CHAPTER - XLI ( R-18 )

Illyana pressed closer to me as we entered the portal I felt a tingling that ran through every cell in my body.

I closed my eyes for some reason the portal sensitized my eyes to light.

"are you well Illyana."- I said it a little blinded she clung closer to me.

"yes I'm fine honey."- She said it happily.

"who the person you brought from that dimension we will not be able to return her"-susan ask looking strange.

"you are behaving like the usual susi well you recovered so quickly."- I asked.

"Well I had a solution to make the symptoms go away temporarily."- Ben said it calmly.

"but going back to the old topic you already have a beauty without counting Jennifer."- Johnny said it with a look of envy.

"this is Illyana she connected her soul with mine."- I said it seriously.

"that's amazing would you tell me a little more about your magic."- Reed ask interested.

"That's weird, mostly scientists deny that it's a lie and that everything has a logical solution."- She said it curious.

Reed : "That's how it would be in your reality, but in a world where magic is known worldwide and there are heroes who use that unknown force that current scientists look for a logical solution."

Reed : "And for the most part wizards are very secretive about their abilities, denying them the opportunity to study the phenomena they generate."

"I like your reality better honey and tell me here the mutants are really treated with respect."- She ask curious.

I looked at the time since my phone returned to the time of my dimension, I saw that I had half an hour left before the three hours would pass.

"Does anyone have a shirt or t-shirt that I can wear I have a job interview."- I ordered it in a hurry.

Ben just nodded and went to his room.

"what happened to your marks now they look like chains."- susan ask curious.

"Some strange events caused some changes in my physique and I found out that I am half demon."- I said it to see how ben returns with a long-sleeved shirt that I put on and some.

"I owe you Ben."- I said it to get out.

Susan : "Richard I hope you tell your partner about where you live."- She said so, but I had already left the place to see through the window that he was already outside the Baxter building.

Illyana : "don't worry I can teleport to his house after all we are connected."

"So Dr. Reed tell me what do you want know about magic."- She said it calmly.

with Richard.

I ran hurriedly down the street seeing everything calm, I just sighed.

'It's nice to be home without having to fight to just be something different.'- I thought it calmer.

[In that you are right, sir, I have to tell you that your SP will be released within three days from today, so I recommend that you prepare everything because your fighting abilities will be greatly reduced during that time]

"I know helpi you don't have to tell me." I said something annoyed with myself.

Already heading towards Frost industries I see people talking calmly, some looked at me excitedly, others took my photos.

I pause for a moment to pull out my phone and text Emma that I'm on my way.

with emma

P.O.V. Emma Frost.

Emma : "As we talked, Mr. Lex, I am not interested in a date with you."- I said tired.

'I had to motivate him, but it doesn't matter, I just hope that my love comes so that he can spend all his time with me.' I thought excitedly.

In that my phone rang I see that it is a message from Richard notifying me that he is on his way.

I stand up hastily.

"Clara, tell Amara that Richard is on his way and bring me my best dress quickly."- I said it quickly to the loudspeaker

"Understood Miss Frost"- She told her quickly to do as requested.

'He's already on his way, he'll know I'm better than any bitch in his path.'- I thought happy.

End of P.O.V. Emma Frost.

I just smiled when she sent me a nude picture of her.

'I will not deny that she is a beauty.'- I thought happy.

I returned to my jog heading my way only to see how a car fell near me.

'This has to be a fucking joke.'- I thought annoying.

Behind me is a battle of Peter against something I only turn to see to find.

It is a huge lizard about 2 meters 65 centimeters long with green skin, a long tongue and a somewhat destroyed lab coat, teeth about 7 centimeters long in an elongated mouth, a long tail that seemed to give it stability to stand on two legs, hands and 4-toed feet.

Peter: "what's up lizard is glued to the ground."- He said it playfully.

By firing a web blast that temporarily pinned him to the ground.

The beast with only one pull of his force broke the ground, managing to stand up and with its claws remove the web.

The lizard roared in anger to charge at Peter.

Peter switched his triggers so they fired a blast of freezing lightning at the lizard's feet and tail.

Peter: 'It's good that there is.'- He thought so proudly.

It was only seen how it was easily released, but since the tail was more attached it was the one who was the most frozen, he didn't care and with a jerk she separated from his tail as if it were anything.

Peter: "what's up higuana you're sad because you lost your tail."- He said it mockingly.

He didn't expect his tail to start growing back quickly.

"I didn't expect that." He said it surprised.

'Shit I didn't expect him to recover that fast.' he thought upset.

Peter began to dodge the blows that the reptilian beast launched, firing its electric webs paralyzing him.

"Take that super developed alligator gar." He said it mockingly.

