After a while to my delight Emma picked up the dress, but before she gave me a glimpse of her cute ass I just reached out my hand stroking it to go into her pussy.

"you know honey if you want to continue it can be after this I'm a little numb in my lower part."- She said it with a few light moans.

I didn't take any importance from her. I inserted two of my fingers into her pussy to play with her a little longer. I pulled her to sit on my legs to stick my mouth to her ear.

"so now that you belonged to me I can fuck you again and I'm sure you will enjoy it."- I said it in a playful tone.

But she blushed to just settle down and join our lips.

While one of my hands played with her pussy the other kneaded her round ass.

"I would like to continue, but the problem is that I am waiting for someone."- Emma said it lovingly.

"you can come in amara."- She said it she would be.

A pretty girl passes by who has beautiful electric blue eyes, her hair a golden color like the sun itself, her curvaceous body, a cup C breast, wide hips and long legs.

P.O.V amara aquilla.

That bitch may be my teacher, but she's touching my future husband as well as having sex in front of me.

'who do you think you're.. Richard is mine?'- I thought upset.

"think again honey."- emma said it in my mind I can only look at her annoyed

"It's been a long time hasn't Richard."- I said it in a polite tone.

"yes it's been a while I didn't expect you to work for Emma you look very beautiful."- he said it happily that warmed my heart a bit, but he quickly cooled down as I stared at their position.

"I don't work for her, I'm one of her students."- I said serious.

"But to study at her school you have to be a mutant."- He said it curious.

"Richard I am a very strong mutant."

Richard quietly stands up to come over and give me a hug, which I gladly return.

"how have you been amara."- Richard said it himself in a soft voice.

"do you know how much I've missed you"- I said it as I pressed closer to him, I felt the scent of him, but I still had traces of the smell of sex.

"A little question what is the part time job?"- Richard ask curious.

"well that's simple you will be my personal secretary."- Emma said it quietly as he adjusted her dress.

"other than a bit of paperwork that would further."- Richard ask curious.

"that's simple, you will accompany me to explosions and other things that are necessary or sometimes you go alone on behalf."- Emma said it calmly.

"You know I don't label myself or I can behave like a stuffy person."- He said it confused.

"I'm here, Richard, I'll teach you manners and etiquette so you don't embarrass the company."- I said it professionally.

"I will be in your care, Amara."- He said it with a smile.

"I will guide you through the company."- I said it to take him by the hand and take him away as quickly as possible.

'It's been a long time that I couldn't spend time.'- I thought happy.

"How have you been?"- He said it happily.

Amara : "Since you left and my father started forbidding me to go out because he didn't want me to get together with inferior beings who are all common humans."

Richard : "but humanity is not inferior they can't have powers, but we come from them so we are part of them treating them like garbage would be like spitting on our ancestors."- He said it seriously.

"you still think like a human Richard you are no longer an inferior being think like us you have more power than them you are one of the few gamma mutants close to being beta."- I said it excitedly, he looked at me dully.

"Amara no one is better than no one there are people that you can call ordinary that can create things that you can call miracles if they decide we are dangerous they will do anything to eliminate or enslave us and we are a minority at the moment."- He said it seriously.

"perhaps we are few at this time we will prevail"- I said serious.

"you are right about that as the population of mutants increases in a rare way as although there are many people who present the X gene it does not activate so I was wondering what causes the genome to activate mine was based on being stung by a mutated spider that possibly should have killed me."- He said it calmly.

"You are interested in turning more people into mutants." Ask interested.

"No that would be bad because if there is an extremist group that forces people who don't want to be mutants to convert it is very possible that conversion could be very painful and possibly deadly."- He said it analytically.

"Leaving that behind, tell me a little about what you did when I was away."- I asked interested.

While he was telling me his anecdotes about what he lived through, I was surprised that he was confined in a military camp due to the problems of a rich boy and when he returned he did not know anything about mutants or about the changes in the world besides that he showed me his phone I can tell that it is very advanced like the one with Emma Frost, as well as that it is a great builder.

