Treasure monkey

Treasure monkey

The arrow shot downwards at a terrifying fast speed, the Arrowhead was laced with the deadly rakshaka poison, it was one of the top low rank poison he got from the book of Babel and could cause instant death to a martial artist beneath the seed condensing realm,

The poison was one of many preparations Shiryu made for this trip a night before.


A miserable beast cry was heard as the arrow penetrated the jade eyed silver wolf's forehead in between its eyes as it was about to bite the golden monkey's neck.

The force of the arrow shot that wolf backwards like lightening and its massive body crashed on nearby leaves, the poison quickly spread from its head to its other body parts, and it gasped in agony several times and wailed in pain, eventually it grew silent then it stumbled and fell and breathing it's last.

Seeing the unfortunate end of the first jade-eyed silver wolf, its companions stopped chasing the Golden monkey and quickly gathered close to each other, their eyes had a hint of fear and anger as they raised their heads in the direction the arrow came from, and their gaze landed on Shiryu who was looking down on them from the top of a dense tree with a big grin on his face and arrow in hand,

their jade eyes grew berserk when they saw the detestable human who killed their companion, and they howled loudly in rage with killing intent overflowing from their bodies, they charged at the tree wanting to devour shiryu.

Shiryu frowned when he heard them howling loudly "these bastards must be calling for reinforcements, I have to end this quickly"

Shiryu recalled that jade eyed silver wolves where social animals and moved in large packs sometimes up to a thousand, although he had no problem dealing with this low rank 1 wolves, it would be tiring and risky if he more came and surrounded him, and he would eventually run out of poisonous arrow and essence qi, there might even be a lot of high rank 1 jade eyed silver wolves that were as strong as peak ninth layer essence gathering martial artists among them that might be troublesome to deal with.

*Swish swish swish*

Shiryu launched his attacks, he fired a series of arrows in rapid succession, the arrows were precise and hit the vital points of several wolves, their limbs, their eyes were hit

the jade- eyed silver wolves howled in pain and began to fall one by one as the deadly poison spread and ravaged their insides, the rest began to flee in panic but Shiryu wasn't going to allow none of that he was already in full on slaughter mode after several breaths of time the final jade eyed wolf fell and died

Shiryu quickly climbed down from the dense tree and made his way to the corpses of the jade eyed silver wolves, he brought out a small knife from his spatial ring then he took out the beautiful jade eyes of each wolf and kept it, he could use them to refine arcane eyes heavenly pills later on, then he skillfully cut out their bone marrows for the blood essence.

After cutting out the last marrow shiryu's face changed, he felt the killing intent of powerful beasts just now, and they were rapidly approaching his location from all directions, shiryu turned and quickly grabbed the golden monkey that was standing by side frozen in shock of how fast the terrifying beast were slain. Shiryu then he unleased his movement techniques that he learned in his adventuring days in the tower of Babel!

Lightening ROC void shift!

In less than a second Shiryu crossed several meters away from his previous location, he turned and ran to a direction with lower rank mostly beast approaching.


Loud howls sounded behind Shiryu as he was running, Shiryu felt a deep sense of crises as felt their horrifying killing intent pressing on his back as they grew closer, Shiryu mumbled depressed in his mind 'shit, shit, how did they get here this fast, there has to be at least a hundred wolves coming this time and I can sense that the one leading them is awfully strong, it is at least a late rank 3 jade eyed silver wolf there should be 3 others with equal strength in the pack too!'

As Shiryu was lamenting his fate in his heart rapid footsteps sounded around him all around him the surrounding leaves parted, and numerous jade eyed silver eyed began to appear, and he was surrounded by about 100 wolves

Shiryu didn't stop running worried that the rank 3 beasts will catch up to him; however, he brought out his short sword and slashed at a low rank 1 jade eyed silver wolf in front of him, cleanly chopping its head off, he then used the lightening ROC void shift technique and appeared behind another wolf, and with a heavy jab of his sword it died,

Shiryu moved gracefully through the horde of jade eyed heavenly silver wolves continued to slaughter his way out of the encirclement, blood splattered all over him. His robes were now soaked in blood and his essence was running low, Shiryu saw a cave ahead of him, and he charged towards it like a cheater when he about to enter it ShiRyu brought out a small bag from his spatial ring containing all the rakshaka poison powder and threw it the wolves behind him, about 29 of them inhaled the powder and died

Shiryu ran into the cave quickly, Shiryu found a boulder in the cave, and he madly spun the vortex in his chest sending essence to his body and used all his strength to push the boulder to completely seal off the entrance.

The wolves didn't dare come near the entrance because the rakshaka powder was still in the air, but more and more continued to gather around.

Inside the cave

After confirming the boulder could keep wolves out for now, Shiryu dropped the golden monkey by the side and sat down crossedleggedly then he swallowed 2 extreme essence recovery pills.

He had a Frown on his face as he thought of how he had almost died the situation was totally out of his control and out of his calculations 'damn it this stupid monkey is so good at causing trouble, it must have stolen something worth even more than the heavenly earth lemon for even rank 3 beasts to join the chase, or I will be dead meat this time, uh? That's right, what did this bastard steal'.

Shiryu eyes lit up then looked at the little monkey by his side and asked "hey little monkey what did you take from that wolf for it to chase you frantically like this"

The golden monkey just continued staring at shiryu and acted like it didn't understand

"Stop pretending you darn monkey I know that you are a golden sumo treasure monkey, and that you have a special space where you can store things in your armpits, so share whatever you stole now, or I will directly toss you to wolves"

The monkey face changed and hint of deep fear appeared in its eyes, it looked at shiryu with a wronged expression 9n it's face, then it put his hand in his armpit and brought something out.

Shiryu eyes grew bright when he saw it, and his heart began to race this was undoubtedly what he needed the most right now.