The lizard roared in fury to free itself from the web.

'I've only been in this dimension for three hours and Peter is being attacked by some overgrown higuana bitch.'- I thought annoying.

I checked what I had left, I only have one light grenade left.

I just sigh and turn quickly to charge I throw the grenade he looks at a moment so that it explodes mowing him down.

"stupid lizard."- I said it seriously to prepare my fist that hit his snout that plus the speed with which he was going sent him flying a good distance.

"yes, it's hard even from the blow my hand went numb." I said moving it.

"are you okay spider-man."

"yes all right and what have you done."- He said it casually.

"Well I'm going to see a job and I don't ask you because I know what you've been doing all day."

"stupid inferior race."- Lizard said it furious.

"wait the higuana just spoke."- I said it intrigued.

"You had heard him speak right."- I asked.

"I'm surprised too I just heard him roar and try to rip my head off with his teeth."- peter said it calmly.

"the hard life of a superhero."- I said it jokingly.

The lizard launches a car in our direction I catch it Peter shoots his webs only to get a tail swipe from the lizard and with his teeth he bites my arm and tries to separate it from my body.

"aaaah!!"- I just screamed in pain to hit him in the eye with my other hand causing him to let go.

"So you like to bite."- I said it annoyed while he carved the eye I bite the hand that removes his fingers and then kick him in the chest sending him flying.

I spit out my fingers and used my functional arm to wipe the blood away.

Look at my injured and useless arm for the moment.

'I have nothing.' I thought seriously.

"Spider-Man, get up."- I said as I reached out my one good hand to help him lift him up.

Peter : "your arm is very bad."

"That doesn't matter at this point we have to stop that stupid thing."- I said it annoying.

He just nodded.

The lizard stood up furious I saw how it recovered the fingers that I ripped off.

I relaxed a bit to start using healing on myself reducing the pain in my arm and regaining some mobility I relaxed it because his bite damaged the tendons.

I see how the lizard walks away seeing that it is at a disadvantage.

"he's running away!!"- peter said it to shoot a spider web and chase after him which didn't last long as the lizard uncovered a sewer and threw the cover at Peter or rather his spider causing it to fall to the ground.

"Well he just ran away."- I said it calmly.

At that moment I remembered the clothes I looked at only to see the clothes that Ben gave me torn and with my blood and the one from the lizard that is a green color.

'this is shit well they lent me these clothes and I already destroyed them now as I tell ben that his suit was ruined for fighting with a 2.65 meter tall reptile.' I said it annoying.

I look at the time.

'I'm running late.' I thought rushed.

Leaving Spider-man behind.

Already on the way, I arrive at the gates of Frost industries.

I just sigh to relax my arm a bit, already fully recovered.

I entered the building and I am greeted by a nice mature woman with an attractive appearance and a smile.

Receptionist : "hello sir. What Do you come here for?" She said it in her calmest voice.

"I'm here for the job interview."

"You must be young Richard right." She said it with a smile.

"yes." She looked at me without discretion.

"Something's wrong."

"I just have a question that I pass on to your clothes."

"What happened that I was a 2 ton lizard." I said it annoying.

"Well, without further ado, I think I'm going to my interview."- I said it to walk to the elevator.

"Miss Frost's office is the last one."- She said it herself as she waved me off.

"Thank you."- I said it to push the button for the top floor.

"Mrs. Frost, he's already down the elevator."- She said it over the comm.

"Thank you clear always."- Emma said it excitedly.

Arriving at the top floor walk a bit to be in front of the office door knock gently.

"Come in."- Emma said it with a soft tone.

I walked into the office and looked at Emma who was wearing a one piece dress that highlighted her figure by marking her well defined ass and her barely covered breasts

'It's good that you were able to come back from your little trip."- She said it happily.

"Thank you for believing me Emma."- I said it with a smile.

"It always amazes me when you say my name so easily."-;She said so herself with a flirtatious smile as she walks over.

She sits on my lap she lifts her dress up a bit to get closer to me as the dress she is wearing is very tight.

"I didn't come for proof that I'm an act for the job."- I said as she runs my hand over her firm ass she let out a small moan.

"The interview has already started."- She said it in a sensual way to join her lips with mine she felt how her tongue entered my mouth.

I entered my hands on her dress I felt the softness of her skin I slowly climb it just to feel her thong.

She ripped off the remains of my suit to separate from her kiss and kiss my collarbone and go down to feel her soft lips touch my body is so pleasant.

'It's nice to be able to relax somehow.' I thought enjoying her as her lips reached my abdomen.

"let me see what you keep honey." She said it with a smile and a look full of lust.