End P.O.V amara aquilla

"It was a really good thing spending time with you and reminiscing about the times when we were younger."- I said it with a smile.

"tell me, Richard, where did you live when you were younger?"- she ask.

"we sold the house as we had some problems with the money to pay off some overdue debts, it sold and rented an apartment, but we're now stable so we're thinking of buying a house like in the old days."- I said it with a smile on my face.

"I would like you to tell me when you move to another house so that I can visit them like when we were younger."- She said it with a smile.

"Of course it would be very good, I think Aunt May would love to talk to you."- I said it calmly.

"It would be good to talk to Mrs. May again."- She said it happily.

"It was good to be able to see each other again and talk to you."

"I think it was a good idea to take the job Emma was giving me." i said happy

"see you amara."- I said goodbye to give him a hug.

After that I take out my phone to call my lab.

"Sir, Richard what can I offer you"- SIF said it.

"Prepare a box of grenades and compress them, I'll need them possibly tomorrow."- I said it seriously.

"Understood sir something else."- SIF ask seriously.

"If you prepare my previous model and the prototypes of gauntlets are a success so I want you to add the ones generated for when I landed an electrocute blow on my opponent."- I said it happy.

"So it was a success. I'll add the generators. Another thing I want to mention."- I ask calmly.

"How's everything in the lab?"- I asked interested.

"Well Miss Jennifer is in a fantastic mood and Winston hasn't destroyed anything except that it seems that he has grown about 10 centimeters and has commented that he has discovered how to be more useful to you" SIF said it calmly.

"Sorry I almost forgot the shield fabrication is finished so I would like to notify Nick fury about the finished work."- SIF said it seriously.

"don't do it so fast because he will start demanding that we deliver things much faster and I want you to focus on my armor and tell victoria to be on the lookout for a request for help I'm very limited at the moment."- I said it seriously.

"Understood sir."- SIF said it seriously.

I just sighed as I finished the call I walked calmly down the street I went into an alley to jump with all my strength you only get halfway to return to the ground.

'I am limited by not being able to use those skills that I am used to, I must control my speed better, I know by instinct I cannot trust myself.' I thought seriously.

I carefully touched the back of my neck where I received the shots from the pistol.

'I lost most of my abilities, what saved me was skin of steel, it was the only thing that prevented my death at that time.'- I thought angry.

I prepared myself to only jump off one wall to propel myself to the other wall and reach the ceiling.

'I need to improve my knife skills and find something that will improve my aim when shooting anything.' I thought about it as fuzzy memories came back of me attacking the avengers and snorting at myself.

???: "apparently I met one of the two heroes of new york."- A playful voice said it.

I just turned to see where the voice comes from to see black cat.

"so you're mini catwoman."- I said it calmly.

"first my name is black cat and don't compare me with that gothic thief, I'm much better."- She said it herself in an angry tone.

I only looked at her to see that she is younger than the one I met in the other dimension and she has more curves than the other one.

"what's up you like what you see."- She said it in a playful way.

"I'm not going to deny it, you have a very attractive figure."- I said it sincerely.

"you are sincere I like that tell me what are you doing in an abandoned building."- She said it quietly, approaching calmly.

"shouldn't you be wary of me."- I said it without looking at her just for her to sit on the edge of the building.

I sat next to her.

"should I be scared of a young hero who I don't think has any experience with girls."- She said it mockingly.

"Yeah right and you're not a rookie thief who wants to make a name for herself by stealing from the biggest companies."- I said it sarcastically.

"and how do you know that I want to be a thief and not a hero."- She said it herself pretending to be offended.

"You wear a robbery kit that makes a bulge in your suit and you're not a hero because of your playful attitude walk and you see if you can steal something of value and I recommend that you give me back the mask that can kill you."- I said it to hold out my hand for her to snort in annoyance and return the mask to me.

"how did you discover me."- She said it with interest.

"I have enhanced senses and even though your scent entertains me I felt how your hands brushed my skin you must be better than that."- I said it while I show her her mask in my hand, she touches her face looking for her mask, she snatched it from me.

"it looks like we have to fight since you know my face."- She said it she would be.

