Bloody Afternoon

Bloody Afternoon

Shiryu had a big smile on his handsome face as he felt the little pure violet essence energy released from the violet blood core, it was able to refill the little essence energy and slowly healed the wounds on his body.

"The pure violet energy effects are this great and I feel the violet essence core hasn't purified even up to a percent of the blood essence I just absorbed, guess I'll have to slowly refine that later, first I have to deal with this pack of wolves and get away from here quickly before the bigger rank three wolf's join the mayhem, I should have a lot more blood essence to refine! By the time I escape! He-he" shiryu thought like a maniac, looking fiercely at the direction of the remaining wolves not affected by the rashaka gas quickly surrounding him.

Shiryu's veins bulged on his arms as he reached out and with a powerful force, he quickly grabbed the throat of a peak rank 1 jade eyed silver wolf biting towards his neck, the wolf struggled to leave his grasp as it waved his claws to scratch at shiryu's chest, but it couldn't leave a single dent on his skin, Shiryu ignored its meaningless strikes, and he raised his shirt sword and stabbed at the wolf's underbelly ending its life quickly, then he threw the heavy corpse with all his strength at the wolves by the side.


Sounds of bones breaking and wailing was heard as the body directly fell and crushed the bones of two wolves in front, the wolves whimpered in pain but ShiRyu already arrived in front of them and sent them to their maker

"Little Gold come let's break out from there" ShiRyu shouted, and he dived into the horde of wolves at a superfast speed and leaving a gruesome bloodied scene behind him, he slashed his sword here and there and limbs and blood splattered everywhere, his strikes were so powerful that it easily cleaved even rank 2 jade eyed wolves into two, slaying them one by one, shiryu's close combat quarters techniques was fully utilized.


By his side Little Golds eyes were emitting a strong red light of murderous internet as it roared savagely and beat his chest then pounced at the wolves and pummeled them with his claws, his superior strength and speed was in full display as his fist was strong enough to crush all the bones of a rank one jade eyed wolf, and it ripped apart numerous wolves into shreds with its sharp golden claw.

A bout of slaughter ensued

Man and monkey engaged in a fierce battle that unfolded at a scarcely believable speed

More and more jade eyed silver wolves blocked their way, and they became stronger and stronger, shiryu's robe were now soaked in blood and a deep wound appeared on his chest as a rank two hard eyed silver wolf sunk its claw deeply into his chest, ShiRyu frowned as he felt an acute pain as the claw pierced all the way to his heart slightly, blood overflowing unceasingly from his wound, he gritted his teeth in anger grabbed the claw and used it to pull the wolf towards him with his left hand and 'swoosh' with a powerful force he chopped the rank two jade eyed silver wolf, its body fell, and its blood essence flowed into shiryu's body, the violet pattern reappeared on his body and the violet blood core greedily absorbed all the blood essence and released pure energy that slowly healed shiryu's wounds. However, he didn't bother about that as he poured attacks on attacks without rest.

Wounds continued to appear on ShiRyu and little Gold's bodies as they frantically tried to break through the encirclement, but the jade eyed silver wolves weren't doing much better on the contrary they suffered no small loss!, among the over eight hundred wolves surrounding them over two hundreds were slain.

Shiryu's heart began to beat faster and faster as more time began to pass, he felt the apprehension the big rank three wolf alpha felt towards him was becoming less and less, and he might order the stronger rank three wolves to join the battle, he had to leave here fast, or he might end up as chew toy for those rank three jade eyed silver wolves!

Unfortunately he wasn't going to have his way, Suddenly alarm bells went off in shiryu's mind, and he felt a terrifying aura lock fiercely on him! And then he heard a very loud roar, and it sounded to ShiRyu as if that peak rank three jade eyed silver wolf shouted 'attack'!


Roar roar roar

Immediately the earth began to shake for thirteen lower rank three wolves bared their fangs and with rapid footsteps, they fiercely charged towards the battlefield, they were extremely fast that ShiRyu couldn't keep up even with his enhance body, they quickly arrived about seven meters away from where ShiRyu was and the thirteen wolves eyes suddenly began to glow as terrifying aura pressured the whole area outside the cave and then transparent wave of attack ravaged towards ShiRyu

Shiryu's face turned ashen pale as he looked at the direction and felt the attack they unleashed swiftly heading for him "this is awful. I'm fucked this time" ShiRyu muttered under his breath, he remembered that this was innate skill exclusive to rank three and above jade eyed silver wolves known as : soul Piercer, it was a move that overlooked any defense and directly attack the martial soul!