what's good for him, but he thought of the 'master' behind shiryu and shake the thought of, a person could groom a monstrous alchemist like shiryu will definitely be someone with great authority and power, this master should be at least a high rank D alchemist this was totally not someone could beeasily provoked.

He shook his head, he was not going to give up, at the very least he would try to rope this boy in then slowly milk him of all his secrets he carried. He then said to shiryu "too bad, seems our have no luck in having such a blessed disciple as you, the heavens are truly unfair, he sighed then gave shiryu a dark brown card and said, "this is a League of Alchemist VIP card, this card is loaded with the 500000 my unfilial disciple owes you, with this card you can be granted access to any league of alchemist branch on the continent as a guest and with it, you get 5% percent of your purchase at any heavenly medicine store in any league of alchemist building, and lastly young friend when you encounter any alchemy problem free to seek guidance from me".

After saying this his body swayed and *swoosh* he arrived in front of LAN feibai who was in utter mess presently, his skin was extremely pale, it looked like his body had a major loss of blood essence, he frowned and sighed in his heart this useless LAN feibai might not be able to recover from today's loss, he bent down and picked LAN feibai frail body, gave him some pills to swallow and used his essence qi to help LAN feibai refine the pill until his condition got better.

Ouyang Kai beckoned on some people to take LAN feibai away, then he majestically left the pill battle hall.

The LAN clan patriarch named LAN boxi quickly followed him and sent Ouyang Kai a soul essence sound transmission "master Ouyang what is going on?, first you refused to let me kill Sima Ryu yet, and now you let that boy go scot-free after publicly disgracing your disciple, he even dared to refuse your good grace, an alchemist with such terrifying talent shouldn't be allowed to live or given room to grow, sooner or later, he might be a thorn in our sides in taking the throne!"

"Master Ouyang we have had the upper hand already, I beseech you to not hesitate any longer and allow me to lead my clansmen to completely out to rout the Ryu clan" the LAN clan patriarch solemnly said with his head bowed and his eyes seething with bloodlust his heart filled with rage and his fist clenched.

He really hated the Ryu clan for taking the throne from him decades ago, for someone who had grown up in power and had people lower their heads fearing him, it was extremely difficult for him to accept living under another's rule, if it was a people stronger sect or a stronger country he would have just accepted his fate but the Ryu clan was an expelled clan with merely over five thousand members with little powerhouses but was able to usurp his throne after a bitter battle Many clan members including his son died that day a decade ago, Later he was approached by Ouyang Kai who gave him numerous pills that caused him and his clansmen's strength to sour! After his strength had surpassed Sima Ryu he wanted to take revenge for his past humiliation, he wanted to kill Sima Ryu drinks his blood and grand his bones so bad, but he had been restrained by Ouyang Kai to wait for week more, so suppressed his rage but now that the most talented alchemy genius of his clan in a hundred years was utterly defeated and probably already had his heart of alchemy destroyed by that bastard prince from the Ryu clan he could help but erupted once more.

Ouyang Kai sneered upon hearing the Ouyang boxi's words. How could he not see through Ouyang boxi's thought? "It's truly pitiful that you think that after surpassing sima Ryu you can walk all over the Ryu clansmen's heads, but do you think they don't have someone stronger than you, even though they were expelled from that place and lost most of their powerhouse a lean camel is bigger than a horse, according to my informants sima Ryu was nothing but the face of the Ryu clan, their remaining powerhouses were lying low, they are currently having twelve early layer martial warrior elders and four supreme elders that were middle martial warriors and the blood brother of the sima Ryu named Bima Ryu was already at the late martial warrior realm since he went into seclusion a year ago!, so tell me how can your puny clan triumph over them, even a hundred of you attacking together you will still die under Bima Ryu's hands"

Lan boxi eyes dimmed hearing this, although his clan had grown at a rapid pace there was no way they could contend against such massive force, he felt despair, was he destined to never have his revenge for his son, he was unwilling! He raised his head and gave Ouyang a hopeful look, hoping he might have a way.

Ouyang Kai glanced at him smiled wryly and said, "just proceed with the battle I and my people will take of the rest, go back and make your preparations!"

LAN Boxi felt a like a considerable burden had been lifted from his body when he heard that, his grew face grew rosier with excitement, and he immediately thanked Ouyang Kai and left with a happy smile on his face

Ouyang Kai glared at LAN Boxi's departing back with a look of disdain, the LAN clan were nothing but mere tools to him, all he wanted was to use them cannon fodder, Ouyang Kai was fully aware that the status he enjoyed as an honourable rank D alchemist was nothing at all in higher level countries especially the central city of Talios where experts were everywhere and he could find countless Alchemist better than him, he believed it wasn't because of his talent that he was still a mere rank D Alchemist but due to the fact that due to his poor background and wealth he didn't have enough resources to practice and hence grow further.

so when he found out about Ryu clan expulsion to this backwater city he steeled his heart and wanted ti seize this chance to seek opportunities from their misfortune by robbing them of their wealth and maybe use their wealth to achieve a higher boundary and while doing that become the overlord of a Nation. firstly he found a way to be transferred and became Akinlore league of alchemist branch master, secondly he began to stir conflict between the clans and ruling Ryu so he would use them as vanguards against Ryu clan, he didn't immediately attack them head on because he was worried that if he did people that were indebted to Ryu clan ancestors might step in and cut him down , but by using causing a civil with the 3 great clans in Akinlore no outsiders will be willing to meddle in their affairs regardless of the outcome as long as he didn't go too far and murder the whole of Ryu clan members.

"After I am done with the Ryu clan I will capture and torture that Shiryu until I'm able to get that his transcendent refining method, with it, I'll be able to finally have a breakthrough. so what if his master is a powerful person and if he decides to retaliate I'll just run back to the league of alchemist branch at Talios! and hide, what will he be able to do to me then?haha haha" Ouyang Ming cracked a sly smile as he thought of this, his eyes was green with greed currently and he cracked a maniacal smile, he didn't look like the majestic Rank D alchemist this time but like a hardened criminal.

Some miles away oblivious to the Ouyang Kai's plotting against him and his family, Shiryu was smiling as he and Momo stepped into the Ryu's palace Gates and returned home, things had gone his way today, after he got the VIP card from Ouyang Ming he used all of it to purchase rank E, F,G heavenly medicines, his next plan was to give his father Cultivation methods and techniques that will greatly strengthen him before the battle, and he'll guide his mom to refine her fire to the rank D level and then refine rank D pills that will directly increase his father's cultivation, after that, he'll refine rank G pills and use it to greatly increase his strength and the Ryu clan army soldiers. After he succeeds in elevating the clans strength he would then go on to elevate the average martial ranks of the Akinlore citizens and make it a powerful country!!