Chapter 134

The students laughter filled his ears making him realize they found pleasure in his screams. 

He clenched his eyes shut, trying to take control of the vines to prove he is not a weakling as they all thought, but once again he failed. 

"What the hell, if I can't control it, then I will burn it." He growled.

As he opened his eyes, they glowed like the color of the sun. The vines that tied him to the ground, slowly burn to ash freeing him from their hostage. 

Slowly, he arouse on his feet, the field where he laid were all burnt down. A pregnant silence followed, as the students watched him covered in flames but his clothes intact. 

Since they've been practicing fireball spell, Emmett is the only one who have gotten to the level of harnessing the flame from within and that was because fireball was the only spell he have been mastering for the past one year.