The soul piecers were powerful wills of jade eyed silver wolves compressed into a small sharp knife, usually shot out from the crystal like eyes of a jade eyed wolf!



The attacked finally hit ShiRyu and his pupils constricted and cried out in pain, chest tightened, and his legs were shaky as the invisible wave pressed on him and attacked his martial soul, his mind was in utter disarray as the thirteen sour piercers stabbed his soul spirit the violet phoenix! In his inner mind, gradually small holes appeared in the violet phoenix making it have a tattered appearance, it was a really unpleasant feeling as it felt like thirteen knives were slowly eating his soul away, his consciousness slowly fading away.


Making strange sounds the Book of Babel slowly lit up in his mind and released a gold blinding light overflowing with comforting aura that enveloped the violet phoenix, shiryu's martial soul immediately felt better, and the thirteen knife wounds healed rapidly, in a matter of time it was completely healed.

ShiRyu felt surprised at this new-found use of the Book of Babel, protecting his martial soul, this would have been exciting news if not that he was still in a dangerous situation.

All of this happened in a matter of seconds and in this short period of time one of the rank three jade eyed silver wolves directly appeared in front of ShiRyu and with swift movement, it raised its claw and slashed right at shiryu's chest.

ShiRyu came to at that moment and saw the terrifying claw approaching he tried to evade the attack as he poured essence energy into his leg and strengthened it with the violet core then he activated his ROC void shift movement technique to teleport, however he only felt his body plummet as if imprisoned by a powerful will, a terrifying aura came crashing down on him and completely locked on him, stopping all his movement.

When the difference in the realms of martial artist or beast was high enough the strongest of the pair could use only their aura to suppress the weaker cultivator and crush them as easily as an ant, although shiryu's bloodline recently evolved, his realm was naturally still low, and he could barely resist the aura of a middle rank three beasts, but the gap between him was just too large, a peak rank three beasts and numerous rank three beasts pressing on a seventh layer essence gathering martial artist, it was already impressive that ShiRyu could remain on his feet.


Unable to evade the sharp claws came crashing down on shiryu's chest, it was an Earth shattering blow, the claw dunked inches deep into his chest and sent him flying backwards; he crashed on several wolves directly crushing them to death, shiryu's body sunk inches deep into the ground, and he couldn't muster strength to rise. A deep wound appeared on his chest, blood madly gushed out from it, if not that shiryu's organs were recently strengthened by the violet blood core his insides would have been directly pulverized, he revolved the violet blood core rapidly refining the blood essence and sending pure energy to heal it's wound, but he was too injured to be completely healed in a short period of time.

Little Gold happened to see ShiRyu getting struck and his miserable appearance, it roared in pain, and charged towards ShiRyu killing all the low rank wolf in its way disregarding wounds that quickly appeared in its body dying its golden fur red, its case was much better than ShiRyu, his realm was higher, and its bloodline recently awakened and much better than shiryu's bloodline, so it was easy for it to resist the powerful aura pressing it.

Sprinting forward quickly it appeared by shiryu's side raised him up into his embrace and stared at him with a comforting gaze and ShiRyu saw it's eyes it reflected deep worry then he looked behind little gold and saw the thirteen wolves already caught up sending a mad wave of attacks, their combined attacks were enough to cause fear for even an early rank four beasts.

"Little Gold I'm sorry" shiryu said under his breath with a soft voice at little Gold who was now using it's body to shield him, he was too reckless and naive this time to think that he could force his way out of this killer environment with his meager strength, he should have remained in the cave and cultivated more.



*Crackle* *crackle*

The terrifying attacks landed one after the other, the earth shook, sounds of bones breaking sounded out, little Gold body was almost crushed into meat paste.

ShiRyu throat was choked full of blood and he felt suffocated, his body was in so much pain, although their time together was short they had long grown used to each other even formed a form of telepathic connection!, shiryu could feel it was suffering deep pain and dying as its breathing was uneven and the gap between his breaths got longer and longer, shiryu's heart felt pained seeing the half dead little Gold beside him it brought back painful memories of his parents dying in that car crash.

His rage reached an unprecedented level, his body shook and in the next instant the violet blood core spun ten times faster forcefully refining the blood essence and forcing sending pure energy to his body, his body swelled and blood thirsty aura overflowed from his body, his eyes turned scary as a red glint that could cause one to trembled in fear flashed in his now scarlet red eyes violet feathers grew around his skin strengthening it significantly .

Shiryu stood up! His bloodline aura Immediately suppressed the aura of the rank three jade eyed silver wolves, his body was overflowing with power and bloodlust as he sent a deadly gaze to a rank three wolf closing in by his side this stupid wolf attack was the most heavy and is mostly the cause of little Gold's poor state, the wolf felt like it was being stared down by the blood Yama from hell causing it to shrink back.


"Due for me!" Swoosh, Sprinting forward shiryu leaped in the air then smashed over a powerful punch at it, he didn't imbue essence just pure strength, but it was totally enough as it directly crushed the skull of the rank three jade eyed silver wolf, but shiryu didn't stop , still enraged with blood red eyes and blood soaked knuckles, he kept punching the pitiful wolf explosively,

Tragic wails and bone chilling growls filled the ears of every wolf in front of the cave

The remaining twelve wolves tried to help and bit their sharp fangs into his skin and slashed their claws at shiryu's body, but he painfully received their attacks and sent impactful blows to them sending them crashing backwards and his ear-piercing voice entered their ears "whoever stops me .....dies!" Then he continued pummeling the poor wolf under his feet, ten punches, twenty punches, a hundred . The impactful sounds reverberated in the air, the wolfs body gradually shrunk as the violet core rapidly suck its blood essence forcefully refining it and passing pure energy to shiryu's entire body, shiryu's physical powers continued to climb, he unconsciously released terrifying aura causing the nearby wolves to shrink in fear.

Thud thud bang bang!!

Awooooo awooo

The scene was so gruesome as the impactful sounds kept sounding out, the leading peak rank jade eyed silver wolf kept roaring for the other wolves to attack shiryu, but sensing the threat of death from shiryu they totally ignored it, fear filled their eyes as they watched the crazy human decimating their kin

The peak rank three wolf was extremely enraged, but even it couldn't muster the courage to 'disturb shiryu's venting', it felt awful, this pass few days were just unlucky it, first it was already injured from a clash with another peak rank three crimson fire bear when they battled earlier on for the blood essence core, but that hateful monkey played the role of a mantis stalking cicada and made away with the loot, second a little army of five well coordinated soldiers managed to stall it while shiryu escaped to that cave, the hateful bunch so sneaky, and it took it getting heavily injured to cause them life-threatening injuries before it could break their formation and now that it was so close to getting it's precious core back, so it could break through to rank four, ShiRyu brought it another annoying surprise!


It finally cried out in despair