I reach my pants I unbutton them quickly to see my erection in all its glory I felt her breath touching my cock.

"I hope you enjoy it honey." She said it herself with a predatory smile.

In that she licked the head of my cock causing her to moan with pleasure as she felt her tongue go down to my cock and then go up while she with one of her hands plays with my balls and gently presses them.



"um-em-Emma you're doing great."- I said it enjoying myself, but I felt something was missing with my hand to grab her platinum golden hair as she reached for her head to suck I felt the head of my cock feel her warm mouth.



I forcefully pushed my cock deep into her throat. She opened her eyes in surprise, but before she had time I backed away from her giving me an angry look and then sinking back down her throat as she let out a groan of pleasure.


She placed her hands on my hips to go deeper. The movements became repetitive. I just enjoyed how warm and wet she feels.

"Emma, ​​I'm coming."- I said it to then pull her head so that my cock goes deeper releasing all my seed into her throat which she drank without thinking.



"You know honey you're the first person I've let her treat me so roughly I would have mostly ripped his dick off."- She said so herself with an excited look.

"You know why don't I do it with you."- she ask quietly as she takes off the dress attached to her showing how she came into the world.

"I don't know."- I said it sincerely.

'I must say that title is broken when it comes to attracting powerful and dangerous women.' I thought it was funny.

"because I love you I will not deny that I have slept with different men, but none caused me as much desire as you just to feel close to me." She told me to sit on her desk and spread her legs showing me her wet pussy.

"when you kissed me for the first time I felt suffocated with a feeling that I hadn't felt when I kissed my first love, but yours was stronger I felt as if the world didn't matter I only need you."- She said so herself with a wishful look.

I approached to put my hands on her legs to feel the aroma of her pussy began to get more moist when she felt my breath look at her little clitoris that is swollen with emotion.

Gently kiss that little button for her to let out a moan of pleasure with it I began to lick her outer lips only for her to continue with a melody of moans that excited me more


"R-Go on Richard."- She said it between her moans.

In it deepen my tongue inside her so that she screamed with pleasure.

She shoved her pussy into my mouth as she kept her hands in my hair to keep me from moving.

"I can see the pleasure of being able to keep a person in the position you want."- She said it while my tongue touched her G-spot, she screamed with pleasure so that my mouth began to fill with her liquid that has a sweet taste.

"Richard give me."- She said it, lost in lust.

I just smiled as she placed my cock at her entrance and entered in a single thrust causing her back to curve in pleasure on the desk.



I brought my mouth closer to hers to join our lips to start a fight for dominance in our mouths she looked at me with her glassy eyes she placed her hands on my neck to deepen the kiss while my cock went in and out of her wet entrance she hugged her legs to my hips.



"more, more, more do not stop love."- She said it as she unconsciously turned her nails into diamonds which dig into my skin.

As we continued with our act I felt myself getting to my point.


"Emma, ​​I'm cumming."- I said so as my punches increased her speed.

"Come inside."- She said it to hold on tight.

"You are mine Richard and I belong to you."- She said it possessively to bring our lips together.





Without further ado I felt how her walls tightened for me to let out a primal growl and come inside her.

Her legs trembled with pleasure as she climaxed.

"You know you are the first person to bring me to orgasm." She said it with a smile.


Richard quickly picked her up from the table and lowered her...

"What was that for?" emma asked with a frown.

"Because I want to see that nice ass of yours" richard said as he withdrew his masculinity from the seductive woman and turned her around, only to enter her once more.

"Hmm~!" - Emma bit her lips to keep from moaning when Richard penetrated her in one go. She could feel how she had come much farther now than before- "Ah~!"




"Moan, Emma..... let everyone hear how you moan" Richard whispered as he took her by the waist again and penetrated her forcefully.

Emma had one hand on the table and the other on her mouth to resist her moans but the Richard was making it difficult for her. He was doing what he wanted with her body, he was grabbing her big breasts, pinching her big buttocks, licking her neck and biting her earlobe, kissing her breasts lips, running his hands down her back but what made it worse was that she was enjoying it to the point that she really wondered if this guy didn't have years of experience.

"ah-uhmm~!" -Emma could only moan despite how much she tried not to while Richard continued to enjoy her inside her like there was no tomorrow.

"I can't take it anymore-!" - moaned the seductive women "Please, faster-!"

"As you order, my lady"-Richard said as he grabbed her by the waist and began to move her hips at great speed.




"Yes-so-!" Emma moaned as she arched her back and in the process, giving the boy a perfect opportunity to cup her huge tits and pinch her nipples- "oh-hhh~!"

"I think that was very loud and someone may have heard you"-Richard said as he quickly kissed her.

