The Great Divide Forest

The Great Divide Forest~~

*Bang Bang Bang*

The next day after a long night refining numerous pills and Shiryu woke up tired as the sunrise to find someone knocking at his door, he got dressed and went to open the door



A silhouette jumped into shiryu's arms immediately he opened the door, who was it if not the adorable looking Momo?

Shiryu patted her hair and looked up to see his mom Royal Father and Royal mother standing at his living quarters entrance with a pleased smile on their faces, they must have come to bid him farewell

Shiryu smiled at them as he felt his father's aura was more robust and stronger and his mother's face was rosier, they must have had a long night together dual cultivating the Dragon phoenix Ying Yang art and the effects were evident.

"Good morning Mom and Dad, I'm surprised you came, I would have handed the pills to Momo" ShiRyu said with mischievous grin on his


"Enough of that nonsense you naughty boy who cares about any of that, I've come here to tell you to be prudent while traveling and do not take unnecessary risks" FeiRyu said with a motherly tone, her eyes were red-rimmed as she reached to hug Shiryu

"Mom, I know, and it's just for four days and I won't be venturing too deep" shiryu said as he left his mom's hand and handed her the massive bag containing a part of the pills he refined overnight.

The king only nodded at shiryu with a supportive smile then he gave Shiryu a four foot long short sword as he said, "this is a low rank D sword that I used in my younger days and have gone through endless slaughter with me, and I hope it can keep you as you adventure, secondly after spending years by my side soaked in my blood I can sense it's location, so if you are in any form of danger make sure you break the sword and I'll will move heaven and Earth to arrive before understood?"

"understood your son I will definitely take care" Shiryu received the sword with an appreciative smile, he swung the sword left and right and was pleased with its sharpness then he put in his spatial ring, He then gave his parent a bow, smiled at Momo and mounted his Horse, a black dragon colt quickly turned and left for the castle gates.

Shiryu's silhouette slowly disappeared from everyone's sight as he walked further away

King Sima Ryu smiled as he saw Shiryu off, he wasn't too worried because he had plans in place to protect shiryru this time he sent a squad of four peak layer seed condensing realm red knights led by an early seed revolving red knight to protect Shiryu and stay in the dark, he then looked at his wife and Momo who were still looking at shiryu's direction in a daze, he came over to their side and said, "enough staring, shiryu is gone and will be back soon no need to be overly worried let's go back and prepare too"

200 miles (ca. 322 kilometers) west of Akin lore nation main gate

After riding his horse for a day and some hours, Shiryu finally arrived at the edges of the great divide forest by noon the same day.

This so-called great divide forest was dense forest composed of thousands of trees, heavenly medicines and numerous life forms such as demonic beasts that have lived for hundreds or even thousands of years.

the great divide forest have existed for thousands of years and was situated about a hundred miles behind the walls of Ryu castle, according to legends, the great divide forest was, in fact, a thousand miles long deep crack and was left behind by a powerful sword strike of a powerhouse when he battled a demonic cultivator powerhouse that had terrorized Talios nation for years indulging in mad slaughter, rape, kidnap, and other treasonous deeds, the battle went on for days and shook the earth and split the sky, at the peak of the battle the powerhouse burned 50 percent of his blood essence and erupted his potential to release a terrifying strike so formidable, that it split the demonic cultivator in half then pierced into the earth and divided the battlefield into 2, forming a deep crack.

The swordsman life force withered away later on due to his blood essence being overdrawn, and he passed away in the deep crack along with his nemesis, the demon cultivator, after their deaths b the essence energy around the great divide rose, years later countless trees heavenly trees and plants filled the area and many demonic beast gathered and began dwelling there, many martial artist from Akin lore and other neighboring nations usually ventured to hunt demon beast and sell their parts or search for heavenly herbs and heavenly fruits.

Shiryu wanted to start cultivating the peak Body cultivation method Bracia gave him, the heaven perishing art, and he needed a heavenly pill called the blood essence pill, this heavenly pill recipe includes numerous heavenly materials with demonic beasts blood as the core ingredient

Shiryu's target this time was to hunt weaker rank 1 beasts that wandered around the edges of the forest then extract their blood essence and use them to refine the heavenly blood pills while also basking in glorious slaughter, and he was going to absolutely avoid venturing deep into the great divide forest because there were terrifyingly powerful rank 3 and 4 demonic beasts that even his father and uncle would have to flee from living there.

Shiryu dismounted from his horse and sent it back to Ryu castle,

"so this is the great divide forest, the spiritual energy is several times thicker and woah! so much low rank heavenly herbs, if I cultivate here I should be able to cultivate faster with half the effort" Shiryu smiled as he enjoyed the scenery of the forest, back on Earth after many years of advancement many forests have long gone extinct so it was really impressive to see one such as large as this one

After walking 20 miles (32.19 km) in, he frowned as he heard leaves rustling by his left side, this was the sound of demonic beast approaching, he immediately he grew alert, he found a 20 feet (6.1 m) high tree and quickly climbed it then and looked at the direction of the noise, he was surprised to see about a dozen ferocious low rank 1 jade eyed silver wolves were desperately chasing a little golden monkey their eyes were red in anger as if the monkey killed their parents, and they couldn't wait to rip the little guy to shreds .

The jade eyed silver wolves we're about 4 meters long and their eyes were mysterious looking like jades their fangs were crystal clear and about 2 inches long their bodies were covered with robust silver furs they looked breathtaking, but the little golden monkey didn't have the time to appreciate their appearance as it was struggling to survive currently

The monkey was scurrying frantically as he narrowly escaped numerous slash from the claws and sharp fangs of the wolf about 5 feet (1.52 meters) away from the golden Monkey

Although Shiryu was happy to see so many rank 1 beasts, but he wasn't rushing to attack as was wondering why these big wolves were hunting such a little monkey and thought that even if they caught it, his flesh wouldn't be able to be fill a gap in their teethes, he narrowed his eyes and looked at the golden monkey, and it seems to hold a yellow fruit, Shiryu searched his memories and he recalled the name of this fruit, it was a rank F heavenly earth lemon, he remembered that it was highly beneficial for martial artists beneath the essence revolving realm and could even directly raise an essence gathering artist cultivation by several layers.

ShiRyu heart began to thump in excitement, he was truly being blessed by the heavens and this monkey was really his lucky charm, he had barely entered great divide forest and chanced upon such treasure


At this moment the monkey arrived under the tree Shiryu was on, a ferocious glint flashed in the closest jade eyed wolf as it roared and bared it's fang then it jumped with it's mouth wide open and it's claws stretched for the little monkeys neck

Shiryu brought out his bow and arrow and took aim, he circulate and imbued pure essence on the arrow and fired!.