If you take another step forward you will die!!"

Chapter 22 :If you take another step forward you will die!!"


Several breaths of time later and after landing several hundred blows, making the strange sounds the book of Babel shook once more and generated a golden white-ish glow to wrap along shiryus soul, the radiance shot towards the violet patterns that caused shiryus bloodthirst slowly disintegrating it, and his mind slowing gained clarity but his appearance remained terrifying

ShiRyu examined his inner body, his violet core was now full to the brim from absorbing so much blood essence and his body was bloated, his aura was chaotic, but he still emitted terrifying pressure and the wolves didn't dare do anything, they only stared at him with uncertain and hateful gaze praying that this God of death won't turn to them and mindlessly slaughter them.

Shiryu raised his head and looked at the scared wolves around him causing them to shrink back in fear, even the rank three jade eyed silver wolves, only the alpha wolf leading the pack didn't dare meet Shiryu's gaze, and it's face was brimming with thick killing intent, it suddenly took a step forward planning to end shiryu once and for all

"If you take another step forward you will die!!"

In that instant a cold chilling voice sounded in the alpha wolf's ear and suddenly a massive amount of killing intent overwhelmed it as if God himself was watching it and it look no different than an ant to whoever said that, the alpha wolf trembled under the pressure and cold sweat drench it's jade furs.

Immediately the alpha wolf stopped and gave a low cry telling the remaining jade eyed wolves to remain put and let shiryu, this little God of death pass!

the wolves were relieved , after seeing the speed ShiRyu displayed in killing the unfortunate rank three wolf, they were truly afraid, but they couldn't be blamed Shiryu's current appearance could bring chills to ones spine his eyes were blood-red and violet patterns appeared all around his body emitting blood chilling aura, but what they didn't know was ShiRyu was not as calm and tranquil as he appeared for he was totally spent, all his body was hurt, his meridians, his pores, and bones were burning! From forcefully absorbing all that pure energy, he really needed to find somewhere to cultivate and refine all this blood essence in his violet blood core, he was basically running on fumes and could collapse anytime.

ShiRyu coldly looked at the scared wolves he knew this was his only way out, playing tiger!!!, so maintaining his terrifying aura and appearance and his lips curled up showing his canines that currently looked like that of a blood sucking vampire. He slowly stood up holding the recognizable savaged rank three jade eyed silver wolf corpse then he mustered all his last energy then he split cut the head of the rank wolf and threw it at the leading wolf at the back.

The wolf head that had an unwilling look on its face before it died flew at breakneck speed, splashing blood everywhere and with a crashing thud! It landed directly in front of the peak rank three jade eyed silver wolf head The peak rank three jade eyed silver wolf alpha had a nasty expression on its face, enraged in seeing the decapitated head in front of it,, but it didn't dare make a move! It was sure that whoever warned it was still around and coul surely take its life with just a slightly heavier breath

Seeing the wolf alpha wasn't going to attack ShiRyu was elated in his heart, but he maintained his frosty appearance not showing any weakness, then he took heavy footsteps and slowly walked towards where little Gold lay, he frowned then picked little Gold's bloody body up, its condition was currently much worse than before and his breathing were slower.

ShiRyu steeled his heart and ignored little Gold's condition took a direction and set out deeper into the great divide forest, he knew he had to quickly leave here, or he would be truly end up dead, the wolves in his path parted ways letting him pass

Thud thud thud

Under the sharp gaze of the wolves behind him, ShiRyu took steady footsteps distancing himself from the pack, three feet… One meter… Ten meters …. a hundred meters

His silhouette gradually disappeared from the wolf pack's sight.

After getting far enough ShiRyu swallowed three extreme rank G essence recovery heavenly pill he refined previously refined and his completely depleted essence sea slowing recovered, if someone else with the same realm as shiryu saw this they would gasp in shock and insult ShiRyu for wasting such treasure, one of such extreme pill to refill one essence sea and until it overflowed and broke through but shiryu directly swallowed three and his realm showed no signs of improvement.

ShiRyu wasn't bothered about that because he was worried of little Gold's health and currently had no pill that could improve bodies condition.

Immediately his essence completely refilled up, ShiRyu activated the lightening ROC void shift steps, he moved deeper into the great divide forest until he found a cave.

He slowly placed little Gold body on the floor and gave him many extreme rank G bone mending pills he had on him, the effects of the pills were minimal, little Gold's aura stabilized a little but his condition was still terrible causing him to frown.

"not good he's not going to make it .... I have to quickly reach the seed condensing realm so I can refine rank F pills that will surely be effective in healing little Gold's injuries." ShiRyu muttered worriedly under his breath then he sat down crossedleggedly aside little Gold.

He calmed his mind and slowly reached a selfless state

Meanwhile somewhere several miles from were shiryu was staying a figure appeared completely covered in azre hoody but even with that one could make out the slender and otherworldly features under the cloak, the figure stood on a tree and stared intensely at the cave shiryu was as if their eyes could peirce through the walls and see everything going on inside

"Such an interesting young man" the figure said with the most beautiful voice ever heard