"Hmm-!" -Emma moans were now being drowned out by the continuous attacks that the handsome white-haired was making to her tongue but far from bothering her, he excited her even more. She was experiencing some of the wildest sex she had ever had.

When she met him, she wasn't a virgin, in fact, neither of them were. She was an experienced woman trained as an mutant even in the act of seduction while Richard is the mad scientist...

"Hmm-!" Emma continued to moan as she squeezed the walls of her vagina even tighter. She wanted to continue experiencing the pleasure of being penetrated over and over again by her new mind as she let lust fill her thoughts "Hmm-!"

"Anything to say, emma?" - Richard asked as they separated their mouths of her "Keep moving-!" - moaned the woman -

"That's an order as your first job~!"

"As you order"-smiled the richard as he kissed the woman again.

emma just let the two tongues continue to dance as she focused her gaze on the eyes of her lover. She was feeling how she was slowly getting closer to her climax and from what she felt with the boy's penis, he was about to cum too.

"How long do you think you can take-?" The woman purred as she gazed at him with passion and in the process, she tightened her vaginal walls even more. She could feel with greater precision all the Richard movements as he seemed to clench his teeth in order to continue resisting - "15 minutes? 20 maybe? 30 maybe?"

"Enough to fill you completely"-Richard said seriously as he stepped back slightly and penetrated her hard.

"AAAAAAAH~!" -emma could only moan as she felt how that last thrust seemed to have reached the depths of her womb "Shit, that almost made me cum~!"

"But the question here is... how long can you last?" -

Richard asked as he looked at her lustfully.

"Enough to leave you with nothing inside your balls"-emma replied as a gleam full of fighting spirit appeared in her eyes.

"We'll see about that"-Richard said seriously as he changed her position. He masterfully raised one of her legs and began to penetrate her from the side.

"Hmm~!" Emma bit her lip again as she gave him an annoyed look. She was enjoying the feel of how her smooth and huge ass was bumping against the hip of her new lover, so a change of pose not only made her lose focus for a few moments, but now she would have to get used to it again..

"It's time for the second part"-Richard said as he penetrated her again at high speed.

"Ah-!" - Emma only answered him with a groan.

30 minutes had passed and the two lovers were still doing their act of sinful passion.

"R-Richard, please b-be gent- AHNNN!!-"

"You're so tight, Emma-" Richard released a hot sigh and saw how her cum coated their crotches.





The two of them were at their limits and emma could barely contain her release- "Come~!"

"Ok" - nodded richard while biting his inner cheek to be able to resist a little more. He, too, is barely resisting the urge to fill the woman's interior with her essence, but in a last moment of lucidity, he decided to withdraw from her interior.

"Ah-!" - Emma seemed to understand what was happening and was honestly upset by the situation. She wanted to feel the inside of her being filled but after remembering the situation, she didn't say anything because in truth everything would be disastrous if things ended this way. If she allowed him to come inside her, she might end up pregnant since today was not a safe day.

"Here I come, Emma!" Richard exclaimed.

"Do it! Paint me your color-!" emma moaned as she felt the boy leave inside her. that he

"I cum!" Richard yelled as he released his essence into the whole body of the woman.





With a sharp thrust that resounded like a slap, their crotches joined in primal union, he settled himself inside her womb and released whatever his balls had within them at the moment.

"Ah-!" - Emma responded with a groan when she felt how it was covered by a thin layer of still warm liquid. Richard continued to release his ejaculation, even as he watched as the woman fell wearily onto the table.

"T-This is new..." Emma mumbled as she bit her lip. She had never been covered in cum so this was a new experience.

"Same here" - Richard said seriously.

"..." - the two passionate lovers looked at each other again while a deep silence invaded the place.

Slowly the two approached and when they were few centimeters, they kissed again.

Richard had not ejaculated on her face, so there were no problems with this action, nor did he mind the smell or feeling sticky, after all, it was the very essence of him, not to mention that after this, the two would clean.

"What do we do now?" richard asked as he looked at the woman seriously.

"I see you're not tired yet so a next round wouldn't be bad"-emma replied as she let the lust continue to dominate her actions-"What do you say?"

"Sounds like a plan" - Richard replied as he passionately kissed the woman again - "A plan that I will gladly follow, my lady..."

Emma gave him a seductive smile as she once again led him to the table that was now a complete mess.




"R-richard, please b-be gent- AHNNN!!-"





He lifted her from her ass to start over again, only the blow of meat with meat was heard, some loud moans.

Up to this point..


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A/N : Well guys this is my biggest chapter..and it's rewritten

and I very well knows you guys enjoyed this chap...>.<

Chap Length : 4.1 k words


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