Famillial ties

chapter 10; Famillial ties

Shiryu smiled as he enjoyed the scenery of the Ryu castle as he walked towards his royal father's palace in the deeper parts of the palace, the Ryu castle was divided into three parts ,first the outer parts were the normal members and descendants of Ryu clan resided and the middle city that had 12 palaces that belonged to the elders of Ryu lived and finally in the inner area a circular surrounded by the amael mountain was a grand white palace where the royal household hold dwelled.

On their way to the inner area Shiryu and Momo met many young members of the Ryu clan who were returning from the martial arts arena and library which was located in the inner parts of the castle, shiryu perceived many admiring, respectful stares brimming with desire from them, even the patrolling guards gave him sincere respectful bows when they saw him, evidently they had heard of the Alchemy battle and how he trashed LAN feibai and how high the quality of pills he was able to refine, shiryu nodded and smiled a knowing smile in response, he was well aware of the importance of a powerful alchemist in a family and obviously these young talents and guards wanted him to refine pills but had to quell their urge as he was the crown prince and young clan head of the Ryu clan.

A while later Shiryu arrive at a grand golden palace in the heart of Ryu city palace, this was his royal father's palace that was built decades ago after he became king of Akin lore, Shiryu slowly walked in and found his way into a grand hall that stood about a 100ft (30.48 m) tall and the walls engraved on them at the end of the grand hall he saw his father clad in his royal robes and exuding majestic aura, sitting on a golden throne with a proud smile on his face, by his right on smaller throne sat shiryu's mom the royal queen she wore a beautiful blue gown. They looked so majestic and entirely different from how they looked the Last time Shiryu saw them.

Momo ran towards the queen Fri Ryu, gave her a warm hug then sat down cutely on laps giggling happily.

"Royal father, Royal mother your child has returned" Shiryu bowed as he greeted.

"Hahaha haha it's good to see that you are finally recovered and have been busy wrecking havoc in the league of alchemist and were able to give the LAN clan a heavy slap in their smug faces, I wish I was there to see the face of that foolish LAN patriarch and that senile Ouyang Kai looking embarrassed from being rejected by you to be your master haha haha" Sima Ryu said as he roared in laughter.

Shiryu smiled and responded "dealing with those small fries can't be considered a big deal, I barely broke a sweat and how could I accept someone with such weak alchemy skills and talent as my master"?

Holding Momo in her hands Shiryu's mom smiled as she said, "you naughty boy you sure know how to act arrogantly, and when did you become a terrifying alchemist, the messengers reported that you told Ouyang Kai that you were taught by a master, but I'm pretty sure I've never taught you about alchemy or seen any alchemist in clan guide you to refine pills before, so how did you become this fierce my boy?"

As she said that king Sima Ryu stopped laughing and gave Shiryu a curious look, even the playful Momo stared at him intently

Shiryu smiled when he heard her, his alchemy was too shocking,, so it was normal for everyone to want to know how someone like him who barely knew anything thing about alchemy.

Shiryu pondered for a moment then said "Royal father, Royal mother it can be considered that your son benefitted from disaster this time, when I was in coma I had a long dream and met a terrifying old man, he said he comes from a distant land and was freely travelling and enjoying a carefree life when he saw me and took a liking to my talent and that I was like a treasure that needed to be unearthed , so he gave me pointers on alchemy and gave me some ancient cultivation methods and even helped to evolve my martial spirit, when I woke up I thought it was one of my silly dreams but to my surprise I remembered Every thing he taught me and was eager to try them out, so I proceeded to the League of Alchemist building and the whole LAN clan drama ensured afterwards"

Shiryu heaved a sigh as he explained all this, although he trusted his parents and his sister Momo and didn't want to lie to them, the book of Babel and Bracia was an Earth shaking matter and the fewer people who knew the better, so it was safer for his family to assume there was a mysterious master behind him.

Shiryus family grew excited and were happy on hearing this and didn't for one second think he was lying, cause the shiryu's reply was the most reasonable explanation for his sudden change,

Sima Ryu was a bit worried at first about the motive of the mysterious master, whether he had any ill intentions but looking at it, it was impossible for Shiryu to possess anything worthwhile for such a great character to crave and secondly even if Shiryu possessed treasure he craved, he wouldn't go through a roundabout and long way to form a disciple and master relationship with Shiryu cause as someone who was able to directly enter Shiryu's dream, his realm, and strength should be unimaginable and unfathomable, so he could easily capture Shiryu and take his treasures with ease. But such a master had taken a liking to Shiryu taught him, this could be considered a big fortuitous encounter that would change his life completely, so how could Sima Ryu not be exited.

Sima Ryu stood up and walked towards Shiryu smiling and patted him on his shoulders "Good, very good I'm truly happy for you my child,from now on, you have to work very hard to grow stronger and make that senior proud, and myself and your mom will do our absolute best to support your growth, forget about us dealing with the Ryu clan and train safely and come 6 days later whatever happens I'll guarantee you and your sisters safety"

Shiryu's mother Fei Ryu nodded with a resolute look on her face.

Shiryu felt warmth in his heart seeing them support him even with the pressure and burden the Lan family and Ouyang Kai were giving them; he decided that he will grow stronger and protect them at all cost, even though this world and his parents were different from the one he used to have this family loved him deeply and were practically incarnations of his dead parent, so he felt deeply close to them.

Shiryu looked at his loving family and said sincerely and resolutely, "I promise from now on I'll dedicate myself to cultivation and strive to be the strongest under the heavens!, And about the LAN clan and Ouyang Kai I might be able to help!"

Sima Ryu and Fei Ryu smiled seeing him like this, their son had truly grown up