"that mask would not have served you from the moment you found me I can remember your scent and by your complexion I can tell you are a year older than me, your hair and eye color are not very common so it would be like looking for a diamond pearl in a mound of earth."- I said as she raised an eyebrow.

[+10 Felicia Hardy] (you're an interesting person)

"that would not be difficult."- Said Felicia

"At first yes, but knowing that you don't have mutant ability narrows the search so I recommend you hide your hair color or dye it, although I'm not going to deny that I like silver."- I said it while she just smiled at me.

"I can give you a hologram that can change the color of your hair in exchange for something very important."- I said it calmly.

"why would you do that you are not a hero who fights against thieves or villains."- She ask curious.

"don't get confused I'm not a hero I like to protect the innocent, but I don't save everyone I don't give a shit about politicians because I more or less know their actions to stay in power."- I said it seriously.

[+15 Felicia Hardy] (you're not the typical hero who protects everyone equally)

"I'm interested, but it won't just be a hologram that changes my appearance."- She said it serious.

I just covered my mouth with the smile that appeared on my face.

"Very well, you will ask me for what you need and if you are going to steal from big fish at least look for their criminal history and if they don't have it, be very careful because they know how to cover their tracks."- I said it calmly.

I stretched a little to stand up she looked at me surprised by what I told her.

"but why do you want the help of a rookie thief."- She ask curious.

"I need you to find the scams of certain people that I will send you or ask you to look for, don't worry, you will start with the dumbest."- I said it seriously.

"So you know that they have committed crimes, but you don't have a way to prove it, so you want me to find evidence so that they can be brought to justice."

"In a certain way, but that's not all, I would also recommend that you not mess with certain people, they could be said to be untouchable by judicial means."- I said it to say goodbye.

Just going to downstairs quietly to make her think.

"yes you are a little different hero if you can't catch him by normal means you will do it by not very legal means."- She thought about it herself as she formed a smile.

"I like your style."- Felicia mentioned it quietly as she disappeared into the shadows.

[+5 Felicia Hardy] (she likes your ideology)


"So that's what you're looking for."- He said it behind the door of the building.

"Alfred look for all the people with high positions who have been accused of criminal acts and have not been able to prove themselves." Bruce said it seriously in communicator.

"understood sir bruce wait a moment in a moment I'll call you back."- Alfred said it calmly.

Batman : "you are looking to clean your city I can not deny that it is good, but I did not trust what method you can do."

"Call Barbara Gordon."- he said it in a serious tone.

**Calling Barbara** said a mechanical voice.

"what do you want bruce is too late." She said it in a slightly annoyed tired tone.

"I need you to keep a better eye on your friend, he's making deals with thieves. I want you to force Koriand'r to extract information from him."- He said it seriously.

"bruce we're pushing kori into a corner too much she may end up quitting teen titans and she's one of the few people I can consider a friend."- She said it she would be.

"You will do it or not Barbara."- She said it a bit annoyed.

"do it yourself bruce i will not lose another friendship because of your problems."- She said it already annoyed.

"Barbara, he's not human."- Batman said it seriously.

"Well he's a mutant but he's still considered human."

"I did not find confidential information that it is possibly one of the many experiments of lex luthor to kill Superman since I still do not have a genetic sample if I have a sample of the other two that are classified as failed attempts."

"But he's 15. I don't think Lex waited and let him go."- barbara said it serious.

"I found that one of the scientists who worked with Lex escaped with a created baby that he called perfect."- He said it seriously.

"wait that would not be almost impossible."- Barbara ask seriously.

Batman: "You almost said it, but the scientist who escaped was known as one of the greatest scholars in the study of cloning and genetic manipulation."

"and that person would be."

"Mary Parker, the mother of Richard Parker, wife of Benjamin Parker, who died a few months later, leaving only a widow that I think you know perfectly well."

"It's okay I'll try to convince her, but don't wait much longer."- Barbara said it to hang up the call.

Up to this point.


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A/N : Felicia Hardy in this world...>.<>.< so you guys want her in Harem...

Batman : I AM BACK!!


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