Phase-Three Of Test-One - Part 1

While all the chaos was happening all over the continent, the subject of the talk was sleeping soundly in his dorms, unaware of the storm that was brewing at the moment.

Of course, it was Leo.

A few hours ago, he and his roommates jumped in joy when the teachers announced the results of phase 2 of the test.

Obviously, they had won. Fred and his followers were not happy about it, but all they could do was sulk and glare at Leo and the rest.

However, none of Fred's actions fazed Leo, Duan, Fen, and Shen. All four of them were over the moon with their results and that none of the dirty looks given mattered to them.

"Congratulations, Leo and his group. You have won this phase again.", the teacher announced.

Duan was the first to jump up in joy. "Yay! We won!"

"Woohoo!!", Shen yelled as he fist-pumped the air.

Fred scoffed.

"How did they win? We clearly took a lot of their things.", he mumbled.